ESL Level Course Prefix: 005 Section: 001

ESL Level
Course Prefix: 005 Section: 001
Semester: Summer 2013
Course Begins: July 1 Course Ends: August 7
Location: M.C.C.
Days: Monday, Wednesday
Room: A361
Times: 8:30 a.m.– 12:15 p.m.
Course Midterm Date: July 17
Post-testing Date: after 40 attendance hours
Instructor: Barbara Shinabarger, Ed.M.
Phone: 815-455-3700, Ext. 6179
Course Materials:
Textbook(s): Future 4: English for Results by Pearson/Longman
Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd edition/Answer Key, by Betty S. Azar
Vocabulary Power 1; Practicing Essential Words by Jennifer R. Lebedev
(available for use in the classroom and can be purchased in MCC’s bookstore)
Even More True Stories by Pearson/Longman
American Lives by New Readers Press
All-Clear by Helen F.
Supplies: 3-ring binder, pen, pencil, paper
Course Descriptions: ESL is for people whose native language is not English and who are not
currently enrolled in a U.S. high school. Classes are offered at a variety of times and locations
throughout McHenry County.
Course Prerequisites: placement testing
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. fulfill at least two competencies at his/her level
2. demonstrate improved skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking
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Course Outlines
Community Building
II. Field Trips
III. Class Surveys
IV. Selected Competencies
V. Competency Practice
VI. Strengthened Automaticity
VII. Regular Reviews
VIII. Post-Testing
Assignments and Grading Criteria
To obtain a satisfactory assessment, a student must attend consistently and participate regularly in the
classroom and in completing assigned homework.
Important Classroom Information
Attendance policy
 A student needs to attend all classes during the semester in order to be successful.
 A student with five (5) absences will be automatically dropped from the course.
 A student should call the teacher at the phone number or email provided not the Adult
Education office if he/she will be absent from a class.
 A student needs to contact the teacher if he/she cannot continue the class for any reason.
 A student who arrives late for class without giving his/her teacher a valid reason will be
marked absent for the day.
 A student who leaves at break without giving his/her teacher a valid reason will be considered
absent for the day.
 A student can transfer to another class within the first two (2) weeks of a fixed enrolled class
and until midterm in a managed enrolled class.
Fixed Enrollment: A class that enrolls no more students after the first three (3) days of
class—mostly on-campus classes. A student must attend the first three (3) days of this class
to stay registered.
Managed Enrollment: A class that enrolls no more students after the first eight (8) weeks of
class—mostly off-campus classes.
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Post-testing: A student needs to complete a post-test either at forty (40) hours of instruction for
TABE (ABE/ASE) or CASAS (ESL) or sixty (60) hours of instruction for BEST Literacy (ESL). A
student who fails to complete a post-test may be prevented from registering for the next semester.
Post-testing is a requirement of the Adult Education program except for Spanish GED students.
Children on Campus: For the safety of children on campus, children younger than 16 years of age
are not permitted on campus unattended by a parent/guardian, except when they are attending classes
offered by MCC for children. The College requires that no children be allowed into a
classroom/laboratory environment, including the Testing Center, Learning Center and computer labs,
solely for the purpose of a parent/guardian to provide direct supervision of his/her child.
Late work/make-up policy: Late work will be accepted under reasonable circumstances.
Weekly Course Schedule
Week #1
Course Schedule
Monday, July1: Selected True Story
“What a Wonderful World”
Future Pre-Unit
Getting Acquainted
Computer Log-Ins
Wednesday, July 3: Patriotic Stories and Songs
Future Unit Selection
Grammar and Vocabulary Review
DyNed Intro
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Week #2
M, July 8: Student Surveys
Library Topics
DyNed Practice
Selected Readings, Comprehension Activities and Discussion
Grammar Focus
Vocabulary and Writing
W, July 10: Reading, with Corresponding Activities
Vocabulary and Grammar Activities
DyNed and/or Reading Plus
Review Games
Week #3
M, July 15: Selected Reading, Writing and Computer Activities
Grammar Work
Vocabulary Activities
Group Interaction
Computer Activities/Exploration of Web-Sites
W, July 17: Selected Reading, with Activities
Songs and Discussion
Vocab. 1 Activities
Computer Time
Review Games
Week #4
M, July 22: Selected Readings, with Activities
Grammar Activities
Computer Time
Writing and Vocabulary
W, July 24: Selected Readings and Activities
Song of the Week
Computer Practice
Review Activities
Week #5
M, July 29: Selected Reading and Activities
Computer Time
Grammar and Vocabulary
W, July 31: Selected Reading and Activities
Computer Time
Review Games/Activities
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Week #6
M, August 5: Selected Reading and Activities
Grammar and Vocabulary
Future Lesson
Computer Time
W, August 7: Selected Reading and Activities
Life Skills’ Lesson
Grammar and Vocabulary Review
Games and Conversation
Certificates and Celebration
Special Needs Statement
McHenry County College offers support services for students with special needs. It is your
responsibility to meet with the Special Needs Coordinator and provide current documentation
regarding a disability. Please call or stop by the Special Needs Department, (815) 455-8676, Room
A260, as soon as possible if you would like more information about the accommodations
that are available. In addition, it is important for you to discuss those accommodations with your
instructor so you are fully able to participate in this course.
Student Code of Conduct and the Judicial Process
Consistent with the MCC mission is an expectation that students will govern themselves in terms of
appropriate behavior with emphasis on self-respect and respect for others. It is the practice of the
College to respect the properly exercised rights of its students. The College recognizes a student’s
rights within the institution to freedom of speech, inquiry and assembly; to the peaceful pursuit of
education; and to the reasonable use of services and facilities at MCC.
MCC has adopted a Student Code of Conduct and judicial process to maintain a learning environment
of respect, civility, safety, and integrity for all members of the MCC community.
Whenever possible, sanctions for violations of the Student Code of Conduct may be educational in
nature. However, violations affecting the health and safety of members of the MCC community are
deemed to be the most serious. Therefore, acts of violence, threats or dangerous behavior are most
likely to result in a suspension from the College. Violations of the academic dishonesty policy may
also result in suspension or expulsion from the institution and/or reduced or failing grade.
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Copyright Policy
MCC will maintain current procedures and guidelines to ensure that all staff and students comply
with applicable copyright laws and other intellectual property protection laws. The College will
encourage staff and students to engage in the development of intellectual property and facilitate
ownership protections with respect to such development of intellectual property.
The College expects that staff and students will act responsibly and ethically in a manner consistent
with all copyright laws and College copyright procedures and guidelines. This policy authorizes the
College to adopt and maintain such procedures and guidelines necessary to ensure compliance with
copyright laws and to facilitate ownership protection with respect to the development of intellectual
Teaching Schedule
The scheduling of the activities and teaching strategies on this syllabus, but not the objectives or
content, may be altered at any time at the discretion of the instructor.
The following are useful resources available to you as a student at McHenry County College:
Adult Education:
Phone: (815) 455-8752; Office A362
Sherry May, Coordinator of Instruction
Phone: (815) 479-7568; Office A362
Marie Day, Coordinator of Literacy and Support Services
Phone: (815) 455-8542; Office A362
Barb Sitkiewicz, ICAPS Navigator
Phone: (815) 455-8586; Office A360
Advising and Transfer Center:
Phone (815) 479-7565; Office A257
MCC Bookstore:
815-455-8747; B162
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Phone (815) 455-8765; Office A257
Financial Aid:
Phone (815) 455-8761; Office A262
Phone (815) 455-8533; Office A212
Special Needs:
Phone (815) 455-8676; Office A260
Student Life Office
A252; 815-455-8550
Tutoring and Study Skills (Sage Learning Center):
Phone (815) 455-8579; Office A247
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