The Scientific Revolution 7.59 Describe the roots of the Scientific Revolution based upon Christian and Muslim influences. 7.60 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources explaining the significance of new scientific theories, the accomplishments of leading figures including Sir Frances Bacon, Nicolaus Copernicus, Rene Descartes, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Sir Isaac Newton, and new inventions, including the telescope, microscope, thermometer, and barometer. The Birth of Modern Science • In between 1540-1700 there were a series of events (or new thoughts) – These events led to the birth of modern science • Or the Scientific Revolution • A handful of brilliant individuals laid the foundation for science as we know it • Often considered the MOST IMPORTANT event in human history Before the Revolution • Everything was based off of what the ancient Greeks or Romans said – Catholic Church also was responsible for explaining everything • Most “known” things were based on the Bible or Biblical teachings • New ideas were often quickly put down by the Catholic Church After the Revolution • Explanations became less “faith” based –Based more on observations and experiments • Theories had to be tested to see if they were true –One could not just bring a new idea and say it’s true • You had to prove it Roots of the Revolution • Greek Thinkers were the early scientists –They only believed things that they could observe or test –Aristotle for example • His idea was that people should observe the world and draw LOGICAL conclusions about what they see Greece • Greek thinkers were rationalist – People who look at the world in a rational, logical way • Now not all Greek thinkers were right – Ptolemy thought the Earth was the center of the universe – They did however try to explain what they were observing and did not take it on faith alone Muslims • Muslims aided in the Scientific Revolution by preserving Greek writings – During the Middle Ages most Greek writing in Europe was destroyed • They studied the Greek writings and added their own ideas – It was later brought back to Europe so that new scientists could study Renaissance • New thinking in the Renaissance helped also –Humanism • Now people are getting away from the thinking that everything is religious based • People want answers as to why things are the way they are and “because God made it that way” is no longer a good enough answer Greed • Believe it or not greed played a role too • Many people believed that there was a way to turn metal into Gold –This is called Alchemy –Although it’s not possible it did become a forerunner into modern chemistry Important Scientists/Thinkers of the Scientific Revolution Discovery leads to doubt • For centuries people took the church at its word or took the word of the Ancient Greeks –That was until Christopher Columbus came around • In 1492 he sailed west hoping to reach Asia • He took along the map of Ptolemy • He ran into North America instead The doubt • Ptolemy’s map didn’t have these new lands on them –He was considered the authority on Geography and maps • If he was wrong, what other Greek ideas could be wrong too??? –It turns out a lot!!! Nicolaus Copernicus • Challenged Ptolemy’s idea that the earth was the center of the universe • As he studied movements of the planets he figured out that the earth orbited the sun • Wrote a book about his findings – On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres – This book was put on the “bad” list by the pope • It went against what the church taught – Considered the beginning of the Scientific Revolution Johannes Kepler • Challenged the idea that planetary orbits were circular –Said they moved in an oval shape –Helped to prove Copernicus’ theory Galileo Galilei • First scientist to study the planets using the telescope • Discovered four moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn • Also interested in how objects fall – His work was later used by Isaac Newton to develop his Laws of Gravity • Was the first scientist to use experiments to test his theories Galileo falling object experiment on moon Sir Isaac Newton • Probably one of the greatest scientists every • First scientist to review the work of previous scientists and add his own ideas –Law of Gravity –Laws of Motion –Invented Calculus Calculus Problem Rene Descartes • Was a French philosopher • Believed nothing should be accepted as true if it can’t be proven as true –Why we have theories and laws in Science Sir Francis Bacon • Was an English philosopher • Believed scientists should observe the world and gather data • Should conduct experiments • Develop theories to explain their data • Sounding familiar??? – It’s the SCIENTIFC METHOD!!! New Inventions of the Scientific Revolution • Microscope – Allowed us to see the world of cells and bacteria Microscopes New Inventions of the Scientific Revolution • Microscope – Allowed us to see the world of cells and bacteria • Thermometers – Used to measure temperature Thermometer New Inventions of the Scientific Revolution • Microscope – Allowed us to see the world of cells and bacteria • Thermometers – Used to measure temperature • Telescope – Used to study astronomy Telescope New Inventions of the Scientific Revolution • Microscope – Allowed us to see the world of cells and bacteria • Thermometers – Used to measure temperature • Telescope – Used to study astronomy • Barometer – Used to measure air pressure – Helps us forecast weather Barometer