Bowling Workout Warm-up: Cardio Surge Training (approx. 12

Bowling Workout
Warm-up: Cardio Surge Training (approx. 12 minutes)
Any aerobic movement works here, best to alternate aerobic movements between “surge sets.” Equipment
Options: stationary bike, elliptical, stair master, jump rope, light weight, walk/sprint, etc.
- 3 minutes warm-up low intensity aerobic movement
- 3-surge sets: 20 seconds high intensity / 20 seconds low intensity, 2 minutes low intensity aerobic movement
between “surge sets”
Free-squats x 20-30 reps (deep knee bends)
Hang from pull up bar (dead hang – stretch)
Swiss ball crunches 30-40 reps (20 center, 10 right twist, 10 left twist)
Swiss ball alternating hyper extensions (right arm – left leg & left arm - right leg) 15 reps each
Swiss ball bent over shoulder press (like one arm push up) - lunge position left & right x 10 reps each
6. Swiss ball pushups (for those capable ) x 10-20 reps
7. BOSU ball free squats x 10 reps
8. BOSU ball pushups (for those capable)
9. Shoulder – side lateral raise x 10 reps – exercise bands if available or 2#-3# dumbbells
10. Shoulder – front lateral raise x 10 – exercise bands if available or 2#-3# dumbbells
11. Shoulder circles – exercise bands if available or 2#-3# dumbbells
12. Reverse shoulder series (for those interested) - 9 movements x 10 reps each = 90 reps with 2# weight
13. Rotator cuff extensions - Exercise bands/cables
14. Teeter board balance - 2 leg – front and side , 30 sec. each
15. Teeter board balance single leg - left and right
16. BOSU ball balance single leg – left and right (BOSU ball lunges)
17. Arm curls – exercise bands or weights – 20 seconds (30 reps) light weight
18. Triceps extensions – exercise bands or weights – 20 seconds (30 reps) light weight
19. Swinging dumbbell lunges - 10#, 12#, or 15# x 10 reps x 2 sets
20. BOSU ball – dumbbell clean, press, upright row x 10 +10+10 (10#)
21. Swiss Ball neck extensions
22. Swiss ball bench press - light weight - 30 reps (10-20#)
23. Bent over row, lat pull down, upright row
24. Lying down leg twists
25. Hip – flexor series
26. Forearm curls
-BOSU ball= ½ ball
-Swiss ball= full ball
Additional strength movements – BOSU ball free squats - BOSU ball clean and press-curls / triceps- swinging
weight lunges
Body part used / exercise
Balance: 14, 15, 16
Neck: 21
Traps: 20, 23
Shoulders: 5,8,9,10,11
Biceps: 17
Triceps: 18
Forearms: 26
Pecks: 6, 8, 22
Abs/obliques: 3, 24
Glutes: 1, 7
Quads: 1, 7
Hamstring: 5, 19
Calves/ankles: 14, 15, 16
Cardio/warm–up: 19
Lower back/spinal erectors: 2, 4
Station #1
1. Swiss ball crunches 30-40 reps (20 center -10 right twist 10 left twist)
(seated on the Swiss ball, lie back, hands on temples, not behind neck, curl up, center 20-40 reps, left 10-15,
right 10-15)
2. Swiss ball alternating hyper extensions. (right arm-left leg, left arm-right leg) 15 reps
(stomach on Swiss ball, extend left arm and right leg, hyperextend stretch up – lower to floor, switch right arm
and left leg)
3. Swiss ball , bent over shoulder press (like one arm push up) - lunge position left & right x 10 reps each
(kneeling on right knee, left arm on Swiss ball, push up off Swiss ball with left arm, straighten right leg to
“lunge position” using shoulder and right leg to push up to arm’s length, switch right arm left leg)
4. Swiss ball pushups (for those capable ) x 10-20 reps
(lie on stomach on Swiss ball, roll out until ankles are on ball , do pushups, then roll back to original position so
that you are lying with stomach on Swiss ball)
Station #2
1. BOSU ball free squats x 10 reps
(standing with both feet on round side of ball, do 10 squats (deep knee bends) then alternate by flipping ball ,
stand on flat side, round side down, and do 10 squats)
2. BOSU ball pushups (for those capable)
3. BOSU ball balance – single leg – left and right (BOSU ball lunges)
(left foot on center of BOSU ball with flat side down, balance on one foot, then alternate feet
Station #3
1. Teeter board balance - 2 leg – front and side, 30 sec. each
(standing both feet on teeter board, balance 30 sec., rotate board 90 deg., balance 30 sec.)
2. Teeter board balance single leg - left and right
(left foot on center of teeter board, balance on one foot, then alternate feet)
Station #4
1. Arm curls – exercise bands or weights – 20 seconds (30 reps) light weight
(using either exercise bands or light weights, do bicep curls, quickly for 20 sec.)
2. Triceps extensions – exercise bands or weights – 20 seconds (30 reps) light weight
(using either exercise bands or cables, do triceps extensions, quickly for 20 sec. )
3. Shoulder – side lateral raise-x 10 reps – exercise bands if available –or 2# -3# weights
(Using lightest “exercise bands” or 2’3# weight, start with arm at side of body, extend out to side all the way to
4. Shoulder – front lateral raise –x 10 “””
5. (Using lightest “exercise bands” or 2’3# weight, start with arm at side of body, extend front , till
vertical, )
6. Shoulder circles –‘ ‘ ‘
(Using lightest “exercise bands” or 2’3# weight, start with arm at side of body, Rotate in giant circles. /
7. (Reverse shoulder series –for interested) 9 movements x 10 reps each = 90 reps 2# weight
(Lying on stomach on high bench, 2-# weights, shrug, elbows up, elbow up then rotate…see MR
8. Rotator cuff extensions- Exercise bands- cables
Station #5
1. Swinging weight lunges- 10#-12# -15# x 10 reps x 2 sets
(Holding 10#, 12# or 15# weights, lunge foreword swinging weight right arm w/ left leg , 10 lunges , stop , turn
around 10 more)
2. BOSU ball- dumb bell clean , press, upright row x 5 +10+5 (10#)
(Standing on round part of BoSu ball with both feet, 10# weight in each hand, at side, (Clean) bring weights to
shoulders, 5 reps, standing press 10 reps, upright row 5 reps)
Station #6
1. Swiss Ball neck extensions
(Lying on back on Swiss ball, roll back till head hands free, bring chin to chest x 10 reps…lie on side and extend
neck , head to shoulder, …switch sides)
2. Swiss ball bench press -light weight -30 reps (10-20#)
(Lying on back, Swiss ball bench press …. 20 seconds or 30 reps..light weight
3. Bent over row, lat pull down , upright row
(With weights , or cables, bent over row , lat pull down, upright row )
Station #7
1. Lying down leg twists
(On back, legs together, extended up, rotate left and right) 10-15 reps
2. Hip – flexor series
(Standing on one leg, lift knee to 90 deg. Extend leg… switch to other leg
Standing on one leg, lift knee to 90 deg., rotate lower leg in , then out … switch legs
Standing on one leg, extend other leg out as far as possible to side… switch legs
Standing on one leg, extend other leg out as far as possible to front…switch legs
Standing on one leg, extend other leg out as far as possible to back… switch legs
Standing on one leg, cross other leg out as far as possible with leg straight… switch legs
3. Forearm curls
(dumbbells or bar)