Chapter 9 PowerPoint

Chapter 9
Luke’s Portrait of Jesus: A Savior
for “All Nations”
©McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Key Topics/Themes
Part one of a two-volume work
Christianity as a universal world faith
Innocence of Jesus and his followers
Radical reversal of social order
Insertion of two new bodies of material
into Markan order
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• Luke as theodicy
• Divine promises to Israel now open to
• Importance of John the Baptist
• Centrality of Jerusalem in God’s plan
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The Author and His Sources
• Dedication to Theophilus
• Authorship
– Luke, the “beloved physician”
– Traditional view: travel companion of Paul
– Debates over the traditional view
– Only Gentile New Testament writer
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Sources (cont’d.)
• Date
– After 70 C.E.
– Luke’s detailed knowledge of siege of
– Written between 70 and 90 C.E.
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Luke’s Use of Sources
• Admits using sources
• Luke’s additions to Mark
– Infancy narrative
– Lesser interpolation
– Greater interpolation
– Resurrection narratives
• Dependence upon Hebrew Bible
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Typical Lukan Themes
The Holy Spirit
Prayers and hymns
Jesus’ concern for women
Jesus’ affinity with the unrespectable
Christianity as a universal faith
Innocence of Jesus and his followers
Jesus as “Savior”
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Infancy Narratives: John and
Jesus (1:5-2:52)
• Birth of John the Baptist
• The role of Mary
• Luke’s use of hymns
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Jesus’ Galilean Ministry (4:149:50)
• Also known as the “lesser interpolation”
• Jesus’ rejection at Nazareth
• The “lesser interpolation”
– Luke’s Sermon on the Plain
– Reversals of status for rich and poor
– The importance of women
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Luke’s Travel Narrative (9:5118:14)
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Introduction to the Travel
• Also known as the “greater
• Little action; mostly teaching
• Jesus in Samaria
• Jesus’ victory over Satan’s realm
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Survey of the Travel Narrative
• Parable of the Good Samaritan
– Setting
– Ethical complexities
• Mary and Martha
• Instructions on prayer
• Luke’s views on riches and poverty
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Travel Narrative (cont’d.)
• Lazarus and the rich man
• Jesus’ love of the unhappy and the
• Parables of joy at finding what was lost
– The lost sheep
– A lost coin
– The prodigal son
• Parable of the dishonest steward
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Jerusalem Ministry (18:3121:38)
• Conflicting beliefs about the Parousia
– Parousia has already occurred
– Parousia is imminent
• Lukan sayings about the kingdom
• The fall of Jerusalem and the Parousia
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Passion Narrative (22:123:56)
• Luke’s interpretation of the Passion
– Stress on the innocence of Jesus
– Jesus’ death as a righteous example
• The Last Supper
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Jesus’ Final Ordeal
Luke’s portrayal of the disciples
The Sanhedrin hearing
Jesus sent to Herod Antipas
Pilate protests Jesus’ innocence
Jesus asks for forgiveness of his
• Jesus consoles others
• “This man was innocent”
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Epilogue: Resurrection
Narratives (24:1-53)
• Jesus appears on road to Emmaus
• Jesus appears to disciples in upper
• Jesus’ life, death, resurrection foretold
in Hebrew Scriptures
• Disciples to remain in Jerusalem; await
empowerment by Holy Spirit
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• Gospel ascribed to Luke
• Jesus a world savior
• God’s compassion and forgiveness for
• Disciples to carry on Jesus’ work until
appearance of Son of Man
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Summary (cont’d.)
• Disciples to carry Jesus’ mission “to the
ends of the earth”
• Mission of Church extended indefinitely
into the future
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