Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Omicron Lambda Chapter

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Omicron Lambda Chapter Bylaws
Article I – Name
Section 1 This organization shall be known as the Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, charted in 1988 on the campus of the University of
North Carolina at Pembroke in Pembroke, North Carolina. This undergraduate chapter is
situated in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Section 2 This chapter shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of
Standard, and all noted documents adopted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Incorporated. The Bylaws of the Omicron Lambda Chapter must not conflict with the
Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1 As a unit of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, the purpose of this
chapter shall be synonymous with the purpose stated in Article II of the Constitution and
Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated; namely to “cultivate and
encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among
college women, to study and alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to
improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of
service to all mankind.”
Section 2 The members of the Omicron Lambda Chapter must graduate within six (6)
years from their date of admission to the first university/college of acceptance. If the
Soror has not graduated after six (6) years of entering the university/college, the soror
must transfer to a graduate chapter as an associate member. Only the Supreme Basileus
can give exception to this requirement.
Section 3 This chapter shall devote itself more specifically to the purposes as they relate
to the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and the surrounding communities of
Robeson County in North Carolina.
Section 4 The powers of the powers as specified in Article VII of the Constitution and
Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated shall be fulfilled.
Article III – Membership
Section 1 Membership in the Omicron Lambda Chapter shall consist of women of high
ethical and scholastic standards, pursuing a course of study leading to a degree at an
accredited college or university while maintaining a full time student status as stated in
Article IV section 4 of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2 All members of Omicron Lambda must maintain a 2.4 cumulative Grade
Point Average. An official transcript shall be submitted to the Graduate Advisor at the
end of each semester.
Section 3 All members must participate in service to the University of North Carolina at
Pembroke and/or the surrounding community. Each member will be required to complete
a minimum of eight (8) hours of community service each month. For every hour that a
member lacks towards the total hours, she will be fined $1.00. Service hours will be
documented on Orgsync. All money collected will be deposited into the general fund.
Section 4 All members will be required to complete a minimum of seven (7) hours of
library study time each week. For every hour that a member lacks towards those hours,
she will be fined $1.00. Members will document study hours by signing in and out at the
library. All money collected will be deposited into the general fund.
Section 5 Members are required to attend all chapter meetings, mandatory call
meetings, and anything else stated as mandatory by the Basileus. If a member is unable to
attend a meeting or event, the Basileus, Anti-Basileus, or Graduate Advisor is to be
notified. If the member fails to do so a $2.00 fine shall be implemented. Members who
arrive after a meeting or event has started will pay a $1.00 fine.
Section 6 An active member is a soror who meets both the academic and financial
obligations of the current year to both the Chapter and the Boule.
Section 7 The decision to have a new membership intake process will be decided on, in
the form of a vote, prior to the semester that it will take place.
Section 8 For an absence or tardy to be excused, the member must notify the Basileus
by noon unless it is an emergency. Any absence must be brought to the Basileus and
Graduate Advisor and, at their discretion, they will determine if it is excused.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1 The officers of Omicron Lambda will be elected by secret ballot for each of
the following offices: Basileus, Anti-Basileus, Grammateus, Anti-Grammateus,
Pecunious Grammateus, Tamiouchos, Epistoleus, Ivy Leaf Reporter and Historian,
Hodegos, Philacter, and Archivist. The Membership and Nominating Chairpersons will
also be elected.
Sorors must be nominated and elected for all offices excluding the Parliamentarian and
Chaplain. These positions shall be appointed by the Basileus and subject to Chapter
All officers shall be elected during in November and installed in December.
The term of elected officers shall be for a period of one fiscal year (January-December).
Each officer can hold her position for up to two (2) terms if re-elected.
Any soror who does not meet all Chapter financial obligations will not be eligible to hold
office, serve as a conference delegate, or vote on the spending of chapter monies.
Section 2 In the event that elected officers are unable to fulfill their duty and/or
complete their term a special election will be held. The Basileus and Graduate Advisor
shall be notified prior to this election in order to inform the entire chapter.
Officers elected during this special election will take office immediately and will hold
office through the end of the fiscal year. She will fulfill the duties of the positions listed
in Section 3. This allotted time will not count toward the maximum of two terms.
To become an officer of the Omicron Lambda Chapter, the member should be in good
standing with the chapter and have completed one year of active service.
Section 3 The officers of the Omicron Lambda Chapter shall perform the duties
outlined below and those stated in the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated. These guidelines shall be used during the evaluation of officers at
the appropriate times.
Presides at chapter meetings
Power to call special meeting and preside over them
Exhibits knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure
Demonstrates knowledge of and adherence to Sorority documents
Provides and adheres to the agenda
Presides over the Executive Committee
Officially represents the chapter on all occasions
Highly dedicated to the prosperity of the chapter
Prepares and submits timely reports
Appoints additional officers: Parliamentarian and Chaplain
Appoints Committee Chairmen not already clearly stated in the Bylaws
Member of the Finance/Budget Committee
Must be bonded
Presides in the absence of the Basileus
Chairman of the Program Committee
Member of the Executive Committee
Constructs chapter programs based on National Programs
Shows knowledge of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority procedures
Member of the Finance/Budget Committee
Objectively records minutes for each chapter meeting
Maintains official minutes for each meeting
Maintains current membership roster (Must be updated each semester)
Maintains committee reports
Assists in agenda preparation
Records all motions and business transactions
Keeper of chapter documents
Member of the Executive Committee
Member of the Finance/Budget Committee
Takes the minutes in the absence of the Grammateus
Keeps a record of all chapter events
Objectively records minutes for each Executive Board meeting
Member of the Executive Committee
Follows proper financial procedures
Keeps an orderly record of income and expenditures
Makes timely deposits of funds
Presents annual budget and end of year reports
Prepares and presents monthly reports
Presents list of financially active members by February 1
Follows guide to financial procedures
Member of the Executive Committee
Chairman of the Finance/Budget Committee
Must be bonded
Pecunious Grammateus
Receives and records all financial transactions for the chapter
Gives receipts for all income received
Submits all finds to the Tamiouchos
Member of the Finance/Budget Committee
Member of the Executive Committee
Must be bonded
Notifies members of meetings and activities
Conducts general correspondence of chapter, per direction of the Basileus
Conducts formal correspondence from the chapter
Maintains correspondence file
Member of the Executive Committee
Ivy Leaf Reporter
Chairman of the Public Relations Committee
Compiles, types, and edits news releases
Disseminates news releases to the public
Reports chapter events to the University Calendar
Serv3es on Executive Committee
Chronicles chapter events
Compiles a scrapbook to present for competition
In charge of chapter archives
Appointed by the Basileus
Advises the Basileus
Competent and effective in the use of Parliamentary Procedure
Familiar with Alpha Kappa Alpha documents
Chairman of the Bylaws Committee
Assists in keeping order during chapter meetings
Member of the Executive Committee and the Standards Committee
Appointed by the Basileus
Receives all visitors
Gives invitation to sorors new to campus as stated in Article IV Sections 40, 41,
and 43
Extend courtesies for the chapter
Sends formal invitations for chapter events
Recognizes weddings, graduations, illness, death, etc.
Must have a good understanding of protocol
Appointed by the Basileus
Guards the door during meetings
Serves as timekeeper
Appointed by the Basileus
Provides meditation, motivation, and spiritual sayings
Graduate Advisor and/or Assistant Graduate Advisor
The Graduate Advisor and/or Assistant Graduate Advisor shall serve as a link
between the graduate and undergraduate chapter.
It shall be the duty of the Graduate Advisor and/or Assistant Graduate Advisor to
support and advise the Undergraduate Chapter with operations, activities, and
any area(s) of concerns.
The Graduate Advisor and/or Assistant Graduate Advisor will ensure that the
Sorors of the undergraduate chapter will be the decision makers and lead
their chapter's operations.
Article IV – Meetings
Section 1 Full body meetings, referred to as chapter meetings, shall be held every first
Thursday evening of each month unless there is an interrupting conflict that has gone
through the Graduate Advisor. Members shall be notified of meetings via electronic
communication at least one week in advance.
Section 2 The quorum for every formal meeting shall be two-thirds of the active
membership. If quorum is not reached, the members will act as a standing committee and
all voting will be held until the next formal meeting.
Section 3 Attendance shall be taken at every full body meeting and chapter event stated
and understood as mandatory by the entire chapter.
Section 4 Meetings should be run in the following manner:
The Order of Business
1. Call to order
2. Meditation
3. Greetings
4. Adoption of agenda
5. Reading of minutes
6. Officer reports
a. Basileus
b. Anti-Basileus
c. Tamiouchos
d. Pecunious Grammateus
e. Epistoleus
7. Committee Reports
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Announcements
11. Adjournment
Section 5 Mandatory call meetings must be stated one week in advance. Any meeting
announced in a shorter time period is strongly recommended that members attend but is
not considered mandatory.
Article VI – Committees
Section 1 The standing committees shall be Executive, Finance/Budget, Public
Relations, Standards, Bylaws, Membership, and Nominating. All other committees shall
be designated as needed and fall into correlation with the standing committees.
Section 2 All members of Omicron Lambda must serve on at least one committee,
however it is recommended that she serve on at least two committees. Committees shall
be reevaluated at the end of each semester or during an election that directly affects it.
Individuals must participate in their committee’s meetings and events and give notice to
the chair if they cannot.
Section 3 The committee chairmen of the Omicron Lambda Chapter shall perform the
duties as outlined below an in the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Incorporated. These guidelines should also be used for the evaluation of
committee chairmen at the appropriate times.
Executive Committee
Chairperson: Basileus
Members: All officers including the Graduate Advisor
The Executive Committee will serve as the principal sub-committee of the chapter
and will meet prior to every chapter meeting. This committee will assist the
Basileus in the planning of chapter meetings. Has the power to discharge business
between meetings but cannot supersede action taken by members in the chapter
meeting. The committee studies chapter problems and, where appropriate,
presents recommendations to the chapter for resolving them.
Programs Committee
Chairperson: Anti-Basileus
Members: Chairmen of the six initiatives
Designs, develops, coordinates, and directs programs. Is the official host of all
programs and assumes all duties and logistics of being hostess of Alpha Kappa
Alpha programs. Reports at every chapter meeting and makes the chapter
Finance/Budget Committee
Chairperson: Tamiouchos
Members: Pecunious Grammateus and at least two other members
Shall come up and prepare a monthly budget statement to be presented in chapter
meetings. The committee will remind members, chairmen, and officers of their
spending in relation to the amount of funds allocated to their program. This
committee will keep up with all financial transactions.
Public Relations Committee
Chairperson: Ivy Leaf Reporter
Members: Chosen by the Chairperson.
Responsible for posters, advertisements, and announcements of the Chapter’s
activities. This committee shall assist other committees in the preparation of
publicity for their program.
Standards Committee
Chairperson: Appointed by Basileus
Members: Chosen by the Chairperson
Develops, designs, and organizes the surveys that will completed by the entire
chapter. Surveys shall take place once a semester and outcomes shall be presented
to the entire chapter so that changes may be made.
Bylaws Committee
Chairperson: Parliamentarian
Co-Chairperson: Standards Committee Chairperson
Is responsible for formulating and circulating proposed changes of Bylaws.
Should be thoroughly familiar with the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority as well as any other sorority documents. This committee should
always refer back to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Membership Committee
Chairperson: Elected
Members: Chosen by the Chairperson
Oversees the Membership Intake Process (MIP). Plans the logistics of MIP with
help from the full body. Is responsible for monitoring membership status and
recommend strategies recruitment and retention.
Nominating Committee
Chairperson: Elected
Members: at least one (1) member
Counts all secret ballots and facilitates elections. Must be informed ahead of time
when time when there is a special election and possess a roster of the candidates.
Special and Ad Hoc Committee
The Basileus shall create the committees as needed to facilitate the
purpose and objectives of Chapter.
Section 4 The chairperson of all committees shall be appointed by the Basileus except
when outlined in the Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Section 5 It is the duty of all officers and chairpersons to submit written reports of all
scheduled events planned for the following month at the chapter meetings.
Section 6 Copies of all pertinent records relating to the operations of the Omicron
Lambda Chapter shall be given to the Graduate Advisor.
Section 7 During vacation months the chapter records shall be kept by the Graduate
Section 8 Committee chairs shall be responsible for keeping attendance of the attending
the committee meetings. If the members serving on the committee do not show up to the
meetings and/or are not active on the committee the chair will charge that member a
$2.00 fine. It is up to the member of the committee to notify the chairperson when they
cannot attend meetings.
Article VII – Finance
Section 1 The fiscal year shall begin on January 1. The dues of the chapter members
shall be dependent upon the budget and remaining individual fines. Dues shall be paid by
January 15, however, it is recommended that members pay before Winter Break.
Section 2 Any member who has not met the financial obligation of her chapter shall be
suspended after a written notice has been given and until all dues and penalties are paid.
Section 3 All financial obligations and expenditures shall be submitted to the finance
committee for approval and review. All other reimbursements shall be made by checks
with the signature of the Basileus, Tamiouchos and/or Grammatus, and countersigned by
the Graduate Advisor. NO check is to be distributed without the counter signature of the
Graduate Advisor
Section 4 Each committee must stay within its budget. The chapter must approve
overspending on line items. All expenditures must be submitted to the Tamiouchos with
a voucher form.
Section 5 A rough draft of the budget for the year will be presented in October and a
final draft will be adopted by November 30.
Section 6 All fines will be placed into chapter operations.
Section 7 The Chapter shall be represented at the Boule, the Leadership Conference,
Eastern Carolina Cluster Meeting, Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference, and Undergraduate
Round-Up by the Basileus and/or other members of the Chapter. Whenever possible, the
Chapter shall send its full quota of representatives to conferences and other meetings.
Section 8 The Basileus shall have first consideration as a representative for the Chapter at
Section 9 The Chapter shall be responsible for the Basileus registration and hotel room.
The hotel room shall be shared by other chapter members as room allows.
a. Chapter delegates to all conferences shall include the Basileus and/or
b. When an overnight stay is required for the designated chapter
representative, the chapter will provide reimbursement for lodging.
Section 10 The Chapter shall be responsible for all travel expenses and accommodations
of the Regional Director when she comes as an invited guest of the Chapter.
Article VIII – Courtesies
Section 1 All gifts, cards, etc must be in a standard price and not vary from member to
member. The following will be given during the specified events:
Birthdays- A card and celebration at chapter meeting
Graduation- Certificate
Deaths- Flower and a card
Disasters- Letter of condolence and a fundraiser if needed
Article IX – Inactive Sorors
Section 1 Sorors shall be inactive if they do not comply with Article IV Section 1 and
Article V of the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Section 2 Any soror not maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 2.4 or not
financially active shall be considered inactive.
Section 3 An inactive member can still hold the title of being an AKA and wear
paraphernalia, however she loses all rights to vote, participate on committees, hold office,
or meet financial obligations. She may still attend any public or school programs and be
recognized during sisterly relations (without the use of chapter funds).
Article X – Parliamentary Authority
Section 1 All matters not provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and the Omicron Lambda Chapter shall be governed by
Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised.
Article XI – Amendments
Section 1 The Bylaws may be amended at a formal meeting by a two-thirds vote,
provided that the proposed amendment had been presented to the chapter at a previous
meeting. These Bylaws and amendments shall take effect immediately upon adoption.
Section 2 The Bylaws will always be reviewed at the beginning of a new fiscal year by
each member. Bylaws should also be reviewed during the time of an election.
Upon dissolution of the Chapter, its assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt
purposes within the meaning of Sec 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue code or
corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or for one or more exempt
purposes within in the meaning of See 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or
corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal
government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.