GRADE LEVEL PLANNING LESSON PLANS GRADE: 6th and 7th WEEK OF: January 9-13, 2012 GOALS/OBJECTIVES Jan. 9 3.01 Identify and describe the intersection of figures in a plane. (6th) 3.02 Identify and describe similar and congruent polygons with respect to angle measures, length of sides, and proportionality of sides. (7th) Essential Question: Draw and name the 6 kinds of quadrilaterals. 3.01 Identify and describe the intersection of figures in a plane. (6th) 3.02 Identify and describe similar and congruent polygons with respect to angle measures, length of sides, and proportionality of sides. (7th) Essential Question: What are the characteristics of quadrilaterals? Jan. 11 3.01 Identify and describe the intersection of figures in a plane. (6th) 3.02 Identify and describe similar and congruent polygons with respect to angle measures, length of sides, and proportionality of sides. (7th) Essential Question: What is the difference between a regular and irregular polygon? EVALUATION/ ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES Jan. 10 Teacher: Tommy Johnson SUBJECT: Math (Engage)Bell Ringer and Review. Read 1 chapter from SUMMER OF THE MONKEYS. (Explain)The teacher will review point, lines, planes, angles, polygons, triangles, and quadrilaterals. (Exploration)Teacher and students will work together to identify the different types quadrilaterals (Use the new vocabulary words for the different types quadrilaterals. Use the power point 7-7 (Evaluation)Students will work individually or with a partner to review their foldable using the new vocabulary words. 6th Practice 76 and Challenge 7-7, and 7th Practice 7-7 and Challenge 7-7. (Extension) Students will use Study Island, Success Maker, and Accelerated math for review and practice. (Engage) Bell Ringer and discuss the types of quadrilaterals. Read 1 chapter from SUMMER OF THE MONKEYS. (Explain) The teacher will introduce polygons and the angles in a polygon. (Exploration) Teacher and students will work together to identify polygons as regular or irregular. Introduce the new vocabulary and power point 7-8 to introduce polygons. (Evaluation) Students will work with a partner or individually to make a chart with regular and irregular polygons and will determine how many degrees are in each polygon. 6th Text pp. 352-355 and 7th Text pp. 382-385. (Extension Students will use Study Island, Success Maker, and Accelerated math for review and practice. (Engage) Bell Ringer and discuss the types of polygons. Read 1 chapter from SUMMER OF THE MONKEYS. (Explain) The teacher will review quadrilaterals and polygons and the angles in a polygon. (Exploration) Teacher and students will review polygons as regular or irregular and will practice finding the degrees within a polygon. (Evaluation) Students will work with a partner or individually to practice naming quadrilaterals and polygons using their notes from the first of the week. 6th Practice 7-7 and Challenge 7-7 and 7th Practice 7-8 and Challenge 7-7(using road signs). (Extension Students will use Study Island, Success Maker, and Accelerated math for review and practice. RESOURCES Class Participation Teacher Observation Independent Practice Formal & Informal Assessment Homework Group Interaction Class Participation Teacher Observation Independent Practice Formal & Informal Assessment Homework Group Interaction Class Participation Teacher Observation Independent Practice Formal & Informal Assessment Homework Group Interaction Teacher Created Materials Teacher selected materials NCCTM Text PowerPoint Teacher Created Materials Teacher selected materials NCCTM Text Holt Math. Teacher Created Materials Teacher selected materials NCCTM Text Holt Math Grade Level Planning Lesson Plans Jan. 12 3.01 Identify and describe the intersection of figures in a plane. (6th) 3.02 Identify and describe similar and congruent polygons with respect to angle measures, length of sides, and proportionality of sides. (7th) Essential Question: What is the difference between a quadrilateral and a polygon? Jan. 13 3.01 Identify and describe the intersection of figures in a plane. (6th) 3.02 Identify and describe similar and congruent polygons with respect to angle measures, length of sides, and proportionality of sides. (7th) Essential Question: How do we use quadrilaterals and polygons in real life? (Engage) Bell Ringer and discuss the types of quadrilaterals. Read 1 chapter from SUMMER OF THE MONKEYS. (Explain) The teacher will introduce polygons and the angles in a polygon. (Exploration) Teacher and students will work together to identify polygons as regular or irregular. Introduce the new vocabulary and power point 7-8 to introduce polygons. (Evaluation) Students will work with a partner or individually to make a chart with regular and irregular polygons and will determine how many degrees are in each polygon. 6th Text pp. 352-355 and 7th Text pp. 382-385. (Extension Students will use Study Island, Success Maker, and Accelerated math for review and practice. (Engage) Bell Ringer and Discuss the types of polygons. Read 1 chapter from SUMMER OF THE MONKEYS. (Explain) The teacher will review quadrilaterals and polygons and the angles in a polygon. (Exploration) Teacher and students will review polygons as regular or irregular and will practice finding the degrees within a polygon. (Evaluation) Students will work with a partner or individually to practice naming quadrilaterals and polygons using their notes from the first of the week. 6th Practice 7-7 and Challenge 7-7 and 7th Practice 7-8 and Challenge 7-7(using road signs). (Extension Students will use Study Island, Success Maker, and Accelerated math for review and practice. Teacher’s Signature__________________________ Modifications Collaboration among peers Teacher modeling Technology PowerPoint Adherence to all I.E.Ps Teacher support and monitoring Calculators-TI-73 Class Participation Teacher Observation Independent Practice Formal & Informal Assessment Homework Group Interaction Class Participation Teacher Observation Independent Practice Formal & Informal Assessment Homework Group Interaction Teacher Created Materials Teacher selected materials NCCTM Text Holt Math Teacher Created Materials Teacher selected materials NCCTM Text Holt Math Principal’s Signature: _________________________ Literacy Strategy(ies) Summarizing Cornell Notes for Math Vocabulary Frayer Model for Vocabulary Writing & Grammar