2/12/14 - Sibley County

State of Minnesota
Sibley County
Joint Powers Board
McLeod, Renville, & Sibley Counties
Proceeding – February 12, 2014
In Attendance:
The following board members were present at the meeting: McLeod County Commissioner Kermit Terlinden, High
Island Watershed District Chair Leonard Eibs. Others present at the meeting were Ron Otto, Watershed Technician,
Nick Bancks, Watershed Grants Coordinator, and Bryan Spindler, MPCA.
A quorum was not present
The meeting was began 10:25 A.M.
Watershed coordinator Nick Bancks provided the board with an updated budget reflecting current expenditures to
February 6, 2014. Changes from the previously reported budget from November 12, 2013 occurred in four different
project elements: Monitoring, Education & Outreach, Administration, and Technical Assistance. The expenditures
occurred due to payouts of salary to the watershed coordinator and technician, as well as expenditures for the Winter
2014 newsletter and mailing, and final payment for the flow contract to MN DNR.
Best Management Practices
There have been very few BMPs implemented to date for this year. No new sign-ups for BMPs have occurred since
Fall of 2013. The High Island Creek Watershed has had one septic system loans application filled out.
Watershed Technician Ron Otto summarized BMPs for the year. For 2013 6.7 acres of bufferstrips and 3 SSTS
(using Ag-BMP money) were completed. He mentioned 14 SSTS were completed without Ag-BMP money.
Nick Bancks made the board aware he has spoken with 5 separate landowners across three townships (Grafton,
Arlington and Jessenland) regarding RIM/CRP pairing and the bufferstrip incentive offered by the TMDL project.
Estimates were drawn up and provided but landowners were advised to hold off contacting the local SWCD until
certainty of a new Farm Bill.
Education and Outreach Activities
Nick summarized the recent activities that have taken place concerning education and outreach. Specifically, he
stated he had been working on the quarterly newsletter, The River Watcher, which was to be sent out by the end of
week (2/14/14). He also mentioned the watershed photo contest and subsequent calendar, which is made up of
pictures from the photo contest. This year’s photo contest winner was Greg DeVries of Gaylord. Nick said the
calendar was distributed to over 35 residents across the watershed.
Nick made the board aware of his participation in a “Watershed Specialist Course” taking place through the
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities’ Water Resource Center. He also mentioned he had meet with several
conservation groups over the past several months, specifically the Green Isle Chapter of Conservation Partners of
America, Sibley County Chapter of Pheasants Forever, and the Friends of High Island Lake. To each group he made
aware the cost-share programs and incentives available.
Nick notified the board of the finalization of a site and producer to host a joint manure management field day for
Sibley & Renville County, with the possibility of Nicollet County and Brown County as well. Nosbush Dairy has an
alfalfa field in Camp Township which will be the site location. Nick is currently coordinating with vendors and
presenters for a July 23rd date. A SSTS workshop has also been scheduled for April 15 th at 7PM in the Sibley County
Nick made the board aware of his application for a Surface Water Assessment Grant and subsequent contact to
several area schools for help in conducting surface water monitoring during the 2014 and 2015 seasons. He also
mentioned the significant changes that have occurred to the watershed project webpage on the County website. Ron
Otto suggested contacting the Water Resources Center at MNSU to let them know to either update or remove the
information they currently have online regarding the High Island Creek Watershed TMDL Project.
Unfinished Business
Nick notified the board that he had submitted the 2013 semi-annual report (for 7/1/13 through 12/31/13) to the
MPCA. Also, flow contracts were paid out to the MN DNR for flow monitoring site 5P, north of Arlington, on the
High Island Creek.
New Business
Nick advised the board of the work plan change order to Task 1D (NPS Management – Feedlot & Manure Runoff
Controls) which was changed to broaden available practices. Language changed to include practice controls for
feedlot and manure runoff controls. 75% cost-share in conjunction with existing conservation programs (structures
include: terraces, vegetative treatment areas, sediment basins, clean water diversions). Promotion is occurring in
newsletter and through targeted mailings.
Nick proposed combined the meeting of both the High Island Creek and Rush River Joint Powers Boards to one
time and date. Commissioner Terlinden and Manager Eibs both voiced their consensus, but no vote was taken as
quorum did not exist. Boards will remain separate, only the meeting times will be consolidated.
Other Business/Questions
Nick notified the board that since the last quarterly meeting he has attended 3 SWCD Board meetings, 1 HIWD
meeting, the MN Association of Watershed Districts Annual Conference, a Watershed Professional Network
Meeting, meeting of the Minnesota River Board in December, and a Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting
for Renville County
The scheduling of the next meeting date was set for May 14 at 9 A.M. in the Commissioners’ Room at the Sibley
County Court House.
The meeting ended at 11:15 A.M.
High Island Creek TMDL Project
Joint Powers Board
Sibley & Nicollet Counties
Attest: _____________________________
Chair of the Board