Term Filtering with Bounded Error Zi Yang, Wei Li, Jie Tang, and Juanzi Li Knowledge Engineering Group Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, China {yangzi, tangjie, ljz}@keg.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn lwthucs@gmail.com Presented in ICDM’2010, Sydney, Australia 1 Outline • • • • • • 2 Introduction Problem Definition Lossless Term Filtering Lossy Term Filtering Experiments Conclusion Introduction • Term-document correlation matrix – 𝑀: a |𝑉| × |𝐷| co-occurrence matrix, the number of times that term 𝑤𝑖 occurs in document 𝑑𝑗 How can we overcome the disadvantage? – Applied in various text mining tasks • text classification [Dasgupta et al., 2007] • text clustering [Blei et al., 2003] • information retrieval [Wei and Croft, 2006]. – Disadvantage • high computation-cost and intensive memory access. 3 Introduction (cont'd) • Three general methods: – To improve the algorithm itself – High performance platforms • multicore processors and distributed machines [Chu et al., 2006] – Feature selection approaches • [Yi, 2003] We follow this line 4 Introduction (cont'd) • Basic assumption – Each term captures more or less information. Limitations • Our goal - A generic definition of information – A subspace of afeatures (terms) loss for single term and a set of – Minimal information terms in termsloss. of any metric? • Conventional solution: loss of each - The information – Step 1: Measure document, each individual individual andterm a setorofthe dependency to a group of terms. documents? • Information gain or mutual information. – Step 2: Remove features with low scores in Why should we consider the importance or high scores in redundancy. information loss on documents? 5 Introduction (cont'd) • Consider a simple example: w (2, 2) A Doc 1 Doc 2 AA B AA B What we have done?w (1,1) B - Information loss for both terms and • Question: any loss of information if A and B documents are- Term substituted a Bounded single term Filteringby with ErrorS? problem - Developonly efficient algorithms loss for terms – Consider the information •YES! Consider that 𝜖𝑉 is defined by some state-ofthe-art pseudometrics, cosine similarity. – Consider both •NO! Because both documents emphasize A more than B. It’s information loss of documents! 6 Outline • • • • • • 7 Introduction Problem Definition Lossless Term Filtering Lossy Term Filtering Experiments Conclusion Problem Definition - Superterm • Want – less information loss – smaller term space Group terms into superterms! • Superterm: 𝑠 = {𝑛(𝑠, 𝑑𝑗 )}𝑗 . 8 the number of occurrences of superterm 𝑠 in document 𝑑𝑗 Problem Definition – Information loss • Information loss during term merging? – user-specified measures 𝑑(⋅,⋅) Can be chosendistance with different methods: winner-take-all, • Euclidean metric and cosine similarity. average-occurrence, etc. – superterm 𝑠 substitutes a set of terms 𝑤𝑖 • information loss of terms error𝑉 (𝑤) = 𝑑(𝐰, 𝐬). • information loss of documents error𝐷 (𝑑) = 𝑑(𝐝, 𝐝′). Doc 1 AA B Doc 1 A B 9 Doc 2 A transformed representation for document 𝑑 after merging AA B Doc 1 Doc 2 2 2 1 1 S S Doc 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 errorW 0 errorD 0 Problem Definition – TFBE • Term Filtering with Bounded Error (TFBE) – To minimize the size of superterms |𝑆| subject to the following constraints: (1) 𝑆 = 𝑓(𝑉) = ∐𝑠∈𝑆 𝑠, (2) for all 𝑤 ∈ 𝑉, error𝑉 (𝑤) ≤ 𝜖𝑉 , (3) for all 𝑑 ∈ 𝐷, error𝐷 (𝑑) ≤ 𝜖𝐷 . Mapping function from terms to superterms 10 Bounded by userspecified errors Outline • • • • • • 11 Introduction Problem Definition Lossless Term Filtering Lossy Term Filtering Experiments Conclusion Lossless Term Filtering • Special case – NO information loss of any term and document 𝜖𝑉 = 0 and 𝜖𝐷 = 0 • Theorem: The exact optimal solution of the problem is yielded by grouping terms of the same vector Thisrepresentation. case is applicable? • YES! Algorithm On Baidu Baike dataset (containing – Step 1: find “local” superterms for each document 1,531,215 documents) • Same occurrences within the document The vocabulary sizeor 1,522,576 -> 714,392from – Step 2: add, split, remove superterms global superterm set> 50% 12 Outline • • • • • • 13 Introduction Problem Definition Lossless Term Filtering Lossy Term Filtering Experiments Conclusion Lossy Term Filtering • General case 𝜖𝑉 > 0 and 𝜖𝐷 > 0 • A greedy algorithm NP-hard! reduce the size ofby 𝜖𝑉 . – Step Further 1: Consider the constraint given • Similar to Greedy Cover Algorithm candidate superterms? – Step 2: Verify the validity of the candidates Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH)with 𝜖𝐷 . • Computational Complexity #iterations << |V| – 𝑂(|𝑉|2 + |𝑉|𝑇|𝐷| + 𝑇 ′ (|𝑉|2 + 𝑇|𝐷|)) – Parallelize the computation for distances 14 Efficient Candidate Superterm Generation • LSH • Basic idea: Same hash value a projection vector(with several randomized hash projections) (drawn from the Gaussian distribution) Now search 𝑤(𝜖Close 𝑉 )-near to each other (in the original space) neighbors in all the buckets! • Hash function for the Euclidean distance 𝐫⋅𝐰+𝑏 ℎ 𝐰 = the width of the𝑟,𝑏 𝑤(𝜖𝑉 ) (Figure modified based on http://cybertron.cg.tubuckets [Datar et al., 2004]. berlin.de/pdci08/imageflight/nn_search.html) (assigned empirically) 15 Outline • • • • • • 16 Introduction Problem Definition Lossless Term Filtering Lossy Term Filtering Experiments Conclusion Experiments • Settings – Datasets • Academic: ArnetMiner (10,768 papers and 8,212 terms) • 20-Newsgroups (18,774 postings and 61,188 terms) – Baselines • Task-irrelevant feature selection: document frequency criterion (DF), term strength (TS), sparse principal component analysis (SPCA) • Supervised method (only on classification): Chistatistic (CHIMAX) 17 Experiments (cont'd) • Filtering results on Euclidean metric – Findings • Errors ↑, term radio ↓ • Same bound for terms, bound for documents ↑, term ratio ↓ • Same bound for documents, bound for terms ↑, term ratio ↓ 18 Experiments (cont'd) • The information loss in terms of error Avg. errors 19 Max errors Experiments (cont'd) • Efficiency Performance of Parallel Algorithm and LSH* * Optimal resulting from different choice of 𝑤 𝜖𝑉 tuned 20 Experiments (cont'd) • Applications – Classification (20NG) – Clustering (Arnet) – Document retrieval (Arnet) 21 Outline • • • • • • 22 Introduction Problem Definition Lossless Term Filtering Lossy Term Filtering Experiments Conclusion Conclusion • Formally define the problem and perform a theoretical investigation • Develop efficient algorithms for the problems • Validate the approach through an extensive set of experiments with multiple real-world text mining applications 23 Thank you! 24 References • Blei, D. 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