The Great Depression Mr. Mancuso Terre Haute South Economic Troubles 1920’s were good economic times (roaring 20’s) Many Americans purchased new products on credit (1929-7 billion dollars) People were buying things on margin buying Black Thursday October 24, 1929-stock market crashes Investors who were nervous about interest rates began to sell stock shares. Dow Jones Industrials lost 12 percent. Stock market would not get to 1929 values for 25 years. Black Tuesday-October 29, 1929-prices went lower. $30 billion was lost by mid November. Bank Crisis Only a small percentage of Americans were involved in the stock market crash. People defaulted on their loans This forced banks to close. Depositors lost confidence in banks and tried to withdraw money from the bank. This caused bank panics and bank closings. Stats Gross Domestic Product (what we produce as a nation) fell from $103 billion in 1929 to $53 billion in 1933. Click here to see a link to more statistics. Other Causes Europe was in a depression (war debts and reparations against Germany caused this) Because the rest of the world was at war, they could not buy American goods. Income gap between rich and poor. Natural business cycle (what goes up must come down) Unemployment 1929-1.5 million people were unemployed. 1933-15 million people were unemployed. Surplus of labor caused wage cuts. Some people didn’t get to work the number of hours that they wanted to work (underemployment) Teenagers in the Depression (railroad) Teenagers had different roles. Riding the bulls. A Sad Christmas. Losing a brother Pictures from the Depression City Life Suicide rate went up. Federal government did little to assist people (rugged individualism) Neighbors tried to help one another with problems. Breadlines Soup Kitchens Songs Shantytowns/Hoovervilles Life on the Farm Increased poverty made it harder for people to buy farm products Farmers lost their land to foreclosure Dust Bowl (led to insanity and suicide) Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 1 Picture 2 People were forced to move, like the Joads in The Grapes of Wrath Anti-immigration movement because immigrants were taking up jobs (jobs that others did not want) What people did for fun Family life Board games Movies Staring Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse Literature Lost Horizon by James Hilton The Sound of the Fury by William Faulkner Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathaniel West Herbert Hoover Thought Great Depression would be a temporary problem. Opposed direct relief Rugged individualism Encouraged volunteerism In his defense, nobody had ever had to deal with this type of situation. How would this type of situation be handled today? More Hoover Did establish Federal Farm Board in 1929. Group had a budget of $500 million. Goal was to find ways for farmers to help themselves (rugged individualism) Hoover instructed Farm Board to buy up surplus crops. Also instructed farmers to produce fewer crops. This would cause prices to rise. Farmers did not do this and prices continued to fall. Helped banks through Reconstruction Finance Corporation. John Maynard Keynes Economist. Policies are known as Keynesian Economic Theory Thought that if you increased government spending, you could jump start the economy. Reactions Protests began to rise by 1932. Communist Party and Socialist Party gained momentum. The Bonus Army 1932 Election Despite all of the problems, Republicans re-nominate Herbert Hoover out of respect. Everybody knows Hoover will lose, as people hold Hoover, and the Republican Party responsible for the Great Depression. Democrats nominate Franklin D. Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt’s cousin. Hoover 1932 Election versus Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt Simply known as FDR Attacked Hoover’s record, did not mention specific policies. Optimistic America blamed Republicans for the Great Depression