REFLEXOLOGY TIPS FOR THE NECK, SPINE, HIPS, AND SHOULDERS Heather Han, LMT, MSCP COURSE DESCRIPTION Students completing this course will be able to under stand the basic theory of reflexology, guidelines on the feet, joint mobilization techniques for the feet, and the locations of the corresponding reflex points on the feet for the for the neck, spine hips and shoulders. WHAT IS REFLEXOLOGY? A manual therapy focusing on reflex points of the han ds, ears and feet that affects the whole body. HOW DOES REFLEXOLOGY WORK? Pressure on the feet and hands affects all organs gla nds and parts of the body. The main effects are bring ing the body to balance or homeostasis, relaxation, and circulation. Reflexology improves circulation of blood and energy and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system FEET, HANDS AND EARS AS MAP OF THE BODY FEET, HANDS AND EARS AS MAP OF THE BODY IDENTIFY LANDMARKS OF THE FEET Base of toes- neck line Diaphragm – below ball of foot Waist- base of fifth metatarsal Heel-pelvic line Spine 5 zones on each foot 50- POINT CHART ZONE THERAPY Zone therapy- what happens in one part of Zone it can affect any organ or gland in that Zone, viewed as simplified meridian system FOOT RELAXATION Ankle range of motion – dorsiflexion, plantarflex ion Ankle rotation- hand on dorsal, hand on heel Foot side to side shake Ankle side to side shake Toe side to side shake toe rotation Spinal Twist (medial) Metatarsal press (plantar) Metatarsal roll Foot pinching (lateral) Diaphragm tension relaxer TECHNIQUES Thumbwalking- most areas, primarily plantar surface of the foot Rotate REFLEXOLOGY ON THE SPINE Spine- medial aspect of foot Cervical- base of big toenail to below joint Thoracic- below joint to waist Lumbar- waist to heel Sacrum- below heel Coccyx- middle heel REFLEXOLOGY ON THE NECK REFLEXOLOGY ON THE SHOULDERS REFLEXOLOGY ON THE HIP EUNICE INGHAM AND DWIGHT BYERS TECHNIQUES Thumbwalking- most areas, primarily plantar surface of the foot It inches forward not backward or side to side Constant pressure applied with lateral edge of the thumb Thumb remains slightly bent while moving forward Support foot with holding hand GUIDELINES FOR TREATMENT Wash hands, trim nails, watch posture, relax, breath, stay grounded Take medical history For client – no stimulants, depressants or heavy meal s before session Medication alcohol or drugs may reduce sensitivity More relaxation and less pressure for first session For sore areas go to pain threshold, work other areas and come back, work from different directions Answer questions in general terms Encourage rest after the session TECHNIQUES Thumbwalking- most areas, primarily plantar su rface of the foot Finger roll- brain- distal toe- applied with pad of i ndex finger Finger walk- dorsal foot, applied with lateral edg e of index finger Hook in and pull back- pituitary, ileocecal valve, sigmoid flexure- applied with lateral edge of thu mb, sinking in and hooking slightly Rotate- spine, diaphragm, lymph drain REFLEX POINT LOCATIONS 1-14 1. Spine- medial aspect of foot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. Cervical- base of big toenail to below joint Thoracic- below joint to waist Lumbar- waist to heel Sacrum- below heel Coccyx- middle heel Brain- distal 1/3 of toes Sinuses- middle 1/3 of toes Temple- distal 3rd of big toes lateral REFLEX POINT LOCATIONS 1-14 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Side of the neck- proximal 2/3 of big toe lateral Eye, inner ear- neck zones 2-3 Middle outer ear- neck zones 4-5 Nose – middle 3rd of toes Mouth- proximal 3rd of toes Throat- neck Jaw- proximal 2/3 of toe, tmj little toe Teeth gums- proximal 3rd of toes Pituitary pineal- lateral center of big toes- peak Thyroid parathyroids- neck WHY WORK THE FEET? In use everyday for going places and daily tasks Often neglected Good substitute for massage when there are cont raindications in other parts of the body Accumulation of tension and debris from gravity Anatomical relationship between feet and body si mple and easy to understand EXPLORING THE FEET It is important to careful inspect the feet and notice fo ot conditions Temperature of different areas Texture (soft and hard areas) Bones Muscles Tendons Foot Oder Cracking in Tissues Flexibility and mobility Redness puffiness or swelling Corns, calluses, cuts, bruises, rashes, etc WHAT GRANULAR DEPOSITS MAY BE When you feel areas of tension or deposits releasing t hem can improve circulation. Often these places are c alled “crystals” or “crunchies” by reflexologists. Here are some of the causes of these irregularities in the fe et. Solid acid build up such as lactic or uric acid due to tr auma, overuse, poor nutrition, lack of oxygen, poor cir culation Injured, hardened or inflamed nerve endings Tension or energy blocks Tissue degeneration, adhesions or scabs Pollutants, foreign particles, metallic or fatty accumul ations and build up Calcifications such as bone spurs REFLEX POINT LOCATIONS 1-14 1. Spine- medial aspect of foot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3. 4. Cervical- base of big toenail to below joint Thoracic- below joint to waist Lumbar- waist to heel Sacrum- below heel Coccyx- middle heel Brain- distal 1/3 of toes Sinuses- middle 1/3 of toes Temple- distal 3rd of big toes lateral REFLEX POINT LOCATIONS 1-14 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Side of the neck- proximal 2/3 of big toe lateral Eye, inner ear- neck zones 2-3 Middle outer ear- neck zones 4-5 Nose – middle 3rd of toes Mouth- proximal 3rd of toes Throat- neck Jaw- proximal 2/3 of toe, tmj little toe Teeth gums- proximal 3rd of toes Pituitary pineal- lateral center of big toes- peak Thyroid parathyroids- neck WHO REFLEXOLOGY HELPS Elderly Children Pregnant women Overweight Athletes People who are often on their feet People with foot problems People under a lot of stress Bedridden people WHAT CLIENTS MAY EXPERIENCE Deep relaxation Balance, centered, mentally clear Revitalization Light floaty feeling- endorphin release Tingling or itchiness form improvement in nerve flow Healing signs from toxin release- nausea, diarrhe a, sinus drainage, emotional release TECHNIQUES Thumbwalking- most areas, primarily plantar su rface of the foot Finger roll- brain- distal toe- applied with pad of i ndex finger Finger walk- dorsal foot, applied with lateral edg e of index finger Hook in and pull back- pituitary, ileocecal valve, sigmoid flexure- applied with lateral edge of thu mb, sinking in and hooking slightly Rotate- spine, diaphragm, lymph drain REFLEXES 15-31 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Esophagus- diaphragm to neckline, medial zone 1 left Diaphram- diaphragm line zones 1-5 Solar Plexus- proximal to diaphragm, zone 2 Lung- Diaphram to neckline, zone 2-5 right, zones 1-2 left Heart- diaphragm to neckline, zone 1 right, zones 1-2 left Thymus- diaphragm to neckline, medial zone 1 Bronchial tube- diaphragm to neckline, between zones 1-2 Shoulder- Diaphragm to neckline, zone 5, between zones 4-5 Lymph Drain- Dorsal Metatarsals between zones 1-2, dor sal ankle REFLEXES 15-31 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 24. Ribs/ upper back- Diaphragm to neckline between me tatarsals down to waistline 25. Breast- diaphragm to neckline, between zones 3-4 26. Liver- Waistline to diaphragm, zones -4 right, zone 1 l eft 27. Gall bladder- halfway between waistline and diaphrag m, zone 4 right 28. Adrenal- waistline 1/3 to diaphragm, zones 1 left, zone 1 right 29. Stomach- waistline to diaphragm, zones 1-4 left, zone 1 right 30. Spleen- proximal to diaphragm, between zones 4-5, lef t 31. Pancreas- waistline halfway to diaphragm, zones 1-4 left, waistline REFERRAL AREAS Upper back/lower back Fingers/ toes Shoulder/ hip Upper arms/ Thigh Elbow/knee Forearm/leg Wrist/ankle Hands/foot Thumbs/ big toe PRIMARY AND HELPER AREAS Primary/ direct – specific condition Secondary/ helper- aid and reinforce healing REFLEXES 15-31 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Esophagus- diaphragm to neckline, medial zone 1 left Diaphram- diaphragm line zones 1-5 Solar Plexus- proximal to diaphragm, zone 2 Lung- Diaphram to neckline, zone 2-5 right, zones 1-2 left Heart- diaphragm to neckline, zone 1 right, zones 1-2 left Thymus- diaphragm to neckline, medial zone 1 Bronchial tube- diaphragm to neckline, between zones 1-2 Shoulder- Diaphragm to neckline, zone 5, between zones 4-5 Lymph Drain- Dorsal Metatarsals between zones 1-2, dor sal ankle REFLEXES 15-31 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 24. Ribs/ upper back- Diaphragm to neckline between me tatarsals down to waistline 25. Breast- diaphragm to neckline, between zones 3-4 26. Liver- Waistline to diaphragm, zones -4 right, zone 1 l eft 27. Gall bladder- halfway between waistline and diaphrag m, zone 4 right 28. Adrenal- waistline 1/3 to diaphragm, zones 1 left, zone 1 right 29. Stomach- waistline to diaphragm, zones 1-4 left, zone 1 right 30. Spleen- proximal to diaphragm, between zones 4-5, lef t 31. Pancreas- waistline halfway to diaphragm, zones 1-4 left, waistline PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Training Public safety Standards of practice Consult medical professional Self –care ( review code of ethics) REFLEXOLOGY REFERRAL AREAS FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS Reminder: “Do not diagnose, prescribe or claim to treat specific conditions” Constipation- liver, gallbladder, diaphragm, adrenals, lower spine, sigmoid, illeocecal Diarrhea- ascending colon, transverse colon, diaphrag m, liver, adrenals Insomnia- diaphragm, call glands Edema- lymph system, kidneys, adrenals Tinnitus- ear reflex, cervical, neck , great toe Headache- whole spine, diaphragm, all glands, toes Cramps- hip/knee, sciatic, lower spine, parathyroid, a drenals Sprain- specific area, referral area REFLEXOLOGY POINTS 32- 50 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Illeocecal Valve- medial of cuboid notch between zo nes 4-5 right Ascending colon- heel line to waistline, between zone s 4-5 right Hepatic Flexure- waistline, zone 4 right Transverse colon- waistline, zones 1-4 Splenic Flexure- waistline, zone 4 left Descending Colon- waistline to heel line, between zo nes 4-5, left Sigmoid colon- mid heel, between zones 3-4, left Small Intestines- heel line to waistline, zones 1-4 Kidney- above, on and below waistline, medial tendo n REFLEXOLOGY POINTS 32- 50 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Ureter tube- heel line to waistline, medial tendon Bladder/ Sacroilliac joint- heel line, medial Sciatic – lower heel, zones 1-5 Uterus/Prostate- halfway between heel and ankle, medial Ovary /teste- halfway between heel and ankle, later al Fallopian Tube/ lymph Drain- dorsal ankle Chronic area- medial aspect of leg, spleen 6 point to medial heel Arm/hand- waistline to diaphragm line lateral Hip/ Knee /Leg- cuboid notch triangle, lateral Hip / Sciatic- posterior to lateral anklebone TECHNIQUES Thumbwalking- most areas, primarily plantar su rface of the foot Finger roll- brain- distal toe Finger walk- dorsal foot Hook in and pull back- pituitary, ileocecal valve, sigmoid flexure Rotate- spine, diaphragm, lymph drain