Origin of the Oceans Homework Points |70 How did the liquid water

Origin of the Oceans Homework
How did the liquid water of the oceans form? (5pt)
How long ago did the oceans form? (5pt)
What is the evidence that the water in the oceans does not come from comets? (5pt)
The planet Mars isn’t too far away from the Earth, but does not have liquid water. Why not?
The planet Venus isn’t too far away from the Earth, but does not have liquid water. Why not?
How can the moon Europa possess an ocean, when it is so far away from the main source of
heat in our solar system, the sun? (5pt)
What geographical area or biome on Earth is the moon Europa most similar to? Why is this?
What is “salinity”? (5pt)
How did salinity develop, how did the oceans become salt water? (5pt)
Are the oceans continually becoming saltier, even today? Explain. (10pt)
With increasing emissions of pollutants, we are introducing acid constituents into our
atmosphere. What would you predict could be an oceanic consequence to the Industrial
Revolution? (10pt)