Honeypot IT Consulting Pvt


Automated Sports Club

Automated Sports Club


The Ellesmere Sports and Leisure Club (“the club”) provides cricket, tennis, squash, bowls, and croquet facilities to its members. In addition, there is a function room which is available to hire by anyone, and a bar / restaurant. Two main forms of analysis were performed in order to determine problems with current systems – the first being interviews with members of staff, and the second from my own observations being a member at the club for several years. A transcript of the interviews is included in appendix C. The “Object Oriented Analysis and Design” module provided useful guidance when performing the analysis.

As a regular user of the University of Leeds Sports Centre it has come to my attention that there is room for improvement in the current procedures for booking sports


facilities. Presently, sports users make bookings in person and sports centre staff record them by hand. It is felt that there would be benefits to both sports users and staff from automating this process.


Admin Module

This module is for Administrator who organizes, schedules tasks and maintains the system.

Booking Schedule

In this module users can access and can book sports club tasks.

Club Promoters

In this module different club promoters can see various tasks and organize them.

Maintenance Module

In this module different maintenance tasks can be scheduled and maintained.


This is manual maintenance system.

Here some spread sheet is maintained for listing all the members and facilities.

Bookings are also maintained in the spread sheet.

Annual bills are provided by linking word processor using mail merge.

Booking process

At present, facilities must be booked in person during term time. Sports centre staff use a printed timetable to locate available timeslots for bookings. If payment is necessary, this is made with the booking and the sports centre user receives a numbered


ticket as a receipt. This ticket is then shown when arriving to use the facilities and the booking is ticked off on the timetable sheet.


Staff currently spends a considerable amount of time administrating the booking of sports centre facilities. Their time could be spent more productively on other tasks or staffing could be reduced.

Users of the sports centre must book facilities in person. This can be a great inconvenience for those who do not live in the immediate vicinity of the sports centre.

There is currently no way for users to check what bookings they have outstanding without contacting sports centre staff. This can lead to more unnecessary use of staff time or users missing bookings.

Weekly booking records are kept on sheets of paper. If the sheets are lost or damaged there is no other method for staff to check what bookings have been made. Archived booking record sheets are also at risk of loss or damage to the only available copy.


An automated booking system could be of use to many sports centers, not just the one at the

University. In many ways, a university sports centre is a special case as membership is limited to students for whom details are already known and there are issues relating to the priority usage of facilities for sports clubs, societies and Intra-mural activities.

In the proposed system all the reservation,payments and cancellations are done on through the automated system.

Where we can not only reduce the delay in file transfer but also we can maintain the



It improves the accessibility of the members and the reduces the risk of the support staff

Relieving them of any involvement in the booking process will save them time

Although making a single booking is not particularly time consuming, the procedure is repeated many times a day.


Hardware requirements :

Pentium IV Processor.

256 MB RAM.

40 GB Hard Disk space.

Software requirements:

Windows 2000/ XP operating system.

Internet explorer 5.0 and Netscape navigator.




Web Server as Tomcat.

