Vocabulary Quiz October 17, 2014 1. Define each vocabulary term. 2. Write a sentence using vocabulary term with context clues. Remember: Words with *(asterisk) is a prefix, suffix, or root word. It is not a word by itself. Once you have completed your quiz, turn it in and get and article. You are to read the article, then summarize in your own words the main/central idea of the article. Do NOT WRITE on article. Just like the previous articles you have read and written, you need 3 pieces of evidence from the text as well as your own voice. Weekly Vocabulary Quiz November 7, 2014 1. Define each vocabulary term. 2. Write a sentence using vocabulary term with context clues. Remember: Words with *(asterisk) is a prefix, suffix, or root word. It is not a word by itself. • • • • • • 1. Identify 2. Infer 3. Intergrate 4. *contra/contro 5. *cogn/gno Once finished complete exercise 3 on page 317 (1-10). Once finished read silently until the entire class finishes. FOA October 17, 2014 Come in quietly, have a seat. Begin studying for your vocabulary quiz today. Weekly Vocabulary October 13, 2014 Vocabulary Terms Definition Examples Determine Describe Develop Elaborate or expand Distinguish Set Apart *Inter Between, among Intercede, intervene *Nov New Novice, innovate, novel Weekly Vocabulary November 10, 2014 Vocabulary Term Definition Examples Draw Take or pull Evaluate Find value; judge Explain Make a plan or define *Belli, bell War Belligerent, antebellum *Bene, bon Good Benevolent, benefactor, benign Weekly Vocabulary November 3, 2014 Vocabulary Term Definition Example Identify Find; point out Infer Deduce; conclude Integrate Put together *Cogn,gno Know Incognito, cognition, agnostic *Contra, contro Against Incontrovertible, contravene, contraband Weekly Vocabulary November 17, 2014 Vocabulary Term Definition Example Locate Find Organize Arrange; classify Paraphrase Put in different words *hyper Too much, excess Hyperbole, hypertension, hypersonic *hypo Too little, under Hypochondriac, hypodermic Weekly Vocabulary December 1, 2014 Vocabulary Term Definition Examples Refer Mention Retell Tell in your own words Suggest Put forth; to say *Geo Earth Geocentric, geothermal, geology *Chron Time Anachronism, chronic, chronology Weekly Vocabulary December 8, 2014 Vocabulary Term Definition Example Summarize Sum up Support Hold up Synthesize Combine to form a more complex product *Pan All Pandemic, panacea, panarama *Retro Backward Retroactive, retrograde, retrospective Weekly Vocabulary December 15, 2014 Vocabulary Term Definition Example Trace Outline; follow the course of Alliteration Words in a row with the same initial consonant sound Analogy A similarity between like features of the two things *Arch Chief, first Archaic, matriarch, archangel *Uni One Unilateral, unity, unanimous Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary Term Definition Example Argument A reason or set of reasons that something is true Central Idea Most important point the author makes Conclusions Summing up of an argument *Cosm Universe, world Microcosm, cosmopolitan, cosmos *Dia Across Diagram, diametrically, diaphram Weekly Vocabulary Vocabulary Term Definition Example Connections Relating what you read to something else you know Connotative Language The association that a work brings to mind Details Isolated facts that support ideas *Hemi, demi, semi Half Semifinal, demigod, hemisphere *Port Carry Rapport, deportment November 17, 2014 1. Define each vocabulary term. 2. Write a sentence using vocabulary term with context clues. Remember: Words with *(asterisk) is a prefix, suffix, or root word. It is not a word by itself. Once you have completed your quiz, turn it in and get and a central idea worksheet to complete and turn in for a grade. Vocabulary terms for this week include the following: Draw Evaluate Explain *Belli, bell *Bene, bon