Cosmetology Skin Structure & Nutrition Module

Cosmetology Learning Module 7 – 12’
Skin Structure, Growth, and Nutrition
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Upon completion of this Cosmetology Learning Module, the student will be able
to describe the structure and composition of the skin; list the functions of the skin; list the
classes of nutrients essential for good health; list the food groups and dietary guidelines
recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA); list and describe the
vitamins that can help the skin; with 85% accuracy, using the time necessary for the
individual student's own learning pace. There will be a test will be given upon completion
of this Cosmetology Learning Module.
National Skill Standards:
 Conducting services in a safe environment, taking measurements to prevent the
spread of infectious and contagious disease.
 Using appropriate methods to ensure personal health and well-being.
To be completed:
1. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 7 – 12’, and PP--154 –
2. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 7 – 12’, Review
Questions PP 171, # 1 - 13
3. Milady's Standard Theory Workbook, Chapter 7 – 12’ PP 79 - 88.
4. Science Learning Module 5.1 - Describe the Structure and Composition of
the Skin
5. Science Learning Module 5.2 - List the Functions of the Skin
6. Test
7. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 7 – 12’, Outline
8. State Board Exam Review
9. Nutrition Tracker
10. Physical Activity Tracker
Science Learning Module 5.1
Describe the Structure and Composition of the Skin
Upon completion of this Science Learning Module, the student will be able to
describe the structure and composition of the skin, with 85% accuracy, using the time
necessary for the individual student's own learning pace. A test will be given upon
completion of Science Learning Modules 5.1 and 5.2.
To be completed:
1. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 7 – 12’, and PP-157 –
2. Worksheet # 1
3. Worksheet # 2
Must complete one (1) of the following projects:
4. Draw the structure of the skin. The drawing must be 11" x 13" encompassing
90% of the paper.
5. Build a scale model of the structure of the skin. The model must be at least
8" H x 8"W.
6. Make a PowerPoint presentation to the class on the structure and composition
of the skin. The presentation must be 4 - 6 minutes in length including an
introduction and conclusion. A copy of the PowerPoint must be given to the
Research (optional):
[Remember you must complete one (1) research project per marking period].
7. Write a research paper on the effects of different cleansing products on the
structure of the skin. The product must be 1 over the counter, 1 prescription,
and 1 professional. The paper must be double-spaced, typed or printed (not
cursive) neatly. At least three (3) resources must be utilized and a list of
resources attached using Citation machine for formatting.
Science Learning Module 5.1 (with Module 7)
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Worksheet # 1
Complete each sentence with the word that best finishes the sentence from the word bank.
Word Bank:
soles of feet
slightly acidic
smooth texture
slightly moist
palms of hands
is the medical branch that deals with the study of
skin and its nature, structure, functions, diseases, and treatments.
2. A
is a physician engaged in the science of
treating the skin.
3. An
is a specialist in the cleansing, preservation
of health, and the beautification of the skin and body.
4. Describe healthy skin:
5. Skin is thickest
6. Skin is thinnest
7. Continues pressure can cause a
8. The
has larger and deeper hair follicles.
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9. The skin is one of the most important and largest
of the body.
10. A
skin is moist, soft and flexible.
11. The
is 25 times thicker than the
12. The
layer is also called the cuticle or scarf skin.
tissue is a fatty layer found below the dermis and
varies in thickness according to age, sex and general health of the individual.
supply nourishment to the
15. Circulation is maintained by a network of
and lymphatics.
is a fibrous protein that gives the skin form and
is a protein base that forms elastic tissue and gives
the skin its flexibility and elasticity.
Match the number (word) with the letter (definition).
1. _____ Epidermis
a. Consists of cells that look like distinct
2. _____ Stratum Corneum
b. Composed of several layers of differentshaped cells.
3. _____ Stratum Lucidum
c. The outermost layer of the skin.
4. _____ Stratum Granulosum
d. Its scale like cells are continuously being
shed and replaced by underneath cells
coming to the surface.
5. _____ Stratum Germinativum
e. Cells the produce color.
6. _____ Melanocytes
f. Consists of small, transparent cells
through which light can pass.
7. _____ Dermis
g. Contains small cone shaped projections
of elastic tissue.
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8. _____ Papillary Layer
h. Contains blood and lymph vessels, fat
cells, and sweat and oil glands.
9. _____ Reticular Layer
i. True skin or underlying layers.
Circle T for True or F for False for each statement.
1. T or F . Motor nerves are distributed to the arrector pili muscle.
2. T or F . Secretory nerve fibers react to heat, cold, touches, pressures and pain.
3. T or F . Sensory nerve fibers are distributed to the sweat and oil glands.
4. T or F . Secretory nerve fibers regulate the excretion of perspiration and oils.
5. T or F . Nerve endings are most abundant in the palm of the hand.
6. T or F . The pliability of the skin depends on the elasticity of the dermis.
7. T or F . As we age the subcutaneous tissue gets bigger.
8. T or F . melanin gives the skin its color along with the blood supply to the skin.
List the following terms.
1. The two (2) types of duct glands.
2. What are the more numerous places sudoriferous glands are found?
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3. What are the two-(2) primary responsibilities of the sudoriferous glands?
4. How much liquid is eliminated daily?
5. What does the sebum do that is excreted through the sebaceous glands?
6. Where on the body are no sebaceous glands found?
7. What is the oily substance from the sebaceous glands?
Science Learning Module 5.1 (with Module 7)
Worksheet # 2
Circle T for True and F for False. If the answer is false on a separate piece of notebook
paper make the statement true.
1. T or F . The skin is not one of the largest organs of the body.
2. T or F . Healthy skin is moist, soft and pliable.
3. T or F . The texture of the skin is how the dense it is.
4. T or F . The dermis is the outermost layer of skin.
5. T or F . The stratum corneum is the outer epidermis layer that has scale like cells
coming to the surface.
6. T or F . The stratum lucidum consists of transparent cells.
7. T or F . Melanocytes are found in the stratum granulosum layer.
8. T or F . The layer of skin 25 times thicker than the epidermis is the dermis.
9. T or F . The papillary layer contains cone-shaped projections of non-elastic tissue
that point downward into the body.
10. T or F . Subcutaneous tissue and adipose tissue are considered by some to be part
of the epidermis layer.
11. T or F . Blood and lymph supply nourishment to the skin.
12. T or F . Motor nerve fibers are distributed to the arrector pili muscle.
13. T or F . Sensory nerve fibers are distributed to the sweat and oil glands.
14. T or F . Secretory nerve fibers react to heat, cold, touches, pressures and pain.
15. T or F . The pliability of the skin depends on the elasticity of the dermis.
16. T or F . Sweat glands are the sebaceous glands and excrete sweat.
17. T or F . Oil glands are the sebaceous glands and excrete oil.
Science Learning Module 5.2
List the Functions of the Skin
Upon completion of this Science Learning Module, the student will be able to list
the functions of the skin, with 90% accuracy, using the time necessary for the individual
student's own learning pace. A Test will be given upon completion of this Science
Learning Module and Science Learning Module 5.2.
To be completed:
1. Milady's Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, Chapter 7- 12’, PP-163 - 164.
Must complete one (1) of the following:
2. Create a client pamphlet describing the functions of the skin and the
importance of maintaining normal healthy skin. Include what kind of skin
care regime the client should maintain on a daily basis to protect the skin.
3. Make a chart depicting the various functions of the skin. The chart must be
11" x 13” encompassing 90% of the paper.
4. Make a PowerPoint presentation to the class describing the functions of the
skin and the importance of maintaining normal healthy skin. Include what
kind of skin care regime the client should maintain on a daily basis to protect
the skin. The presentation must be 3 - 5 minutes in length, including an
introduction and conclusion. A copy of the PowerPoint must be given to the
Research (optional):
[Remember you must complete one (1) research project per marking period].
5. Write a research paper on how diet, health, skin care products and the
environment affects the various functions of the skin. The paper must doublespaced, typed or printed (not cursive) neatly. At least three (3) resources must
be utilized and a list of resources attached using Citation Machine for
Study collections