Mass solute

June 12, 2009 – Class 41 and 42 Overview
12.3 Some Properties of Solids
Melting, melting (freezing) point, heat of fusion, sublimation,
12.4 Phase Diagrams
Critical Point
12.9 Energy Changes in the Formation of Ionic Crystals
Determination of lattice energy using a Born-Fajans-Haber
June 12, 2009 – Class 41 and 42 Overview
13.1 Types of Solutions: Some Terminology
Solvent, solute, solid solutions (alloys), gaseous and liquid
13.2 Solution Concentration
Calculations involving mass percent, volume percent,
mass/volume percent, parts per million, billion and trillion, mole
fraction and mole percent, molarity, molality
Some Properties of Solids
Melting: the transition of a solid to a liquid that occurs at
the melting point. The melting point and freezing point
of a substance are identical.
Heat of fusion (DHfus)
Some Properties of Solids
Sublimation: the passage of molecules from the solid
to the gaseous state.
Deposition: the passage of molecules from the
gaseous to the solid state.
Enthalpy of sublimation: DH sub  DH fus  DH vap
Sublimation of solid iodine, and the deposition of the vapor
to solid on the cooler walls of the flask.
Critical Point
Critical Point: refers to the temperature and pressure at
which a liquid and its vapor become identical. It is the
highest temperature point on the vapor pressure curve.
Critical Point
A gas can be liquefied
only at temperatures
below its critical
If room temperature is
above Tc, then a gas
can cannot be liquefied.
Temperature must be
lowered to below Tc.
Phase Diagrams
Phase Diagrams: a graphical representation of the
conditions of temperature and pressure at which solids,
liquids and gases exist, either as single phases or
states of matter or as two or more phases in
Triple point: a
condition of
temperature and
pressure at which
three phases of a
substance coexist at
Phase Diagrams – Supercritical Fluids
Above the critical point the state of matter has the high density of a liquid, but the low
viscosity of a gas. It is called a supercritical fluid.
Phase Diagrams - Iodine
Note that the melting-point and triple-point temperatures for iodine are essentially the
Phase Diagrams – Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Note that a line intersects the sublimation curve at P = 1atm (consistent with
behaviour observed for “dry ice”).
Phase Diagrams – Water (H2O)
Ice exists in different
phases at different
Negative slope of the OD
line means that the
melting point of ice
decreases with
increasing pressure
(think: ice skating)
Energy Changes in the Formation of Ionic Crystals
Enthalpy of formation:
Cs(s) + Cl2(g)  CsCl(s)
DH of  442.8kJ / mol
Lattice energy: the quantity of energy released in the
formation of one mole of crystalline ionic solid from its
separated gaseous ions. Example:
Cs+(g) + Cl–(g)  CsCl(s)
DH  669.2kJ / mol
Energy Changes in the Formation of Ionic Crystals
Lattice energy can be determined indirectly using a
Born-Fajans-Haber cycle.
Energy Changes in the Formation of Ionic Crystals
Enthalpy diagram for
the formation of an
ionic crystal.
Shown here is a fivestep sequence for the
formation of one mole
of NaCl(s) from its
elements in their
standard states.
The sum of the five
enthalpy changes gives
The equivalent onestep reaction for the
formation of NaCl(s)
directly from Na(s) and
Cl2(g) is shown in color.
Energy Changes in the Formation of Ionic Crystals
Lattice energy can be determined indirectly using a
Born-Fajans-Haber cycle.
This method consists of five steps:
Sublime one mole of solid Na.
Dissociate 0.5 mole of Cl2(g) into one mole of Cl(g)
Ionize one mole of Na(g) to Na+(g).
Convert one mole of Cl(g) to Cl-(g).
Allow the Na+(g) and Cl-(g) to form one mole of NaCl(s).
Energy Changes in the Formation of Ionic Crystals
Problem: Determine the lattice energy for MgF2(s) from the
following data: DH°f MgF2(s) = -1123 kJ mol-1, enthalpy
of sublimation of Mg(s) = 148 kJ mol-1, bond
dissociation energy of F2(g) = 159 kJ mol-1, I1 for Mg(g)
= 738 kJ mol-1, I2 for Mg(g) = 1450kJ mol-1 EA for F(g) =
-328 kJ mol-1.
Problem: Determine DH°f CaCl2(s) given the lattice energy
of CaCl2 = -2223 kJ mol-1 enthalpy of sublimation of
Ca(s) = 178.2 kJ mol-1, bond dissociation energy of
F2(g) = 122 kJ mol-1, I1 for Ca(g) = 590 kJ mol-1, I2 for
Ca(g) = 1145 kJ mol-1 EA for Cl(g) = -349 kJ mol-1.
Types of Solutions: Some Terminology
Solution: homogeneous mixture made up of a solvent
and a solute
Solvent: solution component in which one or more
solutes is dissolved.
Usually the solvent is present in greater amounts than the
solutes and determines the state of matter in which the solution
Solute: the solution component that is dissolved in the
A solution may have several solutes, with the solutes generally
present in lesser amounts than the solvent.
Types of Solutions: Some Terminology
Solutions may be one of three phases: solid, liquid or gas
Alloys: a mixture of two or more metals; a solid solution.
Amalgams: metal alloys containing mercury; most are in the
liquid phase.
Solution Concentration
Standard Solution: A solution that contains a precise
mass of solute in a precise volume of solution
Concentration: refers to the composition of a solution.
One method for expressing concentration is molarity
Molarity (M): the number of moles of solute dissolved in
one litre of solution; expressed in units of (mol/L)
Note: Often, the unit (mol/L) is abbreviated (M).
Molarity can be calculated from
M = nsolute
Solution Concentration
Other methods can be used to express the
concentration of a solution:
Percent by Mass (Mass/Mass)
If you dissolve 5.00 g of NaCl in 95.0 g of H2O you get
100.0 g of solution that is 5.00 % NaCl, by mass.
Mass Percent (mass/mass) = Mass solute (g) x 100%
Mass solution (g)
Percent by Mass (Mass/Volume)
If you dissolve 0.9 g of NaCl in 100.0 mL of solution,
your solution is 0.9 % NaCl (mass/volume).
Mass Percent (mass/volume) = Mass solute (g)
x 100 %
Volume Solution (mL)
Solution Concentration
Percent by Mass (Volume/Volume)
If you prepare 100.0 mL of aqueous solution containing
25.0 mL of CH3OH(l) the solution is 25.0 % CH3OH, by
Mass Percent (volume/volume) = Volume solute (mL) x 100%
Volume solution (mL)
Solution Concentration
Parts Per Million (Mass/Mass)
If you dissolve 0.5 g of NaCl in 99.5 g of H2O you get
100.0 g of solution that is 5000 ppm NaCl (mass/mass).
Parts Per Million (ppm) = Mass solute (g) x 106
Mass solution (g)
Parts Per Million (Mass/Volume)
If you dissolve 0.9 g of NaCl in 100.0 mL of solution,
your solution is 9000 ppm NaCl (mass/volume).
Parts Per Million (ppm) = Mass solute (g)
x 106
Volume Solution (mL)
Solution Concentration
Mole Fraction and Mole Percent
Mole fraction can be determined by:
ci = _____amount of component i (in moles)______
total amount of all solution components (in moles)
Note: ci + cj + ck + …. = 1
Mole percent is mole fraction multiplied by 100%.
Molality (m)
The number of moles of solute per kg of solvent (NOT
Molality (m) = amount of solute (moles)
mass of solvent (kg)
Solution Concentration
Problem: An ethanol-water solution is prepared by dissolving
10.00 mL of ethanol (C2H5OH; d = 0.789 g/mL) in sufficient
water to produce 100.0 mL of a solution with a density of
0.982 g/mL. What is the concentration of ethanol in this
solution expressed as:
(a) Volume percent
(b) Mass percent
(c) Mass/volume percent
(d) Mole fraction
(e) Mole percent
(f) Molarity
(g) Molality
Problem: Laboratory ammonia is 14.8 M NH3(aq) with a density
of 0.8980 g/mL. What is cNH3 in this solution?