TRANSFER (LAND, MORTGAGE OR LEASE) FORM TR1 SECTION 88OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT GUIDANCE NOTES The Guidance Notes below correspond by number to the Items in the attached Application. Kindly review these notes when completing the Application. DO NOT SUBMIT THESE GUIDANCE NOTES. 1. The instrument must be dated. 2. Describe the land in accordance with the description stated on the Certificate of Title. For additional Certificates of Title, use the “Annexure Sheet A” provided. If the Transfer is in respect of a Mortgage or Lease, complete Item 2(b) in addition to completing Item 2(a). For additional Mortgages, use the “Annexure Sheet A2” provided. 3. State the name, address and occupation of the Transferor(s) in the fields provided. State the name as reflected on the Certificate of Title. If the Transferor is a company, state the Act of Incorporation at Item 3(d). For additional Transferors, use the “Annexure Sheet B” provided. Note: We require documentary evidence in relation to companies not registered under the Companies Act (Jamaica), that the company is a duly registered company at the time of the Transfer. 4. Select the interest to be transferred. Where the interest is being transferred by a Mortgagee pursuant to Power of Sale, state the mortgage number in the space provided. Where “other” is selected, the interest being transferred must be stated. 5. State the name, address and occupation of the Transferee(s) in the fields provided. If the Transferee is a company, state the Act of Incorporation at Item 5(d). For additional Transferees, use the “Annexure Sheet C” provided. 6. The tenancy must be stated. Select the type of tenancy by ticking the relevant box. If Tenants-in-Common in unequal shares is selected, the shares must be stated in the space provided. State the shares in fractions using a common denominator. Example: ¼ to Mary Doe and ¾ to John Doe. If a life tenancy has been created “Annexure Sheet D” is to be completed instead. 7. Select the encumbrances that are registered on Title and to which the Transfer is subject to (if any). State the registration numbers of mortgages and caveats in the space provided. For additional Restrictive Covenants, complete “Annexure Sheet E”. 8. Select the consideration. Where the consideration is for value, state the consideration in words and figures in the spaces provided. 1 Where the consideration is pursuant to a devise contained in a will, state the name of the deceased in the space provided. Where the consideration is pursuant to a court order, state the claim number in the space provided. 9. Select the documents lodged in support of this Application by ticking the relevant boxes. Complete the “Prepared By” and “Lodged By” fields. EXECUTION CLAUSES: There are five (5) types of execution clauses (A to E). Each clause is contained on its own page. Select the execution clause(s) which is most applicable. You may print the relevant page(s) only. The name of the Transferor and Transferee as stated at Item 3(a) and 5(a) must be reflected in the Execution Clause(s). Item A: General execution by an individual. Item B: General execution by a company. Item C: Marksman clause: To be used where the person signing is unable to read or write by reason of illiteracy, blindness, illness or any other disability. Note: This does not include mental illness. Item D: Power Of Attorney clause: To be used where someone is signing on behalf of the applicant by virtue of a Power of Attorney. The Power of Attorney must be registered at the Office of Titles. Item E: Probate clause: To be used where the witness is not one of the functionaries described in the Section 152 of the Registration of Titles Act. Select the type of witness by ticking the relevant box. Note: Each signature must be separately witnessed. Where “Other” is selected, state the occupation of the witness. Where “Other” is selected and the witness is not a witness stipulated in Section 152 of the Registration of Titles Act, state the occupation of the witness and complete Item E. This form must be presented to Tax Administration Jamaica before lodgement at the Office of Titles for stamping. Submit the Transfer Tax Certificate where applicable. END OF GUIDANCE NOTES 2 TRANSFER (LAND, MORTGAGE OR LEASE) FORM TR1 SECTION 88 OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT I/We HEREBY TRANSFER to the Transferee(s) my/our estate and interest in the land/mortgage/lease comprised in the Certificate(s) of Title below described. 1. DATE OF DOCUMENT Click here to enter a date. 2a. DESCRIPTION OF LAND VOLUME FOLIO PLACE LOT/AREA PARISH 2b. DESCRIPTION OF MORTGAGE/LEASE MORTGAGE/LEASE NO. DATE OF REGISTRATION Click here to enter a date. Click here to enter a date. Click here to enter a date. Click here to enter a date. Click here to enter a date. 3. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFEROR(S) a. NAME (1) b. ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY c. OCCUPATION d. ACT OF INCORPORATION a. NAME (2) b. ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY c. OCCUPATION d. ACT OF INCORPORATION 3 4. INTEREST TO BE TRANSFERED ALL OF MY/OUR ESTATE AND INTEREST ONE-HALF OF MY/OUR ESTATE AND INTEREST ALL THE INTEREST OF THE REGISTERED PROPRIETOR(S) PURSUANT TO POWER OF SALE UNDER MORTGAGE NO.: OTHER: 5. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFEREE(S) a. NAME (1) b. ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY c. OCCUPATION d. ACT OF INCORPORATION a. NAME (2) b. ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY c. OCCUPATION d. ACT OF INCORPORATION 6. TENANCY JOINT TENANCY TENANTS-IN-COMMON IN EQUAL SHARES NAME SHARE TENANTS-INCOMMON IN UNEQUAL SHARES: SOLE PROPRIETOR 7. ENCUMBRANCES SUBJECT TO CAVEAT NO.: SUBJECT TO MORTGAGE NO.: SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS SEE “ANNEXURE SHEET E” 8. CONSIDERATION 4 IN WORDS: VALUE IN FIGURES: BY WAY OF GIFT IN PURSUANCE OF THE INTESTATES’ ESTATES AND PROPERTY CHARGES ACT IN PURSUANCE OF THE DEVISE CONTAINED IN THE WILL OF: PURSUANT TO THE ORDER IN CLAIM NO. : OTHER: 9.SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS CERTIFICATE OF TITLE (S) TRANSFER TAX CERTIFICATE COURT ORDER CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING OTHER: 10. PREPARED BY NAME ADDRESS LINE 1 PARISH/COUNTRY FAX NO. TELEPHONE NO. EMAIL 11. LODGED BY NAME ADDRESS LINE 1 PARISH/COUNTRY FAX NO. TELEPHONE NO. EMAIL NLA 2015 © 5 A. GENERAL EXECUTION BY AN INDIVIDUAL SIGNED BY THE SAID : NAME OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT IN THE PRESENCE OF: NAME OF WITNESS SIGNATURE OF WITNESS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CALLING OF WITNESS AFFIX SEAL HERE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC JAMAICAN CONSUL OTHER: A. GENERAL EXECUTION BY AN INDIVIDUAL SIGNED BY THE SAID : NAME OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT IN THE PRESENCE OF: NAME OF WITNESS SIGNATURE OF WITNESS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AFFIX SEAL HERE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CALLING OF WITNESS NOTARY PUBLIC JAMAICAN CONSUL OTHER: 6 B. GENERAL EXECUTION BY A COMPANY TAKEN AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE SAID: NAME OF COMPANY CAPACITY OF PERSON(S) SIGNING ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY NAME OF PERSON(S) SIGNING IF NO SEAL SIGNATURE(S): AFFIX SEAL OF COMPANY IN THE PRESENCE OF: NAME OF WITNESS SIGNATURE OF WITNESS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CALLING OF WITNESS AFFIX SEAL HERE NOTARY PUBLIC JAMAICAN CONSUL OTHER: 7 C. MARKSMAN CLAUSE SIGNED BY THE SAID: NAME OF APPLICANT: SIGNATURE: MARKSMAN CLAUSE After the same was read over and explained to him/her who expressed themselves as understanding the nature and effects of the contents IN THE PRESENCE OF: NAME OF WITNESS SIGNATURE OF WITNESS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AFFIX SEAL HERE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CALLING OF WITNESS NOTARY PUBLIC JAMAICAN CONSUL OTHER: 8 D. POWER OF ATTORNEY SIGNED BY THE SAID: NAME OF APPLICANT: NAME OF ATTORNEY: POWER OF ATTORNEY NO.: SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY: IN THE PRESENCE OF: NAME OF WITNESS SIGNATURE OF WITNESS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AFFIX SEAL HERE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CALLING OF WITNESS NOTARY PUBLIC JAMAICAN CONSUL OTHER: 9 E. PROBATE CLAUSE NAME OF APPLICANT: NAME OF ATTESTING WITNESS: Click here to enter a date. DATE OF APPEARANCE The Attesting Witness to this instrument appeared before me and declared that he/ she personally knew the Applicant, the person signing same, and whose signature he/she attested, and that the name purporting to be the signature of the Applicant is his/her/their own handwriting and that he/she was of sound mind and voluntarily signed such instrument . NAME OF WITNESS SIGNATURE OF WITNESS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AFFIX SEAL HERE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW CALLING OF WITNESS NOTARY PUBLIC JAMAICAN CONSUL OTHER: 10 ANNEXURE SHEET A ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATES OF TITLE 2. DESCRIPTION OF LAND VOLUME FOLIO PLACE LOT/AREA PARISH 11 ANNEXURE SHEET A2 ADDITIONAL MORTGAGES/LEASE 2b. DESCRIPTION OF MORTGAGE/LEASE MORTGAGE/LEASE NO. DATE OF REGISTRATION 12 ANNEXURE SHEET B ADDITIONAL TRANSFERORS 3. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFEROR(S) a. NAME (3) b. ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY c. OCCUPATION d. ACT OF INCORPORATION e. NAME (4) f. ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY g. OCCUPATION h. ACT OF INCORPORATION i. j. NAME (5) ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY k. OCCUPATION l. ACT OF INCORPORATION m. NAME (6) n. ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY o. OCCUPATION p. ACT OF INCORPORATION 13 ANNEXURE SHEET C ADDITIONAL TRANSFEREES 3. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFEREE(S) a. b. c. d. e. f. NAME (3) ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY OCCUPATION ACT OF INCORPORATION g. h. i. j. k. l. NAME (4) ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY OCCUPATION ACT OF INCORPORATION m. n. o. p. q. r. NAME (5) ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY OCCUPATION ACT OF INCORPORATION s. t. u. v. w. x. NAME (6) ADDRESS LINE 1 ADDRESS LINE 2 PARISH/COUNTRY OCCUPATION ACT OF INCORPORATION 14 ANNEXURE SHEET D LIFE TENANCY LIFE TENANCY NAME OF LIFE TENANT JOINT TENANCY TENANTS-IN-COMMON IN EQUAL SHARES TENANTS-INCOMMON IN UNEQUAL SHARES: NAME SHARES SOLE PROPRIETOR NAME OF REMAINDERMEN JOINT TENANCY TENANTS-IN-COMMON IN EQUAL SHARES TENANTS-INCOMMON IN UNEQUAL SHARES: NAME SHARES SOLE PROPRIETOR 15 ANNEXURE SHEET E ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS This Transfer is subject to the additional Restrictive Covenants, Rights and Easements as set out below: 16