March 6 poetry test review

March 6, 2014
Poetry test review
Poetry test
I can demonstrate mastery of concepts learned throughout poetry unit.
Warm Up (in your composition book)
Copy your objective into you comp book.
Look up the definition for LIMERICK in the red section of your Literature book. Copy the definition
into your comp book.
Today we will be reviewing for tomorrow's poetry test
You will need to do all assignments without the use of your notes.
You can write everything on the paper I give you. First, make this chart on the back...
Poetry is different from other genres of literature in the following ways...
this is called...
the way it looks
the way it sounds
the language it uses
its appeal to the senses
Poetry is different from other types of writing in the way it
looks...This is called...
Poetry is different from other types of writing in the way it
sounds...These are called...
Poetry is different from other types of writing in the language it
uses. This is called..
Poetry is different from other types of writing in the way it
appeals to the 5 senses. This is called..
1. A ______________________ is a way of
comparing two things in poetry. It is a statement
that one this is like or as another.
2. The snake slithered soundlessly is an
example of _________________________
because the words have the same beginning
consonant sounds.
3. She cried her eyes out over the depressing
movie is an example of
4. "Eeek!" I screamed when I saw the mouse is
an example of _________________________
5. She was a gazelle as she ran the track. This
is an example of
6. Write an example of personification.
7. Write an example of a simile.
8. Determine the rhyme scheme of the
following poem:
Did you hear that guy?
He was talking about you.
You shouldn't cry
because none of it is true.
9. How are concrete poetry and free verse
poetry different?
10. The rhyme scheme of limericks is...
11. Write a couplet.
12. Haiku is a type of poetry that has
__________________ lines and a syllabication
pattern of ________________________.
13. A sonnet has ___________ lines.
14. A cinquain is a stanza poem that has
___________ lines, while a quatrain is a poem
or stanza with _______________ lines.
15. Write a poem about any teacher using an
AABB rhyme scheme.
Turn to pg. 666 in your Literature book.
You will need to read the two poems and then answer questions
1-15 (pgs. 668-669) in your comp book.
Rain Sizes by John Ciardi
Rain comes in various sizes.
Some rain is as small as a mist.
It tickles your face with surprises,
And tingles as if you'd been kissed.
Some rain is as big as a nickel
And comes with a crash and a hiss.
It comes down too heavy to tickle.
It's more like a splash than a kiss.
Some rain is the size of a sprinkle
And doesn't put out all the sun.
You can see the drops sparkle and twinkle,
And a rainbow comes out when it's done.
When it rains the right size and you're wrapped in
Your rain clothes, it's fun out of doors.
But run home before you get trapped in
The big rain that rattles and roars
Rain in
by Mary Oliver
robin cries: rain!
The crow calls: plunder!
The blacksnake climbing
in the vine halts
his long ladder of muscle
While the thunderheads whirl up
out of the white west,
their dark hooves nicking
the tall trees as they come.
Rain, rain, rain! sings the robin
frantically, then flies for cover.
The crow hunches.
The blacksnake
pours himself swift and heavy
into the ground.
Questions 1-6: Rain Sizes
1. Which statement describes the pattern of
rhyme in this poem?
2. Which description of rain is a simile?
3. In line 4, the speaker uses a simile to
compare the misty rain to -
4. Which phrase from the poem is an example
of an onomatopoeia?
5. Which image appeals to your sense of
6. You can infer that the speaker in Rain Sizes -
Questions 7-11: Rain in Ohio
7. In line 5, the speaker uses the metaphor "his
long ladder of muscle" to emphasize the snake's
8. Read lines 6-9.
"while the thunderheads whirl up
out of the white west,
their dark hooves nicking
the tall trees as they come."
at are the thunderheads being compared to?
9. Read lines 10-11.
"Rain, rain, rain! sings the robin
frantically, then flies for cover."
u can infer that when the robin sings "Rain,
rain, rain!" it is Yo
10. The metaphor in lines 13-15 compares the
blacksnake's movement to -
11. What can you infer about how the birds and
the snake feel about the approaching storm?
Question 12:
both selections
12. In both poems, the descriptions of rain -
2-3 sentences
13. In Rain Sizes what idea does the speaker
emphasize by repeating the phrase "some rain
14. Do you think Rain in Ohio describes the
approach of a wild thunderstorm or a gentle
rain? Give two examples from the poem to
support your idea.
Write a paragraph to answer this question.
15. Find 3 images in Rain inthat describe how
the robin, the crow and the blacksnake react to
the storm. Are their reactions the same or
different? Explain.
Study for tomorrow's poetry test!