Saskatchewan Common Mathematics Assessments Post Assessment Outcome: SS6.1 I am able to identify and classify angles in triangles and then connect this knowledge to measure angles in quadrilaterals. I am able to estimate and measure angles. I am able to draw angles. 1. Using the picture below, arrange the numbered angles in order from least to greatest. Level 2 1 1 3 2. What is the measurement of this angle? Level 2 3. Estimate the measure of the angles. Explain which referent angles you used. Tell whether each angle is acute, obtuse, straight or reflex. Give reasons for your choice of angles. Level 3 B. A. 4. A student measured this angle and found it to be 55. Do you agree? Explain your answer. 5. Measure and name the following angles and the lengths of each side. Describe the tools and process you used to find the measurements. Level 4 6. Find the measures of the angles labeled m and n without the use of a protractor. Explain a 3 strategy you used to find the answer. n 60 65 m 122 m n 7. Draw 2 different quadrilaterals. Measure and record each angle. Find the sum of the measures for each quadrilateral. 8. Think about the angles formed by the hour hand and the minute hand on a clock, write a time when the angle is: a) An acute angle ______ b) A reflex angle ______ c) An obtuse angle ______ Level 4 9. Determine if a quadrilateral can be drawn with the angle measures given. If it can be drawn, draw and label it. a) 50, 45, 70, 120 b) 125, 70, 85, 80 10. Is it possible to draw ΔPQR with these measures? Explain. PQ = 5.6 cm PR = 4 cm QR = 6 cm <Q= 45° <R = 45° 11. A quadrilateral has three angles that measure 70°, 125°, and 35°. A student says the measure of the fourth angle is 120°. Is the student correct? Explain how you know. Level 3 Teacher Section Teacher Notes: Students will need protractors and rulers Question 4, 7, 8, and 9 are adapted from MMS. 1 2 3a SS6.1 d 3b SS6.1 d 4 SS6.1 SS6.1 d l 3 5 SS6.1 f,j,k 4 6 SS6.1g,i 3 7 8a SS6.1 i,k SS6.1 l 3 3 SS6.1g Answer Level Indicator Question Answer Key: 1 2 3 1, 3, 2 124o Answers will vary depending on student background. Looking for understanding of referent and of triangle classification. Answers will vary depending on student background. Looking for understanding of referent and understanding of triangle classification. Should know that this angle is closer to 180 rather than 90 and therefore not even close to 55. Perhaps using wrong measurement of protractor. Answers will vary. May state 2 parallel sides and parallel angles are the same. First < n is 56 First < m is 58 Second < n is 30 Second < m is 90 The measures should total 360 Answers will vary 8b Answers will vary 8c Answers will vary 9 SS6.1 k 4 a cannot be drawn but b can be. 10 SS6.1h 4 It is not possible to draw a triangle with these measurements. Two equal angles need two equal sides. 11 SS6.1i 3 The total sum should equal 360 and these numbers equal more than 360. Bold indicates essential indicators. Outcome: SS6.1 I am able to identify and classify angles in triangles and then connect this knowledge to measure angles in quadrilaterals. I am able to estimate and measure angles. I am able to draw angles. up to Level 1 up to Level 2 up to Level 3 up to Level 4 There is a No major errors No major errors or omissions In addition to level 3 partial or omissions regarding any of the information performance, in-depth understanding regarding the and/or processes that were explicitly inferences and applications go beyond Description of some of the simpler details or taught. simpler details processes, but what was explicitly of Levels: This is the target level for (based on and processes. major errors or taught. proficiency. Marzano, Prior omissions 2007) knowledge is regarding the understood. complex processes may be present. SS6.1 d,1 ,g, i, k SS6.1 f, j, k d) Identify referents for angles of f) Measure angles in 45°, 90°, and different orientations 180° and use the referents to using a protractor. approximate the measure of other j) Generalize a angles and to classify the angles as relationship for the sum acute, obtuse, straight, or reflex. of the measures of the g) Measure angles in different angles in any orientations quadrilateral. Indicators using a protractor k) Provide a visual, and i) Generalize a relationship for the concrete, and/or oral Learning sum of the informal proof for the Targets for measures of the angles in any triangle sum of the measures of each Level: k) Provide a visual, concrete, and/or the angles in a oral informal proof for the sum of the quadrilateral being 360° measures of the angles in a (assuming that the sum quadrilateral being 360° (assuming of the measures of the that the sum of the measures of the angles in a triangle is angles in a triangle is 180°). 180°). l) Solving situational questions involving angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. d) Choose either a 45, 90, or 180 as a f) Describe how guide to estimate and group the angles measuring an angle is as acute, obtuse, straight, or reflex. different from g) Measure angles in different measuring a length. Studentpositions using j) Explain the sum of friendly a protractor angle measures of the descriptions i) Explain the sum of angle measures angles in any of learning of the angles in any triangle. quadrilateral targets. l) Solve real life problems with angle k) Show and explain in triangles and quadrilaterals. by using a picture or k) Show and explain by using a object to prove the sum picture or object to prove the sum of of measures of the measures of the angles in a angles in a quadrilateral quadrilateral being 360°. being 360°.