Nuclear Chemistry Chapter 21 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Radioactivity • _________________—unstable atomic nuclei spontaneously emit particles, electromagnetic radiation (EMR), or both • ________________________—results from bombarding nuclei with neutrons, protons, or other nuclei ______________ (Z) = number of protons in nucleus ______________ (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons = atomic number (Z) + number of neutrons Mass Number Atomic Number proton 1p 1H or 1 1 neutron 1n 0 A ZX electron 0b 0e or -1 -1 Element Symbol positron 0b 0e or +1 +1 a particle 4He 4a or 2 2 A Z 21.1 What is the difference between 0e +1 0b +1 p.673 0 +1e and 0b +1 represents an electron in or from an atomic orbital represents an electron that is physically identical to an electron in or from an atomic orbital, but this electron comes from the decay of a neutron to a proton and an electron—it is also called a beta particle or ray 21.1 Comparison of Chemical Reactions and Nuclear Reactions 21.1 Balancing Nuclear Equations 1. Conserve mass number (A). The sum of protons plus neutrons in the products must equal the sum of protons plus neutrons in the reactants. 235 92 U + 10n 138 55 Cs + 96 37 Rb + 2 10n 235 + 1 = 138 + 96 + 2x1 2. Conserve atomic number (Z) or nuclear charge. The sum of nuclear charges in the products must equal the sum of nuclear charges in the reactants. 235 92 U + 10n 138 55 Cs + 96 37 Rb 92 + 0 = 55 + 37 + 2x0 + 2 10n 21.1 212Po decays by alpha emission. Write the balanced nuclear equation for the decay of 212Po. 4 alpha particle - 42He or 2a 212Po 84 + AZX 212 = 4 + A A = 208 84 = 2 + Z Z = 82 212Po 84 Ex 21.1, p.673 4He 2 4He 2 + 208 82Pb 21.1 Nuclear Stability and Radioactive Decay Beta decay +-10b + n 14C 6 14N 7 40K 19 40Ca 20 ________ # of ________ by 1 + -10b + n 1n 0 ________ # of ________ by 1 1p 1 + -10b + n Positron decay ++10b + n ________ # of ________ by 1 ++10b + n ________ # of ________ by 1 11C 6 11B 5 38 19K 38Ar 18 1p 1 1n 0 ++10b + n n and n have A = 0 and Z = 0 21.2 Nuclear Stability and Radioactive Decay Electron capture decay +n 37Ar 18 + -10e 37Cl 17 55Fe 26 + -10e 55Mn 25 1p 1 +n + -10e ________ # of ________ by 1 ________ # of ________ by 1 1n 0 +n Alpha decay 212Po 84 4He 2 + 208 82Pb ________ # of ________ by 2 ________ # of ________ by 2 Spontaneous fission 252Cf 98 1n 2125 In + 2 49 0 21.2 Nuclear Stability • Certain numbers of neutrons and protons are extra stable • n or p = 2, 8, 20, 50, 82 and 126 • Like extra stable numbers of electrons in noble gases (e = 2, 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86) • Nuclei with even numbers of both protons and neutrons are more stable than those with odd numbers of neutron and protons • All isotopes of the elements with atomic numbers higher than 83 are radioactive • All isotopes of Tc and Pm are radioactive Number of Stable Isotopes with Even and Odd Numbers of Protons and Neutrons 21.2 n/p too large beta decay X Y n/p too small positron decay or electron capture p.675 21.2 ______________________ is the energy required to break up a nucleus into its component protons and neutrons. BE is an indication of the stability of a nucleus. In order to compare nuclei of two different isotopes/elements, we must take into account the fact that they have different numbers of _________. For this reason, nuclear binding energy per nucleon is more useful. p.676 21.2 Mass Defect The difference between the ________________ of an atom and the ________________ of the masses of protons, neutrons, and electrons What does the mass defect tell us? How much mass was changed to energy in the formation of the atom. p.676 The Law of Charges tells us…? So how can all those positively charged protons be crammed into the tiny space of the nucleus? We call it the “strong nuclear force” or just the “strong force.” Some of the mass of the nucleons is converted to energy and lost. This is the general idea behind fusion: Build new, larger nuclei and release great amounts of energy! Nuclear binding energy per nucleon vs Mass number note nuclear binding energy nucleon p.678 nuclear stability 21.2 Which element has the greatest net attractive forces among its nucleons? (graph) Radioactivity: unstable nuclei spontaneously emit particles, electromagnetic radiation (EMR), or both Main types of radioactivity: • particles (He2+) • particles (e-) • rays (short-wavelength emr) •positron emission •electron capture Often it involves a multi-step sequence, a series…. and all obey first-order kinetics. The Uranium Decay Series Kinetics of Radioactive Decay N daughter DN rate = Dt rate = lN DN = lN Dt N = N0exp(-lt) lnN = lnN0 - lt N = the number of atoms at time t N0 = the number of atoms at time t = 0 l is the decay or rate constant ln2 l = t½ 21.3 Kinetics of Radioactive Decay ln[N] = ln[N]0 - lt ln [N] [N] [N] = [N]0exp(-lt) l is the first order rate constant and N is the number of radioactive nuclei present at time t p.679f 21.3 Radiometric Assumptions The method measures the parent/daughter ratio of the elements. 1. The system must initially contain none of ____________________________________. 2. The decay rate must _______________________. 3. The amounts of the parent element and the daughter products must be affected by ___________________________________. p.681f Radiocarbon Dating 14N 7 + 01n 14C 6 14C 6 14N 7 + 11H + -10b + n t½ = 5730 years Uranium-238 Dating 238U 92 206Pb 82 + 42a + 6-10b t½ = 4.51 x 109 years Potassium-40 Dating 40 19K +-10e 40Ar 18 t½ = 1.2 x 109 years 21.3 Nuclear Transmutation 14N 7 27Al 13 14N 7 + 24a + 24a + 11p 17O 8 + 11p 30P 15 + 01n 11C 6 + 42a Cyclotron Particle Accelerator p.683 21.4 Nuclear Transmutation The Transuranium Elements 21.4 Nuclear Fission 235U 92 + 01n 90Sr 38 1n + Energy + 143 Xe + 3 0 54 Energy = [mass 235U + mass n – (mass 90Sr + mass 143Xe + 3 x mass n )] x c2 Energy = 3.3 x 10-11J per 235U = 2.0 x 1013 J per mole 235U Combustion of 1 ton of coal = 5 x 107 J p.685f 21.5 Nuclear Fission Representative fission reaction 235U 92 p.686 + 01n 90Sr 38 1n + Energy + 143 Xe + 3 0 54 21.5 Nuclear Fission A ________________________ is a self-sustaining sequence of nuclear fission reactions. The minimum mass of fissionable material required to generate a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is the ________________________. Non-critical Critical 21.5 Nuclear Fission Schematic diagram of a nuclear fission reactor 21.5 Nuclear Fission Annual Waste Production 35,000 tons SO2 4.5 x 106 tons CO2 3.5 x 106 ft3 ash 1,000 MW coal-fired power plant 70 ft3 vitrified waste 1,000 MW nuclear power plant 21.5 Nuclear Fission Hazards of the radioactivities in spent fuel compared to uranium ore From “Science, Society and America’s Nuclear Waste,” DOE/RW-0361 TG 21.5 Nuclear Fusion Fusion Reaction 2 2 3 1 1 H + 1H 1 H + 1H 2H 1 + 13H 6Li 3 + 12H 4He 2 2 + 10n 4He 2 Energy Released 6.3 x 10-13 J 2.8 x 10-12 J 3.6 x 10-12 J Tokamak magnetic plasma confinement 21.6 Radioisotopes in Medicine • 1 out of every 3 hospital patients will undergo a nuclear medicine procedure • 24Na, • 131I, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, ________________________ • 123I, t½ = 13.3 hr, g-ray emitter, _____________________ • 18F, t½ = 1.8 hr, b+ emitter, ________________________ • 99mTc, t½ = 14.8 hr, b emitter, _______________________ t½ = 6 hr, g-ray emitter, _____________________ Brain images with 123I-labeled compound 21.6 Biological Effects of Radiation Radiation absorbed dose (rad) 1 rad = 1 x 10-5 J/g of material Roentgen equivalent for man (rem) 1 rem = 1 rad x Q Average Yearly Radiation Doses for Americans Quality Factor g-ray = 1 b=1 a = 20 21.6 Biological Effects of Radiation Formation of _______________ and/or ________________ that attack membranes, enzymes, or DNA. Damage can be ________________ or _______________. p.695f