Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Key Issue 2:
Why is Each Point on Earth
Two key points
• Place: Unique location of a feature
• Region: areas of unique characteristics
Place: Unique Location of a
• Geographers describe a feature’s place on
Earth by identifying it’s location.
There are four ways to identify location:
• Name
• Site
• Situation
• Mathematical location
Place Names
• Toponym is a name given to a place on
--Names are often named after people, religious
reasons, local economies, physical
--Places can also change their names:
a. Cincinnati was named Losantiville
b. Hot Springs changed to Truth and
• It is the physical character of a place.
• Characteristics include: climate, water
sources, topography, soil ,vegetation, lat’s
and long’s
• People can change the characteristics to
fit their needs…Manhattan
• Is the location of a place relative to other
• It helps in locating an unfamiliar place in
location to a familiar one
• It helps us understand the importance of a
Fig. 1-6: Site of lower Manhattan Island,
New York City. There have
been many changes to the area
over the last 200 years.
Downtown Singapore
Situation: Singapore
Fig. 1-7: Singapore is situated at a key location for international trade.
Mathematical Location
• Any location can be found with meridians and parallels
• Meridians are longitudes
– 0 degrees longitude is the Prime Meridian
– 15 degrees equals one hour of time
• Parallels are latitudes
– The equator is 0 degrees
• Greenwich mean time
Is the universal time
Look at page 19 for reference
• International Date Line
Where the day changes and is located 180 degrees from GMT
World Geographic Grid
Fig. 1-8: The world geographic grid consists of meridians of longitude and parallels of
latitude. The prime meridian ( 0º) passes through Greenwich, England.
World Time Zones
Fig. 1-9: The world’s 24 standard time zones each represent about 15° of longitude. They are
often depicted using the Mercator projection.
Regions: Areas of
Unique Characteristics
• A region derives its unified character
through the cultural landscape– a
combination of cultural features such as
ag, industry and physical features such as
climate and vegetation.
Cultural Landscape
• Sometime it is called regional studies approach
• A region has its own distinctive landscape that
results from a unique combination of social
relationships and physical processes.
• The main principle is that people are the most
important agents of change of Earth’s surface.
– You might have poor soil in the area but people can
change it by added nutrients to grow crops
Types of Regions
• Formal
• Functional
• Vernacular
Presidential Election 2004
Regional Differences
Fig. 1-10: Presidential election results by county & state illustrate differences in regional
voting patterns.
Presidential Election, 2004
Results by County
Presidential Election, 2004
Results by State
Formal Region
• is an area within which everyone shares
in common one or more distinctive
• Could be cultural value such as language,
economic activity
• IE Gov’t units such as state or the wheat
belt, voting tendencies.
Formal and Functional
Fig. 1-11: The state of Iowa is an example of a formal region; the areas of influence
of various television stations are examples of functional regions.
Functional Region
• Is an area organized around a node or
focal point.
• Usually the area is tied to the focal point
by transportation, communication, or
• IE newspaper, or TV reception, or a
business service.
Vernacular Region
• Is a place that people believe exists as
part of their cultural identity.
• IE is a mental map
– It depict what a person knows about a place
Vernacular Regions
Fig. 1-12: A number of features are often used to define the South as a vernacular region,
each of which identifies somewhat different boundaries.
Regional Integration of Culture
• Why each region is distinctive,
geographers refer to culture
• They look at two ideas
– What people care about (ideas, beliefs,
values, customs
– What people take care of (salary, living,
obtaining food, clothing, shelter)
Spatial Association at Various
Fig. 1-13: Death rates from cancer in the US, Maryland, and Baltimore show
different patterns that can identify associations with different factors.
Spatial Association at Various
Fig. 1-13: Death rates from cancer in the US, Maryland, and Baltimore show
different patterns that can identify associations with different factors.
Cancer Death Rates in the
Cancer Death Rates in
Rates in
What people care about
• Geographers study why the beliefs, ideas
and values produce a distinctive culture on
a particular place.
Language and religion play a part
Ethnicity encompasses all these things and
will cause problems when in contact with
other ethnicities
What people take care of
• Look at material wealth—food, clothing, and
shelter that humans need to survive.
• World is divided into regions:
– LDC and MDCs
– MDCs have more per capita income, higher literacy
rates, lower death rates etc
– LDCs are mainly farming, MDC are manufacturing
– MDCs are usually organized into a political group—
country, states. LDCs are usually under a cultural
group that doesn’t coincide with the boundaries of a
Cultural Ecology: Integrating
Culture and Environment
• Groups:
#1Cultural Ecology: Integrating Culture and
#2Human and Physical Factors
#3 Physical Processes: Climate
#4 Physical Processes: Vegetation
#5 Physical Processes: Landforms
All people in the group need to participate, each
member will then go to another group and be an
expert about their area.
World Climate Regions
Fig. 1-14: The modified Köppen system divides the world into five main climate regions.
After the groups
• Read and write a summary on the
modifications of the Netherlands and
Florida. What are the potential problems
and benefits of their modifications?
Uniqueness of Places &
• Place: Unique location of a feature
Place names
Mathematical location
• Regions: Areas of unique characteristics
Cultural landscape
Types of regions
Spatial association
Regional integration of culture
Cultural ecology
in the
Fig. 1-15: Polders and dikes have been used for extensive environmental modification in
the Netherlands.
in Florida
Fig. 1-16: Straightening the Kissimmee River has had many unintended side effects.