Mechanics - GVN E


Classical Mechanics

I M.Sc(Maths)

To find the curve joining two points along which a particle sliding from rest under gravity travels from higher point to lower point in the least time

Let v be the velocity of particle when it is at p(x,y). the time taken by the particle to slide through a small distance ds along the curve = ds/v

Total time taken by the particle to slide from point

A to point B is t


= ∫ds/v

Now the total energy at A=(K.E)+(P.E)






Total energy at A= ½ mv 2 +(-mgy) , m is the mass and v is velocity

By conservation theorem, ½ mv 2 -mgy=0

 v 2 =2gy t






For t

1 to be minimum we have







Now f does not involve x explicitly.

 c ,where c is constant

Substituting values and solving the equations we get y(1+z 2 )=1/c 2 =b(say)

 y+yz 2 =b

 y 2 =b-y/y

Put y = bsin 2 φ and solving we get b-y=bcos 2 φ

Substituting in the above integral and solving we get b

But sin 2 φ=1-cos2φ.hence substituting we get b[φ- ½ (sin2 φ)]=x+c


When x=0,y=0 we get c

1 x = b[φ- ½ (sin2 φ)]

Also y=bsin 2 φ= b/2(1-cos2 φ).

Let b/2 =a and 2φ=θ.

Then the above equation becomes a(θ-sin θ)=x and a(1-cos θ)=y which is the parametric equation of cycloid.
