A singular noun names one person, place, thing or idea. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea. PLURAL NOUNS Most nouns in English are made into plural nouns by adding an s to the singular form, however, ……………. If the noun ends with an s, ch, sh, x, or z, an es is added to make the noun plural. boxes dishes churches Make the following nouns plural: losses box loss quizzes dish quiz church house houses •Add s to nouns ending in a vowel and y. key keys toy toys monkey monkeys Change y to an i and add es to nouns ending in a consonant and y. sky skies hobby hobbies penny pennies What about nouns that end in a vowel? Add an s to nouns ending in a vowel and o. radio - radios zoo - zoos Add an s to musical terms ending in o. cello - cellos solo - solos Nouns ending in a consonant and o should be learned. If you’re not sure, check the dictionary. echo echoes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes zero zeros, zeroes hero heroes Some nouns have special plural forms. For example…………. Add s to many nouns ending in f, fe, or ff. roof - roofs cliff - cliffs But, some nouns drop the f or fe and add ves. calf – calves life - lives Some nouns have irregular plural forms! child - children ox - oxen Some nouns have identical singular and plural forms. deer - deer scissors - scissors For compound words, the most important word is usually made plural. son-in-law / sons-in-law board of health/boards of health Add an ‘s to form the plural of letters or numbers used as a noun. A – A’s 100 – 100’s …..QUIZ TIME….. Write the plural form of each of these nouns. 1. teacup 6. Department of Justice 2. goose 7. daughter-n-law 3. Iroquois 8. leaf 4. class 9. hobby 5. auto 10. donkey CHECK YOUR ANSWERS. 1. teacups 6. Departments of Justice 2. geese 7. daughters-in-law 3. Iroquois 8. leaves 4. classes 9. hobbies 5. autos 10. donkeys