
BMR 3103 Jeopardy
Treat me
Final Jeopardy
You : Therapist - $100
If you use this frame of reference, your
treatments will focus on purposeful activity and
exercise to improve range of motion, strength,
and endurance.
Biomechanical Frame of Reference
You: Therapist! - $200
You might recommend, provide, or create
assistive devices. Give 3 examples of such
Sock aid, dressing stick, walker bags
 Note: Others found in Low back pain handout
under Intervention methods, no.5(a) page 4
You: Therapist! - $300
As a therapist, you want to make sure you
practice good body mechanics. Name 3 things
you’ll do that demonstrate that.
Maintaining straight back, bending from hip,
avoid twisting.
You: Therapist! - $400
As a great therapist, you know the value the
good therapeutic rapport. Give 1 way a good
relationship impacts treatment and 3 things
you’ll do to facilitate that relationship.
I need help with this one only!
 Vanessa, Macaela or Olynsie…any volunteer?
You: Therapist - $500
You’ll assess ability to adjust psychosocially to
physical dysfunction by looking at 4 functional
abilities. Name two of them.
Degree of flexibility, coping skills, understanding
disability and ability to take personal
Conditions - $100
Inflammatory, extraarticular manifestations,
develops suddenly, systemic features, long
morning stiffness are all phrases that do NOT
describe this type of arthritis.
Conditions - $200
Ouch! Mr. Persaud, your back pain might be
caused by… name 2 possible ways to finish that
Osteoporosis and arthritis
 Other conditions found in first page of LOW
Conditions - $300
These are the 5 classifications of burn injury, as
described in order from least severe to most
Superficial, Superficial Partial Thickness, Deep
Partial Thickness, Full Thickness, Subdermal
Conditions - $400
A client with a recent posterolateral hip
replacement will have these 3 precautions to
No internal rotation, no hip flexion greater than
90 degrees and no adduction
Conditions - $500
This condition results in heart enlargement and
fluid retention due to decreased contractility and
resulting poor circulation.
Congestive Heart Failure
Evaluate Me - $100
The Hawkins-Kennedy is an example of this type
of test.
Ans: Impingement Test
Evaluate Me - $200
Oh no! Your client with a recent myocardial
infarction is complaining of cold, clammy
sweating and also chest pain. You write down
these 2 terms in your documentation.
Ans: Angina & Diaphoresis
Evaluate Me - $300
Name 2 provocative tests for carpal tunnel
Ans: Phalen’s, Compression
Evaluate Me - $400
Doing this with your client with low back pain
will demonstrate the types of things they need
to do during their day and how they generally
perform them, which can then help guide your
Ans: Activity Analysis
Evaluate Me - $500
These are 2 examples of tests that can indicate
rotator cuff tears.
Ans: Drop arm test and lift – off test.
Treat Me - $100
This type of table provides a guideline for
intervention for cardiac patients and shows you
how they are progressing based on functional
Ans: The Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET)
Treat Me - $200
Name 2 principles of joint protection.
Ans: Respect pain, use of proper body
Treat Me - $300
These are 3 ways to manage edema.
Ans: AROM, Contrast baths, Compression,
Elevation, Manual Edema Mobilization
Treat Me - $400
Comparing pre and post activity heart rate
changes over time, will allow therapist to see if
the heart is beating more efficiently and
therefore successfully demonstrating this.
Ans: Training effect
Treat Me - $500
Appropriate treatment activities have 5 general
characteristics. Name 3 of them.
Ans: Demands the exact response, allows
gradation, be within person’s capabilities, be
meaningful to the person and be as repetitive as
necessary as beneficial.
It’s Complicated - $100
This type of exercise is not recommended for
individuals with recent cardiac events.
Isometric Contractions
It’s Complicated - $200
This type of exercise is not recommended for
individuals with RA in the acute or subacute phase
due to increased pain and vulnerability for joints.
Isotonic contractions
It’s Complicated - $300
This commonly fractured carpal bone can take up
to 6 months to heal due to retrograde blood
It’s Complicated - $400
There are 2 deformities common to RA that can
also result from poor treatment to volar or dorsal
plate dislocations. Name and describe them.
Boutonneire- flexion of PIP Joint &
hyperextension of DIP
 Swan neck- hyperextension of PIP & flexion of
DIP Joint with possible flexion of MP Joint
It’s Complicated - $500
This complication may show up months after the
initial injury, especially in the posterior elbow but
possibly in other joints. Therapists will
recommend lots of AROM in the pain-free range
and no forceful passive stretching or dynamic
Heterotopic ossification
Final Jeopardy
Name 3 principles of energy conservation.
Pre-plan & organised the activity, prioritize
activities and eliminate unnecessary tasks, use
good posture.