Spanish II - Lesson Plan: Daily Routines

Spanish II - Lesson Plan: Daily Routines
Standards-based Objective:
Students will utilize and understand terminology relating to daily routine activities.
Students will engage in conversation about their daily routine using reflexive verbs
and reflexive pronouns.
Students will describe other people’s activities effectively using reflexive pronouns.
Students will compare and contrast their daily routine with HS daily routines from
Argentina and Chile.
Assessment Task:
 Students will fill out the blank space with the correct reflexive verb and its reflexive
 Students will write the correct reflexive verb with its correct reflexive pronoun
according to each image.
 TPR: Students will use their bodies to mimic the reflexive verbs used in song “Pin
 Students will break up in groups of 4 and will act out verbs; the rest of the group
will guess the correct reflexive verb.
 Students will talk about the similarities and difference of daily routines in the
Hispanic world.
 Teacher will observe students’ performance during activities.
 Teacher will answer questions to students during activities.
Context for the Lesson:
Social Issue
Students will be able to identify
and describe the differences in
a High School student’s daily
routine and the daily routine of
other professions (i.e. President
Barak Obama, etc.)
Culturally Authentic
Children’s song: Pin Pon; A daily
routine in a life of a HS student
from Argentina and Honduras;
Mate’s original straw and
calabash gourd.
Content from Other
Description of other
professionals’ daily routines such
as doctors, scientist, politicians,
educators, housewives, etc.
Targeted Grammatical Structure:
Key Vocabulary Words:
1) Sujeto 2)Reflexivo 3) Verbos 4) Pronombres 5) Acción
(5 min) Review - Pronouns: Relay Race Game.
Classroom will be divided in group A and group B. Each student will come to the
board to correctly conjugate the personal and reflexive pronouns on the board.
The team that finishes first wins one peso (participation points).
Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦
Spanish II - Lesson Plan: Daily Routines
(10 min) TABU (Vocabulary game): With a partner.
1. Partner A will look at the screen and see some of the words picked at random
(from the vocab list). Partner B cannot look at the screen.
2. Partner A will describe each word on the screen IN SPANISH to the best of
his/her ability.
3. Partner B will look at the screen and try to guess what words from the screen
his/her partner is describing.
(20 min) Contextualized Experience: Present reflexive verbs in a inductive manner
telling students about my daily routine.
Teacher will…
 Write on whiteboard the verbs she uses to describe her daily routine.
 Ask students what Is a “Rutina diaria”.
 Introduce a special guest (“Pin Pon”) to the class and will present the daily
routine of Pin Pon.
Students will…
 Identify meaning of “Rutina diaria”.
 Identify what type of verbs teaches is using to describe her daily routine.
 Repeat reflexive verbs used to describe Pin Pon’s daily routine and use
their body to mimic the actions.
 Learn and sing the song “Pin Pon es un muñeco”.
 Fill in the blank the correct reflexive verb used in the song.
(5 min) Focus on Meaning: PPT - What is a reflexive verb, and when to use it.
Teacher will…
 Provide examples of how and when to use reflexive verbs.
 Clarify info., answer questions, and provide further examples if necessary.
Students will…
 Be able to explain in their own words what a reflexive verb is and when to
use it.
 Identify in which scenarios/context they can use them.
(8 min)Focus on Form: Discuss the structure of the reflexive verbs.
Teacher will…
 Explain structure and composition of reflexive verbs by providing variety of
examples in Spanish and comparing them to English (i.e. Me ducho/ I
shower [myself]).
 Explain difference between regular verbs and reflexive verbs.
 Emphasize necessity of reflexive pronouns to make a verb reflexive.
 Clarify questions and comments.
Students will…
 Compare reflexive verbs in Spanish and English.
 Be able to understand the necessity of a reflexive pronoun in front of the
Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦
Spanish II - Lesson Plan: Daily Routines
(14 min) Focus on Communication: Talk about daily routine using at least 10
reflexive verbs in the present tense.
Teacher will…
 Pair up students and will have them talk about their daily routines.
 Present a video of a daily routine for a HS student in Argentina and Chile.
o Talk about “La siesta” and the “La hora del mate”.
Students will…
 Describe to a peer his/her daily routine using reflexive verbs with its correct
reflexive pronoun in the present tense.
 Will talk about the similarities and difference of daily routines in the
Hispanic world and their culture.
(16 min) Closure:
- (8 min) Adivina la palabra: Review of the vocabulary for Daily Routines
and reflexive verbs (conjugation and uses) in groups of 4.
- (8 min) Piccionario (Pictionary).
Teacher will…
 Organize and explain instructions of activities.
 Go around groups and observer and listen use of target language and
well use of reflexive verbs and pronouns.
Students will…
 Identify, expand and use reflexive verb list and vocabulary list.
 Act out verbs (TPR) and guess correct reflexive verb.
(4 min) Homework: Talk to a native speaker about his/her profession and daily
routine and bring it written to class with a picture.
Assessment Tasks
Time required = 82 minutes.
Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦
Activities – Daily Routines
ACTIVIDAD: Adivina la palabra.
Instrucciones: (No more than 5 steps, 7-10 words per step)
Paso 1: Dividir en equipos de 4
Paso 2: Elegir un papelito del sobre.
Paso 3: Actuar la palabra.
Paso 4: Quien adivine el verbo primero obtiene 1 peso.
Paso 5: Seguir hasta que se terminen los papelitos.
ACTIVIDAD: Piccionario / Pictionary
Instrucciones: (No more than 5 steps, 7-10 words per step)
Paso 1: Dividir clase en dos equipos.
Paso 2: 1 estudiante de cada equipo dibuja la palabra.
Paso 3: Quien levante la mano primero responde.
(For students who are gifted, heritage/native speakers, learning disabled, or who have
other special needs)
Students learning disabled will…
Draw pictures for certain reflexive verbs indicating the action/meaning of the
verb (i.e. if the person is doing it to himself or to another person).
Put the printed verb in the right blank space of printed song “Pin Pon es un
muñeco” instead of writing the right answer.
Activity “Adivina la palabra”: have the printed image of the word being
described so he can put it up to answer instead of speaking verbally.
Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦