Los verbos reflexivos

Los verbos reflexivos
levantarse- _______________________
_________ levanto
_________ levantamos
_________ levantas
_________ levantáis
_________ levanta
_________ levantan
When using the infinitive, the reflexive pronouns come after the infinitive and are attached to it.
Quiero _________ de la ciudad.
I want to go around the city.
Paco no quiere ____________.
Paco doesn’t want to get up.
1. Use reflexive verbs to indicate that the subject is performing the action on or for
Nos lavamos antes de cenar.
_______________________ before eating.
Juan se mira en el espejo.
Juan ______________________ in the mirror.
The Spanish pronouns _________ , _________ , _________ are sometimes expressed in
English by the pronouns myself, yourself, ourselves.
With verbs relating to personal care, use the definite and not the possessive adjective with
parts of the body and articles of clothing.
____________ los dientes.
You are brushing your teeth.
Me quito los zapatos.
__________________ my shoes.
2. Use reflexive verbs to express a change in physical, mental, or social condition. In
English, this is expressed by verbs such as to get, to be getting, to become, to be growing.
We are getting up.
¿Por qué te pones furioso?
Why ___________________________?
3. They are very often used idiomatically. In such cases, Spanish reflexive verbs
correspond to non-reflexive verbs in English.
_____________________ de todo.
___________________ about everything.
4. They are often used to express a reciprocal action. In English, reciprocal action is often
rendered by the construction each other or one another.
Tomás y Elena _____________________.
Vamos a escribirnos.
Tomás and Elena love one another.
We are going _______________________________.
5. Some verbs have reflexive and non-reflexive forms. A verb is _____________________ if
the action is being done to someone or something else.
______________ el coche a veces.
I wash the car sometimes.
______________ el pelo todos los días.
I wash my hair every day.
Some reflexive verbs are also stem-change (boot) verbs:
acostarse (o-ue) – ______________________
dormirse (o-ue) – ______________________
despertarse (e-ie) – ______________________
vestirse (e-i) – ______________________