online application form - Tauheedul Education Trust

Governor Application
Expression of Interest
Version: June 2015
Governor Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Governor at a Tauheedul Education Trust School.
Tauheedul Education Trust (TET) is a not-for-profit multi-academy trust.
TET is part of the Tauheedul Foundation (TF), a charity based in Blackburn, Lancashire. TF’s roots in the
Muslim faith have inspired its goal – to improve the educational opportunities and life chances of young
people locally, nationally and globally.
TET runs a growing network of primary and secondary schools in the North, Midlands and London. It also
develops education partnerships and delivers “turn around” support to underperforming schools.
Educational excellence and social mobility are at the heart of everything we do. We work particularly in
areas of deprivation. We have many years of experience of helping children and young people – Muslims
and non-Muslims – to raise their aspirations and achieve outstanding results.
We believe that every child and every community is unique. We work hard to make sure that each and every
pupil in our schools – regardless of their faith, race, gender, background or starting point – achieves their
potential and goes on to university or a career of their choice.
We also work hard to make sure that all our schools become part of the communities they serve and that
they tackle local priorities.
School governors play a hugely important role in making sure that every young person is given the best
education, opportunities and experiences possible. They work as a team, overseeing the work of the school,
acting as “critical friend” to the senior leadership team and holding the school to account for performance
and development.
We seek to recruit people of all faiths and none who share the ethos and values of the Trust and who can
bring experience and leadership to support and challenge our schools. We offer training and support to help
governors fulfil their roles successfully. Our governors’ network helps all our governors to learn from each
other and to share experiences and ideas.
The information that you provide within this form will allow us to assess your skills and personal suitability to
act as a Governor for a Trust school and also to match you to a school that has a vacancy.
If your initial expression of interest is successful you will be asked to complete a Suitability Declaration that
will be processed within guidance from the Department for Education. This enables the undertaking of
checks upon individuals to ensure that only suitable people are involved in governing schools.
It is the Trust’s Policy that, where an individual is deemed unsuitable, they will be informed that it is not
assessed to be in the interests of the Trust to progress their application for Governorship. Fuller reasons may
not be provided.
If you refuse to provide any of the information requested you will be unable to apply to be a Governor of a
Tauheedul Education Trust School.
Please provide the information set out below (using BLOCK CAPITALS if completing by hand)
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Section One – Personal Information
Click here to enter text.
First name:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Email Address:
Click here to enter text.
Contact Telephone Number:
Click here to enter text.
Date of Birth:
Click here to enter a date.
Place of birth:
Click here to enter text.
(Town/City & Country)
Section Two – Commitment
School / Region1 you wish to
be considered for:
Click here to enter text.
Phase of School you are
interested in:
Primary ☐
How did you find out about
our Governor Vacancies?
Click here to enter text.
Have you ever been or are
you currently a Governor?
If yes please provide details
Prior School 1:
1. Name
2. Town / City
3. Type of Governor
To: Click here to enter a date.
Click here to enter text.
From: Click here to enter a date.
Are you committed to: 
No ☐
Click here to enter text.
From: Click here to enter a date.
Prior School 2:
1. Name
2. Town / City
3. Type of Governor
Secondary ☐
To: Click here to enter a date.
No ☐
attend evening meetings (at
least 7 per year);
read all paperwork circulated;
attend training sessions;
become involved and get to
know the school;
help the local community and
increase learning opportunities;
attend additional events as
respect confidentiality at all
North West; Midlands and London.
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Section Three – Personal experience to evidence your suitability for the position of Governor.
In this section please outline your experiences, skills and qualifications from your:
Current and previous occupation
Involvement with voluntary groups
Community work/activities
Click here to enter text.
Section Four – Experience and Skills
Please tick all that apply
Financial Planning / Accounting
Presentation, Training and
Community Development
Mediating / Counselling
Strategic Planning / Problem Solving
Research and Statistics / Data Analysis
Care work / Social work / Special needs
Health and Safety / Building
Maintenance / Security
Contracting Services / Purchasing /
ICT / Computers
Marketing / PR
Project Management
Administration / Secretarial
Public Speaking / Event Organisation
Human Resources / Recruitment
Other (Please state): Click here to enter text.
Section Five – Current / Previous Occupation
If retired state most recent occupation
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Date employed from:
Click here to enter a date.
Date employed to:
(if applicable)
Click here to enter a date.
Previous employer:
(if less than 3 years)
Click here to enter text.
Section Six – Potential conflicts of interest
Are you related by birth,
marriage or otherwise to
anyone who is, or is envisaged
to be:
- a Director of the Tauheedul
Education Trust,
- a Governor of any one of its
Yes ☐ No ☐
If Yes, please provide full details:
Click here to enter text.
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- an employee of any of its
Schools/Central Office, or
- a supplier of services to any
of its Schools/Central Office?
Section Seven – Referees
Please provide details of two character referees. Your referees should know you well in a personal and/or professional
capacity. They must not be a Director of the Tauheedul Education Trust or a member of your immediate family.
Referee One:
Click here to enter text.
Town / City
5. Postcode
Referee Two:
Click here to enter text.
Town / City
5. Postcode
Section Eight – Equalities Monitoring
Tauheedul Education Trust is committed to having an inclusive representation of Governors for its
Schools. We positively welcome applications from all members of the community. How would you
describe yourself:
Male ☐
Female ☐
18-30 ☐
White / White British
Asian / Asian British ☐
Black / Black British ☐
31-50 ☐
51-65 ☐
66+ ☐
Other Ethnic Group (please state) Click here to enter text.
Religion and Beliefs
No religion
Christian (all denominations) ☐
Any other religion (please state)
Click here to enter text.
Do you consider yourself to have an impairment of this type?
The law states that a person is disabled
if they have “a physical or mental
impairment which has a substantial
long term adverse effect on a person’s
ability to carry out normal day-to-day
Yes ☐ No ☐
If Yes, please tick any of the following descriptions that may apply to you:
Mobility difficulty
Learning difficulty
Hearing difficulty
Visual difficulty
Mental health issues
Other (please state)
Click here to enter text.
This information will be handled sensitively to ensure you are supported as you wish.
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Section Nine – Declaration
I confirm that the information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I consent to it being
used for the purpose of carrying out due diligence and vetting checks for the purpose of establishing that I am
a suitable person to be a Governor of a Tauheedul Education Trust school.
Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Name: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Please ensure all sections are fully complete before submitting your form
Please return to: Hanif Mangera
Tauheedul Education Trust
Shadsworth Road
or scan and email from your email account (with signature) to:
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, the Tauheedul Education Trust is the data controller for
personal information supplied on these forms and for ensuring that this information is processed under the
terms of the Act. The Trust will hold all personal information you supply securely and will only make it
available to those who need to see it as part of the application process. All personal information supplied in
this form will be destroyed when it is no longer needed for the purpose of the due diligence process.
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