Conjugating -er verbs


Conjugating –ER Verbs

Conjugating is a fancy word for making a verb agree with pronouns (or who you’re talking about).

We conjugate verbs in English, we just weren’t taught that that’s what we were doing when we learned

English. We just picked up that that was the way a sentence was structure.

I like, you like, he LIKES…

I am, you are, he is…

-ER verbs are verbs that end in –ER.

Ex: Aimer, Jouer, Nager, Dessiner, Chanter

(Remember, the above verbs are called INFINITIVE VERBS. They all mean TO do that activity. To like,

to play, to swim, do draw, to sing.)

The pronouns we are focusing on right now are singular.

Je- I

Tu- You (singular, informal)

Il/Elle- He/She


1. Take off the –ER

2. Aimer -> Aim

3. Add your endings

Aimer- To like


Tu aimes

Il/Elle aime

Example Sentences :

Jacques aime jouer au foot. – Jacques likes to play soccer.

Tu aimes dessiner ? –Do you like to draw ?

Example Sentences Using Our Other Sentence Starters:

Pierre préfère jouer de la guitare. – Pierre prefers to play guitar.

Julie n’aime pas chanter. – Julie does not like to sing.

Martine adore jouer de la batterie. – Martine adores playing the drums.
