SOLUCION Topic: Food and Restaurants I. 1. II. Hamburguer $3,17 2. Spaghetti $3,75 3. Pizza $2,00 4. Hot Dog $1,25 5. Fries $1,50 6. Orange juice $1,25 Practica el dialogo con un compañero y haga otro similar usando el vocabulario anterior. A. Hello! Can I help you? B. Yes, Can I have a fries and hot dog please? A. Sure! Want something to drink? B. Yes, an orange juice, please. A. Here you are. B. Thanks A. Want some more? B. No that’s ok! How much is? A. $4, 00 please. B. Here you are. A. Thanks, Good Afternoon III. Read and answer the question about Pam and Sue. 1. R/: In the restaurant 2. R/: Eating 3. R/: Sue is trying a new menu 4. R/: Pam Is Eating Pizza 5. R/: Because she don’t like the cheese 6. R/: My Favorite food is the desserts 7. R/: My Favorite restaurant is Palmitas And Crepes & waffles 8. R/: whenever possible IV. Encuentra las palabras de la columna derecha en la sopa de letras, busca su significado en Español y realiza oraciones en presente progresivo con ellas. (afirmativas, interrogativa ,negativas) W V C F O F F E N D P Q D I W B Y C O K P V B K E E U K C A R C H Q P O X L S R O L L E S E F I S H T L S A N D W I C H A N P T C A K E L Z I L D R V D O S O X T R D Z D J U R E B Z G V A Y O C F S Z C M P A P W U I S A U S A G E H K I M Y G A R T Q M G N F J I V B R R J O I A X K L P B A C W U K I S L T E Z X I B M M K G T U C O T X Y V C H E E S E H T E E U G O U R M X G A F N D E E H P B X I E G O G T Q M C R E G E A J P U K C S F D K P E R W CHEESE BREAD ROLL BUTTER CAKE CHICKEN CHIPS POTATO ICECREAM AGGS FIHS MEAT RICE SOUP SANDWICH TOAST SAUSAGE = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Queso Pan Rollo Mantequilla Pastel Pollo Chips Papas Helado Huevos Pescado Carne Arroz Sopa Sanduche tostadas Salchicha Oraciones 1. A. Do You Eating Cheese? B. I Liking The Cheese C. The cheese not this being cooked 2. A. Do You Making bread? B. I am changing the bread C. I Don’t Have The Bread 3. A. Throwing the roll are bad? B. These arming the rolls C. I don’t eating the rolls 4. A. These Putting butter to the arepa? b. I am gettingthe butter from de fridge c. I can’t putting botter in my bread 5. A. do you eating cake after the dinner? B. the cake is damaging C. she is don’t eating Cake In This Moment 6. A. Do You are seeing the chicken fly? B. the chicken is running C. I Don’t Eating Chicken 7. A. He Is buying ice cream? B. he is working with the ice cream C. The chips don’t like with the ice cream 8. A. how are you peeling the potatoes? B. she running for the potato C. I can’t eat ketchup 9. A. are you eating ice cream? B. I serve the ice cream C. the ice cream not melting 10. A. how you making eggs? B. the eggs are boiling C. she not needed two eggs 11. A. The fish this being defrosted? B. The Fish is swimming C. I’m Not enjoying the fish, because this crude 12. A. These seasoning the meat? B. I’m frying the meat C. I am not throwing lemon to the meat 13. A. the rice is going up? B. rice is very expensive C. you’re not feeding the rice 14. A. these heating the soup? B. She blowing of the soup to the little brother C. he is not taking all the soup 15. A. they are assembling the sandwiches? B. she is making a ham sandwich C. None of them are eating sandwich 16. A. these throwing toast in chocolate B. The toasts are hardening C. he is not buying toast 17. A. Are sausages roasted? B. We are preparing the sausages for the hot dog C. canned sausages are not selling