RDS EM PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT FUND - GUIDANCE NOTES 1. Introduction Research Design Service East Midlands (RDS EM) recognises that public involvement (PI) in research design work is crucial when applying for research funding; and that this type of early involvement may require financial support that may not be available from other sources. RDS EM offers small awards to support useful and informative public involvement in high quality funding applications. 2. The award – eligibility Any team being supported by RDS EM to develop an application to an appropriate funding competition is eligible for financial support. Studies eligible for the NIHR portfolio will be given priority. The maximum amount offered will not normally exceed £300, therefore your budget should be realistic and economical. One application can be made per project. Any legitimate expense associated with facilitating PI in research bid development may be supported by these awards. The INVOLVE documents listed overleaf give further information but expenses may include: Payment in recognition of peoples’ time preparing for and attending meetings 1 Reimbursing out of pocket expenses, e.g. cost of travelling to a meeting Hiring a venue if it isn’t freely available within the institution Payment for light refreshments Covering childcare, caring, personal assistant or support worker costs if applicable Expenses we cannot cover include: Researcher travel costs (although exceptions have been made in the past if you are a user researcher or a small charity, or if the member(s) of the public cannot travel so you meet with them in their home(s)) Paying for a consultant to run the meeting Cost of transcriptions Printing and stationery costs 3. Application and decision making All requests to the PIF should be instigated and co-ordinated by the RDS EM Advice Co-ordinator in consultation with Raksha Pandya-Wood, RDS Public Involvement Regional Lead. The PIF application form should be used in all cases, with all sections of the form fully completed. A detailed and accurate breakdown of costs must be included. Once an award application has been received it will be peer-reviewed by two members of RDS EM staff who are not involved in that application. RDS EM will aim to let applicants know the outcome within two weeks. 1 The processes to provide these reimbursements can be complex, so it is advisable to speak with your departmental/institutional finance contacts in advance. July 2015 To be successful, the application should demonstrate the following: That PI is a key requisite for the funding body concerned. That the application describes good practice regarding involvement (see guidance documents from INVOLVE and NRES). That you have considered aspects of inclusivity and diversity. That the planned activities in the application are realistic, achievable and will be completed within three months of being awarded the fund. That there is a method for evaluating the impact of PI within the application. It is expected that PI will continue in your main research project, therefore details of how this will happen, should also be provided. Completed applications should be submitted electronically by the applicant to the advice coordinator and rdsem@le.ac.uk. All applications will be acknowledged. 4. Administration and monitoring If approved, the award should be claimed within three months of receiving the approval letter. The awardee will be expected to fund the work upfront and then the RDS will reimburse you on receiving an invoice (or claim form and receipts). Further details will be given in your award letter. 5. Supporting you in your public involvement plans If you are successful in your application for a PIF award, RDS EM can offer support in implementing involvement, such as helping to find people to involve in consultation events, advice on how to structure the event, etc. 6. Evaluating Public Involvement Fund effectiveness RDS EM is committed to evaluating the effectiveness of PI in research, and also the efficacy of these awards, therefore upon receipt of your invoice, we will ask you to provide us with an evaluation report to ascertain the PIF scheme’s usefulness, and whether the ultimate grant application that the award supported, has been submitted. 7. Time restrictions to the fund If the award is not used in the three month window of time, your award offer may be withdrawn. We expect all invoices to have been submitted within three months of receipt of the award confirmation letter. 8. Resources Please consult the INVOLVE website: http://www.invo.org.uk/resource-centre/resource-forresearchers/ for detailed information on public involvement and also see the links below for more specific publications to help you in completing your application. Briefing notes for researchers: http://www.invo.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/9938_INVOLVE_Briefing_Notes_WEB.pdf A guide to budgeting for public involvement: http://www.invo.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/10002-INVOLVE-Budgeting-Tool-PublicationWEB.pdf Diversity and Inclusion: What’s it all about and why is it important for public involvement in research: http://www.invo.org.uk/posttypepublication/diversity-and-inclusion-what%e2%80%99s-it-aboutand-why-is-it-important-for-public-involvement-in-research/ July 2015