Phys Chapter 77: Adrenocortical Hormones The adrenals are on top of the kidneys - - Each gland is made of 2 parts: the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex Page 921 The adrenal medulla is the center of the gland o It’s function is related to the symp nervous system o The medulla secretes catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine in response to symp stimulation These hormones cause almost the same effects as direct stimulation from the symp nerves The adrenal cortex secretes corticosteroids o Corticosteroids are all made from cholesterol o The two major adrenocortical hormones are mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids Mineralocorticoids- called that because they especially affect the electrolytes (minerals) of the ECF, especially sodium and postassium Main mineralocorticoid is aldosterone Glucocorticoids- called that because they can increase blood glucose concentration Main glucocorticoid is cortisol o Also, a small amount of sex hormones are secreted, especially androgens, which have about the same effect on the body as testosterone They’re normally only of slight importance, but problems with the cortex can cause extreme amounts to be secreted and cause masculinizing effects o The adrenal cortex has 3 layers: Zona glomerulosa- outer, thin layer of cells just beneath the capsule The cells here are the only cells in the adrenals that can make significant amounts of aldosterone, because they have aldosterone synthase Secretion from these cells is controlled mainly by ECF levels of angiotensin 2 and potassium, which both stimulate aldosterone release Zona fasciculata- middle layer that makes up ¾ of the cortex Secretes glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone, and some adrenal androgens and estrogens Secretion from these cells is controlled by adrenocortocotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary Zona reticularis- innermost layer of the cortex Secretes dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione, and some estrogens and glucocorticoids Secretion from cells is controlled by ACTH and cortical androgenstimulating hormone o When a layer hypertrophies from excessive work, it doesn’t affect secretion from the other two layers Adrenocortical hormones are steroids made from cholesterol - - - - - - - Page 923 All steroids are made from cholesterol Although the cells of the adrenal cortex can make a little cholesterol on the spot, most of the cholesterol the adrenal cortex uses is brought by LDL o The LDL diffuses from the plasma into the interstitial fluid and bind to receptors in clathrin-coated pits on the adrenocortical cell membrane o The clathrin-coated pits then get endocytosed into the cell to form vesicles that fuse with lysosomes, which release the cholesterol, to be used to make adrenal steroids How much cholesterol enters the cell is regulated by feedback o ACTH increases LDL receptors so that the adrenal glands take in more cholesterol, and also increases the activity of the enzymes that free cholesterol from LDL Once cholesterol enters the cell, it’s taken to the mitochondria, where it’s cleaved by cholesterol desmolase into pregnalone o This is the rate-limiting step in steroid making o In all 3 zones, this step is stimulated to make aldosterone, cortisol, and androgens o Ex: both ACTH and angiotensin 2 increase the conversion of cholesterol to pregnalone Adrenal steroid making happens in the mitochondria and the ER In addition to aldosterone and cortisol, other steroids having glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid properties, or properties of both, are secreted in small amounts by the adrenal cortex Mineralocorticoids: o Aldosterone- very potent and does most mineralocorticoid action in the body o Deoxycorticosterone- less potent and not as much is made o Corticosterone, cortisol, and cortisone all have slight mineralocorticoid activity o 9α-fluorocortisol- synthetic and slightly more potent than aldosterone Glucocorticoids: o Cortisol- very potent and does most of the glucocorticoid activity in the body o Corticosterone- less potent and does most of the activity not already done by cortisol o Prednisone, methylprednisone, and dexamethasone- synthetic and much more potent than cortisol Some of these hormones have both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects o Especially cortisol having some mineralocorticoid ability Syndromes of excess cortisol will show significant mineralocorticoid effects to go along with the excessive glucocorticoid effects Dexamethasone has pretty much no mineralocorticoid ability, and is an important drug that’s very potent at stimulating glucocorticoid activity Adrenocortical hormones bind to plasma proteins - Most (90-95%) of the cortisol released to plasma binds to plasma proteins, especially cortisolbinding globulin aka transcortin, and albumin Binding to plasma proteins slows elimination of the hormone, and gives it a long half-life So cortisol has a long half-life of an hour to an hour and a half A little over half (60%) of aldosterone binds to plasma proteins o So aldosterone has a shorter half life of about 20 minutes Binding to plasma proteins provides a reservoir of hormone Page 924 The adrenal steroids are degraded mainly in the liver and get conjugated into mostly glucoronic acid, and a little bit of sulfates - Glucoronic acid and sulfates are inactive and have no hormone activity ¼ of the conjugates go into bile to be excreted in feces The other ¾ are water soluble and go into the blood, where they don’t bind to proteins and get filtered by the kidneys to be excreted in urine So liver disease makes it so that it can’t inactivate adrenal hormones, and kidney disease decreases excretion of conjugates Mineralocorticoids: - - - Loss of adrenocortical secretion leads to death within days to weeks o Without mineralocorticoids, potassium levels in the ECF increase, sodium and chloride is lost from the body quickly, and the fluid volume and blood volume are greatly decreased o The person will then have decreased cardiac output, leading to shock, and then death Aldosterone is the major mineralocorticoid Aldosterone does most of the mineralocorticoid activity, but cortisol does a little bit of it o Aldosterone is way more potent, but there’s way more cortisol in the body Cortisol can bind to mineralocorticoid receptors with high affinity Kidney epithelial cells have 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, which converts cortisol to cortisone o Since cortisone doesn’t really bind mineralocorticoid receptors, cortisol doesn’t normally have much of a mineralocorticoid effect o If a person has a deficiency in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, cortisol could have a significant mineralocorticoid effect Called apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome (AME) Patient has all the problems a person with excess aldosterone has, except the plasma aldosterone levels are low Licorice has a glycyrrhetinic acid that can also cause AME by blocking 11βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 Aldosterone increases renal tubular reabsorption of sodium, and secretion of potassium o - - - Especially in the principal cells of the collecting tubules, and a little in the distal tubules and collecting ducts o So aldosterone in the blood causes more sodium in the blood and less potassium in the blood, while lack of aldosterone causes the opposite Excess aldosterone increases ECF volume and arterial pressure, but only a small effect on plasma sodium levels o Even though aldosterone is potent at preventing sodium excretion, it only increases the sodium in the ECF a little bit when it does this This is because when sodium is reabsorbed by the tubules, there’s simultaneous osmotic absorption of an equal amount of water Also, sodium increases in the plasma stimulate thirst and makes you drink more water So the fluid volume increases almost as much as the retained sodium, and doesn’t change the sodium concentration much o When excess sodium is being lost, aldosterone only has a transient (temporary) effect on retaining sodium Aldosterone-caused increases in ECF volume that last more than a day or two increase the arterial pressure The increased arterial pressure increases kidney excretion of salt and water, called pressure natriuresis (the salt loss) and pressure diuresis (the water loss) This system of returning to normal salt and water excretion when there’s excess aldosterone is called aldosterone escape Once this happens, no more salt and water will be taken in than what is excreted, despite the excess aldosterone This gives the person hypertension, which will be there for as long as there’s excess aldosterone o When no aldosterone is secreted, lots of salt is lost in the urine, which decreases sodium chloride in the ECF, and decreases fluid volume Cause dehydration and low blood volume, leading to circulatory shock that can lead to death Excess aldosterone causes hypokalemia and muscle weakness, while too little aldosterone causes hyperkalemia and heart toxicity o Excess aldosterone not only causes loss of potassium from the ECF into the urine, but also stimulates movement of potassium from the ECF into most cells of the body Causes a big decrease in plasma potassium, called hypokalemia o When plasma potassium is about half normal, it causes severe muscle weakness Due to change in the electrical excitability of nerve and muscle membranes, preventing normal action potentials o When there is too little aldosterone, the ECF potassium increases and can cause heart toxicity, including weak heart contraction, arrhythmia, and heart failure Excess aldosterone increases kidney loss of hydrogen ions o - - - - So aldosterone not only causes potassium to be secreted into the tubules in exchange for sodium reabsorption in the principal cells of the renal collecting tubules, but also causes secretion of hydrogen ions in exchange for sodium in the intercalated cells of the collecting tubules, causing metabolic alkalosis Aldosterone stimulates sodium and potassium transport in sweat glands, salivary glands, and intestinal epithelial cells o Both glands form a primary secretion that has lots of sodium chloride, but much of the sodium and chloride get reabsorbed as it goes through the excretory ducts o Potassium and bicarb get secreted into the ducts o Aldosterone increases the reabsorption of sodium chloride and secretion of potassium in the ducts o Aldosterone is important in the sweat ducts to conserve salt in hot environments o Aldosterone is important in the saliva to conserve salt when excess saliva is lost Aldosterone also increases sodium absorption by the intestines, especially at the colon, preventing loss into the stool o No aldosterone can lead to failure to reabsorb sodium chloride, causing less water to be reabsorbed, causing diarrhea, which causes more loss of salt from the body How aldosterone works: o Aldosterone is lipid soluble and diffuses to the interior of the tubular epithelial cells o In the cytoplasm of the tubular cells, aldosterone combines with a mineralocorticoid receptor protein The mineralocorticoid receptor can also bind cortisol, but most of the cortisol has been converted by 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 to cortisone, which doesn’t bind to mineralocorticoid receptors o The aldosterone-receptor complex then diffuses into the nucleus, where it causes DNA to make mRNA for sodium and potassium transport o The mRNA then diffuses back into the cytoplasm, where it finds ribosomes and translates proteins o One of the enzymes made is sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), which is the most important part of the sodium-potassium pump that causes exchange at the basolateral membrane of renal tubular cells o Another protein made is epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) proteins that get put on the luminal membrane of the tubular cell to allow diffusion of sodium into the cell Whatever sodium doesn’t diffuse through gets pumped by the sodiumpotassium pump into the cell o So aldosterone’s effect on sodium transport doesn’t happen right away and takes a bit Regulating aldosterone secretion: o Aldosterone regulation is separate from other adrenal hormones o Four important factors in regulating aldosterone: Increased potassium in the ECF increases aldosterone secretion Increased angiotensin 2 in the ECF increases aldosterone secretion Increased sodium in the ECF slightly decreases aldosterone secretion o o ACTH is needed to secrete aldosterone, but doesn’t do much to control the rate of secretion Potassium and the renin-angiotensin system are the most potent at regulating aldosterone Renin-angiotensin is triggered by decreased blood flow to the kidneys or sodium loss, and causes aldosterone release The aldosterone then increases excretion of potassium by the kidneys, and increases the blood volume and arterial pressure, getting levels back to normal ACE inhibitors inhibit angiotensin 2, and therefore aldosterone Doesn’t take much release of ACTH to allow whatever amount of aldosterone release you need Glucocorticoids: - Almost all glucocorticoid activity is done by cortisol, aka hydrocortisone o Tiny bit of activity is from corticosterone Glucocorticoids effect on carb metabolism – increases glucose making, but decreases its use, to increase blood glucose o Glucocorticoids stimulate gluconeogenesis Gluconeogenesis- making carbs from proteins or another substance Cortisol increases the enzymes you need to convert amino acids into glucose in the liver Glucocorticoids activate DNA transcription in the liver cell nuclei to make mRNA that leads to enzymes for gluconeogenesis Cortisol causes the movement of amino acids from the extrahepatic tissues, mainly the muscle So more amino acids are available in the plasma for use by the liver in gluconeogenesis This allows other glycolytic hormones, like epinephrine and glucagon, to mobilze glucose in times of need like in between meals o Cortisol also causes a decrease in the rate of glucose use by most cells Thought to be because cortisol depresses oxidation of NADH to form NAD+, so you inhibit glycolysis (increased ratio) o Both the increased rate of gluconeogenesis and the decreased rate of glucose use causes the blood glucose to increase Increased blood glucose causes release of insulin For a reason we don’t know, glucocorticoids decrease the sensitivity of cells to insulin and therefore glucose uptake and use Especially skeletal muscle and adipose Thought to be because the lots of fatty acids from glucocorticoids mobilizing them, inhibit insulin’s effect Blood glucose can increase enough to cause adrenal diabetes - - - Giving people with adrenal diabetes insulin only decreases the person’s blood glucose somewhat, and nowhere near what it does in pancreatic diabetes Because the tissues are resistant to the effects of insulin Glucocorticoids effect on proteins: o One of the main effects of cortisol is to decrease protein stores in most body cells Except the liver Caused by decreased protein synthesis and increased protein breakdown in the cells If there’s enough cortisol, the muscles can get very weak, and immunity can also be weakened o Cortisol increases liver and plasma proteins So even though protein is decreased elsewhere in the body, proteins are increased in the liver The liver then can release proteins into the plasma, increasing plasma proteins o Cortisol increases blood amino acids, increases their movement into the liver cells, and decreases their movement into nonliver cells Especially decreases movement into muscle cells Decreased amino acids into cells decreases their [amino acid], which decreases protein making As this happens, proteins are being broken down and released into plasma to increase the plasma amino acid levels So cortisol mobilizes amino acids from nonliver tissues and decreases the amount of protein in the tissues All the plasma amino acids are used by the liver for making proteins and glucose So gluconeogenesis is increased and uses the amino acids, and proteins are made from them as well Glucocorticoids effect on fat metabolism: o Cortisol promotes fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue o This increases the levels of free fatty acids in the plasma, which increases their use for energy o Cortisol also increase the oxidation of fatty acids in cells o A reason for all these fat effects could be the decreased transport of glucose into fat cells Glucose is needed to make α-glycerophosphate, which is needed for depositing and maintaining trigylcerides in adipose So no α-glycerophosphate from no glucose leads to release of fatty acids o So cortisol causes the cells to shift from using glucose for energy to using fatty acids for energy at times of starvation or other stress Takes hours to make the shift, unlike decreased insulin which does this quicker Needed to conserve glucose and glycogen Many people with excess glucocorticoids get specific kind of obesity, with excess fat deposition in the chest and head, giving a “buffalo-like” torso and a rounded “moon face” - Cortisol is important in resisting stress and inflammation o Almost any stress, physical or mental, causes an immediate increase in ACTH secretion from the anterior pituitary, followed in minutes by increased adrenal cortex secretion of cortisol o One reason why could be all the movement of amino acids and fatty acids from storage to the liver for energy o Usually any time there’s tissue damage, the tissue gets inflamed Sometimes, the inflammation can be more damaging than the trauma or disease itself Giving people lots of cortisol can block inflammation or reverse its effects once it’s begun 5 main stages of inflammation: Release of things from the injured tissue to trigger inflammation Increase in blood flow int eh inflamed area, called erythema Leakage of plasma into the damaged area from increased capillary permeability, leading to clotting of the tissue fluid, causing a nonpitting edema Infiltration by WBCs After days or weeks, ingrowth of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) Cortisol’s anti-inflammatory effects: It blocks inflammation from starting It causes rapid resolution of already started inflammation, and speeds up healing Ways cortisol prevents development of inflammation: Cortisol stabilizes the lysosomal membranes o Makes it harder for the lysosomes to rupture, which decreases release of inflammatory enzymes Cortisol decrease the permeability of the capillaries o So no plasma into the tissue Cortisol decreases migration of WBCs into inflamed areas, and phagocytosis o Probably because cortisol decreaes the making of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which increase vasodilation, capillary permeability, and mobility of WBCs Cortisol suppresses the immune system by decreasing lymphocyte making, Especially T cells Cortisol reduces fever by decreasing the release of Il-1from WBCs o Il-1 excites the hypothalamus temperature control system to trigger fever Ways cortisol causes resolution of inflammation: - - - - - The immediate effect is to block most of the factors that promote inflammation The rate of healing is also increased Often cortisol is used for rheumatic fever o Administration of cortisol or other glucocorticoids causes the inflammation to subside within 24 hours Cortisol blocks the inflammatory response to allergic rxns o It doesn’t affect the basic allergic rxn between antigen and antibody, just the inflammation o Cortisol prevents shock or death in anaphylaxis Cortisol decreases the # of eosinophils and lymphocytes in the blood o Often, decreased eosinophils or lymphocytes is part of diagnosing overmaking of cortisol from the adrenal gland o Cortisol causes atrophy of all lymph tissue throughout the body, which decrease making of T cells and antibodies o So immunity is decreased, which can lead to infection or even death from diseases that usually aren’t that bad o Cortisol can be used to prevent rejection of transplants Cortisol increases making of RBCs Cortisol is lipid soluble and diffuses through the cell membrane to bind a receptor in the cytoplasm o The hormone-receptor complex then interacts with glucocorticoid response elements in the DNA effect gene transcription o Needs transcription factors to work o So effects of cortisol aren’t immediate ACTH stimulates cortisol secretion o Cortisol release is almost entirely controlled by ACTH, unlike aldosterone o Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) is made by the hypothalamus and put into the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal to go to the anterior pituitary to cause release of ACTH The cell bodies that make CRH are in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which gets signals from the limbic system and lower brain stem ACTH activates adrenalcortical cells to make steroids by increasing cAMP o ACTH’s main effect is to activate adenylyl cyclase in the cell membrane, causing the making of cAMP in the cell cytoplasm o cAMP then activates intracellular enzymes that cause the making of adrenocortical hormones cAMP acts as a second messenger o The most important step for ACTH to control secretion is activating protein kinase A Protein kinase A causes the initial conversion of cholesterol to pregnalone, which the rate-limiting step for all adrenocortical hormones - - - This is why ACTH is needed for any adrenocortical hormone to be made o Long-term stimulation from ACTH can cause hypertrophy and proliferation, especially in the zona fasciculate and zona reticularis Almost any type of physical or mental stress can cause release of ACTH, and then cortisol o Pain stimuli from physical stress or tissue damage are transmitted first up thorugh the brain stem and eventually to the median eminence of the hypothalamus o Here, CRH is secreted into the hypophysial portal system, leading to ACTH and then cortisol o Mental stress is thought to work by increased activity in the limbic system, especially at the amygdala and hippocampus, which then send signals to the hypothalamus Cortisol has negative feedback on CRH and ATCH Circadian rhythm of glucocorticoids o The secretory rates of CRH, ACTH, and cortisol are high early in the morning, and low late in the evening o Can be adjusted along with circadian rhythm and sleeping habits When ATCH is secreted by the anterior pituitary, several other hormones similar in structure are also secreted o The gene that is transcribed to make the mRNA for ACTH initially causes the making of a bigger protein that’s a preprohormone called proopiomelanocortin (POOMC) Proopiomelanocortin is the precursor of ACTH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), β-endorphin, and β-lipotropin o Under normal conditions, none of those are secreted from the pituitary enough to have any impact o When there’s excess ACTH secretion, it can increase the secretion of the others too Ex: Addison’s disease o The POMC gene is transcribed in corticotroph cells of the anterior pituitary, POMC neurons of the hypothalamus, the dermis, and lymph tissue o The type of breakdown peptide you get from POMC depends on the enzyme in the tissue Pituitary corticotrophs have prohormone convertase 1 (PC1), making ACTH and β-lipotropin The hypothalamus has PC2, and makes melanocyte-stimulating hormone and βendorphin In melanocytes of the skin, melanocyte stimulating hormone causes making of the black pigment melanin to go into the epidermis o ACTH has a tiny bit of melanocyte-stimulating effect Nowhere near as potent as melanocyte-stimulating hormone, but since there’s way more ACTH, it may be more responsible for determining how much melanin is in the skin Adrenal androgens: - Adrenal androgens are moderately active male sex hormones continually secreted by the adrenal cortex The most important one is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Usually, the adrenal androgens only have weak effects Adrenal androgens help in early development of male sex organs Adrenal androgens can also cause growth of pubic and axillary hair in females Outside the adrenals, some of the adrenal androgens are converted to testosterone, the main male sex hormone Hypoadrenalism (adrenal insufficiency, Addison’s disease) - - - - Addison’s disease results from failure of the adrenal cortex to make enough adrenocortical hormones, which usually is caused by a primary atrophy or injury to the adrenal cortex Most of the time, the atrophy is caused by autoimmunity against the adrenal cortex o Other causes can be tuberculosis and cancer Mineralocorticoid deficiency o Lack of aldosterone decreases kidney sodium reabsorption, and allows sodium, chloride, and water to be lost in the urine o This decreases was fluid volume, and causes hyponatremia, ,hyperkalemia, and acidosis because potassium and hydrogen aren’t traded out for sodium in o Leads to decreased cardiac output, shock, and death Glucocorticoid deficiency o Loss of cortisol makes it impossible to maintain normal blood glucose between meals cause they can’t make any glucose from gluconeogenesis o Lack of cortisol also decreases the movement of proteins and fats from tissues o Makes the muscles weak o Also makes them prone to infection Melanin pigmentation of the mucous membranes and skin is often seen in Addison’s o Decreased cortisol triggers excess ACTH and excess melanocyte-stimulating hormone o Probably mostly caused by ACTH You treat Addison’s by giving them glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids Addisonian crisis- when a stress is triggered in a person with Addison’s, and they don’t have any glucocorticoids to meet the body’s need Secondary causes of hypoadrenalism can be problems with the pituitary in making ACTH, which would decrease adrenal making of hormones - Secondary is more common than Addison’s disease Hyperadrenalism- Cushing’s syndrome (think C – too much Cortisol) - Most of the effects of Cushing’s syndrome are from excess cortisol, but excess androgens is involved too Hypercortisolism can be caused by: - - - - o Adenomas of the anterior pituitary causing excess ACTH o Hypothalamus problem causing excess CRH o Ectopic secretion of ACTH from a tumor not in the pituitary o Adenoma of the adrenal cortex Cushing’s disease- when cushing’s syndrome is secondary to excess ACTH from the anterior pituitary o Excess ACTH is the most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome and shows high plasma ACTH and cortisol Primary overmaking of cortisol by the adrenals is about ¼ of cases of Cushing’s syndrome, and shows decreased ACTH due to cortisol negative feedback Dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, can be used to tell the difference between ACTHdependent and ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome o If dexamethasone decreases ACTH, it’s probably primary Cushing’s syndrome has movement of fat from the lower body to the upper body, giving a “buffalo torso” Cushing’s syndrome can also cause an edematous face with acne and hirsutism (hair growth), called “moon face” The excess cortisol increases blood glucose, from increased gluconeogenesis and decreased glucose use by the tissues Cushing’s syndrome will also break down proteins in muscle and everywhere but the liver in the body, causing weakness and suppressed immune system and osteoporosis o Skin tears easy showing purple striae Treat by removing any tumors and decreasing secretion of ACTH from the pituitary Primary aldosteronism (Conn’s syndrome) - Tumor of the zona glomerulosa secretes lots of aldosterone Causes hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis, increase in blood volume, hypernatremia, and hypertension The hypokalemia can cause paralysis Primary aldosteronism will show decreased renin in the plasma o Renin is being negative feedbacked by aldosterone Androgenital syndrome - Adrenocortical tumor secretes excessive amounts of androgens that masculinize throughout the body So girl gets guy characteristics, and guy develops characteristics early Can be diagnosed by looking for 17-ketosteroids in the urine