Theories of Management


Lecture 1

Management – introduction and definitions

Theories of


EDUC 4128

Management Theories










Mendler and Curwin







Classroom Management as Reaction to Discipline Problems





Skinner – Behavioural


Definition: The practice of providing consequences for both positive and negative behaviour.

The teacher develops a process of systematically applying rewards

(reinforcements) and consequences for behaviour.

Skinner – Behavioural


This model of classroom management is also known as:

 behaviourism

 behavioural techniques

 behaviour modification

 social-learning theory

Classroom Management with a

Preventative Approach

Carl Rogers

Jacob Kounin

Alfie Kohn

Jeanne Gibbs

Jere Brophy

Harry Wong

Carl Rogers

Experiential Learning and Self-


Experiences need to be relevant, nonthreatening and participatory

Teachers need to be real, empathetic, understanding, and prize students

All students strive for self-actualization and self-fulfillment

Jacob Kounin

Effective Teaching includes group alerting and accountability, high participation and smooth transitions

 Effective teachers are ‘with it’, use the ripple effect, overlapping, and they don’t

‘dangle’, ‘flip flop or get distracted

Alfie Kohn

Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to


 There is a difference between ‘working with’ and

‘doing to’ classes

 ‘Doing to’ classes include compliance, punishment and rewards, grading and reliance on marks or test results

 ‘Working with” classes include active participation, high interest, discovery, and love of learning

Jeanne Gibbs

 “Tribes” theory includes an emphasis on active listening, appreciation, mutual respect, the right to pass, a helping attitude, setting goals, monitoring progress and celebrating accomplishments

 Tribes’ focus is on learning (incl. social learning), a caring culture, a community of learners and student-centredness

Tribes training includes various school groups including parents and administrators

Jere Brophy

 “Classroom Strategy Study”

Good teaching includes enthusiasm, instructional goals, organization, and teacher as problem-solver

Good teachers present the concepts, include discussions and activities and give tasks to practise working with new knowledge

Assessments are used to provide feedback, to note the zone of proximal development and to develop/revise the curriculum

Students need to see the purposefulness of the curriculum

Harry Wong

 ‘The Effective Teacher’ videos and ‘The First

Days of School’ book

The first impressions are lasting

Classes need only 3-5 rules and the size of groups is determined by the roles to be assumed

Important aspects of a class are teacher readiness, meeting students, a seating plan, ‘bell work’ and immediate feedback

Preventative and Reactive


Richard Mendler and Allen Curwin

William Glasser

Fred Jones

Thomas Gordon

Jean Hewitt

Mendler and Curwin

 “Motivating Students Who Don’t Care”

 ‘Discipline with Dignity’

To motivate students: be a role-model. nurture responsibility not obedience, be fair, give natural and logical consequences, be private, try for win-win situation, control anger, diffuse power struggles and develop a plan

William Glasser

Reality Therapy -Control/Choice Theory

All humans have a need for love a feeling of selfworth

Steps: build a relationship, focus on behaviour not person, give student responsibility and evaluation, develop a plan, student commits to plan, follow-up and follow-through, move beyond class if necessary

Emphasize effort (redo, retake, revise), create hope, respect power, build relationships and express enthusiasm

Fred Jones

“Positive Classroom Discipline”

The teacher systematically strengthens desired behaviour while weakening inappropriate behaviour by using proximity control, negative reinforcement, incentives, body language and peer pressure.

Jones’ Four Step Model


Classroom Structure: setting up classroom rules, routines and the physical environment


Limit Setting: rule reinforcement through the use of body language, and low-key responses


Responsibility Training: establishment of group rewards or incentives to create group responsibility and accountability for behaviour


Back-up System: hierarchic organization of negative sanctions, a) Private with Student, b)

Public within Classroom, c) Public with Two


Thomas Gordon

Teacher Effectiveness Training (T.E.T.)

Based on philosophy of Carl Rogers, I.e., children are inherently rational and, if directed and forced by teachers, will be stifled

Assumptions: student is intrinsically motivated to be good, should be supported by an accepting relationship and is capable of solving own problems

Teachers are taught to observe the behaviour, identify who owns the problem, demonstrate understanding, confront if necessary and use win-win problem-solving

Curriculum design involves structured activities, student ownership, communication and analysis of learning

Jean Hewitt

 “Playing Fair”

 Based on the society’s concept of “fair “ behaviour

Steps: create positive environment, support student efforts for self-control,deal with problems immediately and monitor the class

All consequences should create learning

Have specific rules that consider safety and wellbeing of others

Avoid confrontations, power struggles or rumours

Reactive Strategies

Lee and Marlene Canter

Rudolf Dreikurs

Barrie Bennett and Peter Smilanich


Canters’ Assertive


Definition: The teacher’s response style sets the tone of the classroom as well as impacting on the student’s self-esteem and success.

The Canters identified three basic response styles used by teachers when interacting with students

Canters’ Assertive


Nonassertive Teachers

These teachers fail to make their needs or wants known.

They appear indecisive which confuses students. They threaten but students know there will be no follow through.

Assertive Teachers

These teachers clearly and firmly express their needs.

They have positive expectations of students. They say what they mean, and mean what they say. They are consistent and fair.

Dreikurs’ Logical


Definition: The teacher considers the motivation and goals of the student behaviour in the development of a management plan.

A more humanistic approach than just focusing on discipline.

The teacher then applies Logical Consequences to assist students in taking responsibility for their actions and behaviours.

Dreikurs’ Goals of


Based on Alfred Alder’s concept that all behaviour had a purpose or goal, Dreikurs identified 4 student goals of misbehaviour:


To seek attention


To gain power


To seek revenge for some perceived injustice


To avoid failure

Dreikurs’ Logical


Must be tied directly to the misbehaviour

Must not involve moral judgments

Must distinguish between the deed and the doer

Must be applied in a non-threatening manner

Must present choice for the student

Barrie Bennett and Peter


 “The Bumping Model” of the teacher’s responses to student misbehaviour

Increasingly severe responses by the teacher based on the degree of the student’s BUMP.

Implies that teacher must take more drastic measures as behaviour persists

The Bumping Model

Bump 1: Prevent misbehaviour by low-key response

Bump 2: Square off Response

Bump 3: Give choice

Bump 4: Implied choice

Bump 5: Diffuse the Power Struggle ( ignore, use humour…)

Bump 6: Informal Agreement

Bump 7,8, 9,10: Informal contracts with other persons involved

Common Elements of


What do the theories have in common as prerequisites to good classroom management?

What are the features that differ among the theories?


The teacher is responsible for establishing a community and for maintaining classroom control

The teacher is the difference between a chaotic or caring classroom

Effective classroom management includes: planning and implementing teaching strategies thoroughly , keeping students actively engaged in meaningful learning, and preventing disruptions through proactive management strategies.

When a teacher needs to react to misbehaviour, careful thought should be applied to the situation to ensure that the self-esteem of the student is respected and to ensure that the consequences are realistic and appropriate

Good luck!
