Breakfast Powerpoint - Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance

Sarah Swank
Arts Education in Maryland Schools
Breakfast Co-Hosts
Laura Gamble
Greater Maryland PNC
Mary Ann Mears
AEMS Trustee
Governor’s P-20 Leadership Council Task Force
on Arts Education in Maryland Schools
Jacques Thompson
Roland Park Elementary/Middle School
Baltimore City Public Schools
The Youth Resiliency Institute
Navasha Daya Co-Founder/ Deputy Director
The Youth Resiliency Institute
Governor Martin O’Malley’s
P20 Leadership Council Task
Force on Arts Education in
Maryland Schools
“The arts give our children the
skills and diverse knowledge to
become the leaders and
innovators of tomorrow.”
 Governor Martin O’Malley
Charge to the Task Force
The task force will:
• Examine Maryland policies and regulations on
arts curriculum and instruction in the context of
the new standards in arts education so as to
identify gaps and alignment needs;
• Determine the current status of arts education in
Maryland schools;
• Review pertinent research on the impact of fine
arts instruction on student success in school; and
Charge to the Task Force cont.
The task force will:
• Make recommendations regarding fine arts
education in Maryland public schools to include:
▫ policy and regulations
▫ professional development
▫ curriculum and instruction
▫ resource allocation
Task Force Members
Co-Chairs of the Task Force:
• Mary Ann Mears, Founder and Current Trustee, AEMS Alliance
• Dr. Jack Smith, Chief Academic Officer, Maryland State Department of Education
• Nancy Highsmith, Interim Superintendent, Calvert County Public Schools
• Dr. Kevin Maxwell, Superintendent, Prince George's County Public Schools
• Dr. Khalid Mumin, Superintendent, Caroline County Public Schools
Task Force Members
• Dr. Sean Abel, Principal, Patterson Mill Middle/High School, Harford County
• John Baugher, Principal, Francis Scott Key High School, Carroll County
• Christopher Nunzio, Principal, Prince Street Elementary School, Wicomico County
Pk-12 Arts Educators:
• Mark Coates, Coordinator, Fine Arts, Howard County Public Schools
• Eleni Dykstra, Acting Coordinator of Visual Arts, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
• Anita Lambert, Coordinating Supervisor, Creative Arts Programs, Prince George's
County Public Schools
• Rick Penix, Coordinator, Fine Arts, Montgomery County Public Schools
• Sonia Synkowski, Dance Resource Teacher, Baltimore County Public Schools
Task Force Members
Maryland State Department of Education:
• Judy Jenkins, Director of Curriculum, Maryland State Department of Education
• Jay Tucker, Coordinator of Fine Arts, Maryland State Department of Education
State Board Member:
• James DeGraffenreidt, Member/Past President, Maryland State Board of Education
Local Board Members:
• Peter Kannam, Managing Partner, America Achieves
• Wayne Ridenour, Member/Past President, Washington County Board of Education
Task Force Members
Statewide Arts Organizations:
• Theresa Colvin, Executive Director, Maryland State Arts Council
• Dr. Stephen Miles, President, Maryland Music Educators Association; Supervisor of
Visual and Performing Arts, Washington County Public Schools
• Lisa Stuart, President, Maryland Art Education Association; Content Specialist, Art,
Theatre, Dance, Montgomery County Public Schools
Maryland Leaders in the Arts:
• Kwame Kwei-Armah, Artistic Director, Center Stage
• Liz Lerman, Founding Artistic Director, Dance Exchange
Task Force Members
Institutes of Higher Education:
• Dr. William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor, University System of Maryland
• Dr. Maravene Loeschke, President, Towson University
• Dr. Patricia Welch, Dean of Education, Morgan State University
Business Community:
• Martin Knott, Chair, Governor’s Workforce Investment Board and President, Knott
• Carol Trawick, President, The Jim and Carol Trawick Foundation
Information Gathering/Public
• School System Arts Surveys
• Central Office Data
• Data from Every School
• 6 Regional Public Forums
• Online Public Comment Surveys
• Research Review
Aggressive Timeline
• October - May – Deliberations
• May – Agreement on recommendations and
action plan
• September– Present report to Governor
O’Malley and his P20 Leadership Council
Richard J. Deasy
Founder and former Director of the Arts Education
Partnership (AEP) A national coalition of over 100
education, arts, business, philanthropic, and
government organizations that demonstrates and
promotes the essential role of arts education in
enabling all students to succeed in school, life, and
Under his leadership AEP published seminal
research studies and reports that are credited with
major advances in arts education in the United
Arts Education Partnership
Research Publications
Gaining the Arts
Lessons from
School Districts
that Value Arts
Education (1999)
Champions of
Change: The
Impact of the Arts
on Student
Learning (2000)
Young Children
and the Arts:
Making Creative
Connections (1998)
Critical Links:
Learning in the
Arts and Student
Academic and
Benefits of Arts for Low Income Students
James Catterall, 1999 and 2009
• First study followed 25,000 students through
high school and found significant advantages for
arts engaged low SES students in academic
• Follow-up with 12,000 students found gains in
college attendance, employment in jobs with a
future, and volunteerism/civic participation.
Third Space: When Learning Matters
• How do the arts contribute
to improvement of schools
that serve economically
• Comparative analysis of 10
“high poverty” schools
Purpose and Capacities of Arts
• Purpose: Develop the abilities to create,
perform, and respond to works of art
• Capacities: Cognitive, personal and social
skills, values and attitudes engaged and
developed in learning the arts.
The Fundamentals
• Symbolic Understanding:
Understanding and using multiple modes to
communicate ideas and feelings
The Fundamentals
• Imagination:
Visualizing new possibilities for human thought,
action and the use of materials.
The Fundamentals
• Creativity:
Engaging the imagination to conceive, express,
or produce something highly original
The Fundamentals
• Innovation:
Engaging imagination and creativity to
produce an advance in a field of activity
What it demands
• Persistence:
Sustaining concentrated attention to a task
• Resilience:
Managing challenges; overcoming frustration
and failure
What it demands
• Conditional reasoning:
Theorizing about actions, outcomes, and their
consequences: “what if. . .”
Generating optional approaches and solutions to
problems and conditions
What it demands
• Critical thinking and judgment:
Developing and applying the criteria for
evaluating evidence and making informed
What it demands
• Collaborative Learning and Action:
Participating as a contributing member in a
group process of acquiring and manifesting
Supporting the conditions for openness and
risk taking
What it demands
• Risk Taking:
Willingness to change patterns of behavior and
learn from failures
Having tolerance for ambiguity
What it nurtures
• Engaged learning:
Absorption in the content, processes and
pleasures of learning
What it nurtures
• Achievement motivation:
The desire to succeed in fulfilling goals and
What it nurtures
• Self identity/ Self efficacy:
Internalizing personally meaningful standards
Realistically valuing oneself and the impact of
one’s actions
What it nurtures
• Empathy:
Understanding and appreciating another’s
feelings and point of view
What it nurtures
• Social Tolerance:
Respecting multiple values and perspectives
21st Century Skills
Creativity and Innovation
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Collaboration, Teamwork, and Leadership
Cross-cultural Understanding
Communication and Media Fluency
Career Flexibility and Self-reliance
Computing and ICT Fluency
Cognitive Science on the Arts and
Dr. Jerome Kagan, Harvard Psychologist
• “The arts contribute amazingly well to learning
because they regularly combine the three major
tools that the mind uses to acquire, store, and
communicate knowledge: motor skills,
perceptual representation, and language.”
• “Art and music require the use of both
schematic and procedural knowledge and,
therefore, amplify a child’s understanding of self
and the world.”
John Hopkins Learning, Arts, and the Brain Summit in 2009
The Imagine Nation
National Polling Data from Lake Research 2008
• Almost nine in ten voters agree that: the
imagination is key to innovation and student
• 91% of all voters say the arts are necessary to
build imagination. (“An education in and
through the arts provides students with the
opportunity to develop their imagination.”)
How the Public Values What the Arts Deliver
National Polling Data from Lake Research 2008
• Use multiple ways of learning and
communicating 84%
• Learn how to set goals and achieve them 80%
• Concentrate on a task 79%
• Manage challenges and overcome failure 82%
• Respect multiple values and perspectives 85%
• Participate in a group and be a team player
Marylanders Value Arts Education
Maryland State Arts Council Survey 2013
• Nine out of ten Marylanders want a strong
emphasis on art and creativity in the schools.
• 92% agree that “Encouraging our children to
imagine and be creative will help them in
other ways in life.” (79% strongly agree).
• 87% believe that the arts should be taught at
every grade level of our schools.
From Scientific American
August 22, 2012
• Nobel laureates in the sciences are seventeen times
likelier than the average scientist to be a painter,
twelve times as likely to be a poet, and four times as
likely to be a musician.
• Steve Jobs described himself and his colleagues at
Apple as artists.
Randall L. Tobias
Chairman of the Board and CEO, Eli Lilly and
"The arts foster creativity, and creativity is
central to our business strategy. Indeed, we
believe there is a strong link between the
creativity nurtured by the arts and scientific
creativity. If our scientists are stimulated
through their involvement with the arts, then
it's ultimately good for our business -- and our
W. James McNerney, Jr.
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, The
Boeing Company
"At Boeing, innovation is our lifeblood. The arts
inspire innovation by leading us to open our
minds and think in new ways about our lives including the work we do, the way we work,
and the customers we serve."
• “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take
you everywhere.”
Albert Einstein
• 1,500 CEOs surveyed by IBM ranked creativity as the
most important leadership quality they are looking for
in their workers
• "The future belongs to young people with an education
and the imagination to create.” President Barack
Your input is critical!
• 1. How have the arts and
imagination/creativity/innovation impacted your
work, career, business?
• 2. Recognizing the importance of high quality
arts education for all students, what can business
and business leaders do to support increased
access to arts education (dance, music, theatre
and the visual arts)?
Thank you!!!!!
Please fill out the Pledge of Interest card before
you leave!!