Nov 2012 newsletter

Mme Morand’s Classroom Newsletter
Novembre 2012
So long Thanksgiving and Halloween
treats…It’s November!
We sure had a fun October in 2/3M
with our first class field trip to
Safety Village, the Grade 3 Swim to
Survive Program and, of course, our
Halloween Party! We have another
busy month ahead with Progress
Reports coming fast! I look forward to
seeing at Parent-Teacher Interviews.
We will be adding some extra Homework in
our Homework Duotangs the 2nd week of
November. These duotangs serve as extra
practice for reading, writing and math.
There will be a Reading Comprehension
passage and writing activity for Grade 3s
and daily math for both grades in each
duotang. Grade 3s will begin to get some
simple English practice as well. The work
is intended to supplement the work we do
in class and help the students practice
their skills. Once the extra practice
sheets are completed and returned each
week, new sheets will be put into the
Nov 7th Picture Retakes
Nov 8th Remembrance Day School Mass
Nov 9th Random Acts of Kindess Day
Nov 11th Remembrance Day
Nov 12th Progress Reports Sent Home
Nov 15th Parent-Teacher Interviews
Nov 16th PD Day (No School!)
Nov 22nd Journée Ste Catherine Taffy
Nov 27th First Reconciliation (Grade 2)
Nov 29th Spirit Assembly
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here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new
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Gr. 3 Language Arts: This month, we will be focusing on the reading strategies “predicting” and
text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue
“making connections” through different text forms. We are also working on reading short passages
text here.
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and answering basic reading comprehension questions. In our writing,newsletter
we will take
a look
at letterContinue newsletter
text here.
writing and write letters to the veterans for Remembrance
Français: We are continuing to engage in shared, independent and guided reading activities. We have
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begun to study vocabulary with the sound “eu” (fleur, deux) and will be soon looking at the sound “on”
newsletter text
here. Continue new
(mon, ballon). We are continuing to build our reading comprehensionhere.
by answering
reading comprehension questions. We are working on our writing andtext
here. Continue
conjugate –er verbs (jouer, manger) in the present and past tenses. We
are building in our language
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conventions knowledge into our writing of simple sentences and will continue to work on this.
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Math: This month, we are beginning our Sorting and Data Managementhere.
units. For the Sorting part of
the units, the Grade 2s will be sorting and classifying objects according to two attributes while the
Grade 3s will sort according to 2 or more attributes. Grade 2s will also be making patterns with 2
changing attributes. In the Data Management part of the unit, both grades collect, organize, and
record data as well as interpret data through constructing bar graphs, pictographs and circle
graphs. Grade 2s graph data using one-to-one correspondence while Grade 3s use many-to-one
Religion: Grade 2s will be celebrating their First Reconciliation together with Mme Tanovic’s class.
They have been preparing by understanding what it means to sin and seek penance so that we can
follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Grade 3s will also be also participating in confession at that time. The
Grade 3s will engage in “Belonging” lessons, which coincides with St. Mary’s theme of the month.
They will learn to recognize that we all have feelings, but may express them in different ways and in
response to different situations.
Social Studies: Grade 2s are beginning their study of the features of communities and cultures
around the world. Specifically, we are learning that God created the Earth, that Canada is our home
on Earth, and that there are many different countries in the world. We are also comparing the
similarities and differences of various cultures. Grade 3s have also begun learning about urban and
rural communities. The focus of our study is to distinguish the features between urban and rural
communities and describe some possible relationships between the two.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my classroom newsletter for the month
of November and for visiting my website too.
A friendly reminder to check your child’s agenda and read with them every night!
Mme Morand