Study Guide

Name: ________________________________________________________ Period: _______________
The Odyssey Study Guide/ Dialectical Journal
Directions: Read through the study guide chapter summary, “pay attention to”, and “epithets”. Then, choose two
important passages from each Book and use them to develop a “Dialectical Journal”. Remember: While reading
you should be annotating your book (writing comments, questions, connections, and identifying literary
Athena Inspires the Prince
Summary: The Book begins with the invocation to the Muse followed by Athena’s plea to Zeus to allow her favorite
mortal, Odysseus, to travel home from Ogygia, where he has been held captive for seven years by the nymph Calypso.
Zeus agrees but not without insisting the trip be arduous. He does not want to enrage the absent Poseidon, who is
angry at Odysseus for having blinded his son, the Cyclops Polyphemus. Athena goes to Ithaca to spur Telemachus,
Odysseus’ son, into action and start him toward manhood. There we meet the suitors of Odysseus’ wife, Penelope, who
are abusing the rules of hospitality. We also learn that Penelope has done whatever she could to keep them from taking
her hand in marriage. Almost everyone in Ithaca believes Odysseus to be dead.
Pay Attention to: Invocation, story of Orestes, the Gods’ discussion of Odysseus, what Zeus “rules”, Athena’s disguise,
youth of Telemachus, the violation of hospitality, Penelope’s situation, Penelope’s actions
Epithets: Who is…
“The bewitching nymph”, “Son of Cronos”, “Who marshals the thunderheads”, “The clear eyed goddess”, “Cool
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Telemachus Sets Sail
Summary: In Book 2, Athena, disguised as the Mentor, arranges for Telemachus to take a trip to find out from Nestor,
one of the Greek Captians in the Trojan War, if Odysseus is still alive. In the Book, Telemachus surprises both Penelope
and the suitors by his newly decisive behavior. He does not, however, tell his mother of his plans, knowing she would
try to stop him.
Pay Attention to: Athena, goddess of the household who looks over the family, the economic importance of a
household, the bird omen and the reactions to it, assembly and debate, the “new” Telemachus, the abuse of and
departure of Telemachus.
Epithets: Who is…
“self possessed”
“Daughter of Zeus”
What has “rose red fingers”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
King Nestor Remembers
Summary: This book begins and ends with sacrifices to the vying gods (Poseidon and Athena) of the Odyssey. In it,
Telemachus learnes from both Nestor and Pisistratus the importance of hospitality and of respect for the gods. Athena
seems especially impressed by the “old fashioned” ways of Nestor. Telemachus is treated with great respect and he
begins to learn what it means to be his father’s son. At the end of the Book, Telemachus is sent inland to Sparta to meet
Menelaus who might know of Odysseus’ whereabouts.
Pay Attention to: The sacrifice to Poseidon at the beginning of the book, Athena’s prayer to Poseidon, respect paid to
Odysseus, Athena’s role at the end of the war and her wrath, Nestor’s hospitality, The Orestes’ story again, the sacrifice
to Athena at the end of the book.
Epithets: Who is…
“the noble charioteer”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
The King and Queen of Sparta
Summary: When Pisistratus and Telemachus arrive, a wedding party is taking place but there is no hesitation on the
part of the King, Menelaus, to make the strangers feel completely welcome. His wife, Helen, is equally hospitable and
quickly sees that Telemachus must be Odysseus’ son. The palace is sumptuous, the entertainment lavish, and the
stories, especially Helen’s, embellished. She plays the part she has been given-daughter of Zeus- without shame, and to
the consternation but not displeasure of her still smitten husband. Menelaus tells the story of his return, the most
important part of which is the evidence from Proteus that Odysseus is still alive. At the end of the book we return to
Ithaca where Penelope has learned of her son’s disappearance. Athena, in disguise as Penelope’s sister, gives her
Pay Attention to: More Greek hospitality and feasting, Helen’s contribution to the meal, Menelaus’ return from Troy,
what Telemachus learns from Menelaus about Odysseus, the stories of Troy told by Helen, Menelaus’ reaction to
Helen’s story, the story of Proteus, the plot to kill Telemachus
Epithets: Who is…
“red-haired”, “son of Atreus”, “the pearl of women”, “the Old Man of the Sea”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Odysseus-Nymph and Shipwreck
Summary: When we first meet Odysseus he is longing for home. Hermes arrives and after admiring the glorious
gardens, he informs Calypso that Zeus has commanded her to release her captive. She complains about the double
standard of male gods, but knows she has no choice. Odysseus can hardly believe his change of fortune, but he is
careful not to offend his companions. Calypso, in turn, helps him equip for his sea journey. They voyage is fought with
hardship thanks to Poseidon. Odysseus is careful to be appreciative of anything a god can do to help him.
Pay Attention to: Odysseus weeping, his longing for home, the council of the gods, the lushness of the island, the
beauty of Calypso, Calypso’s reluctant acceptance of the ruling of Zeus, Odysseus’ tact when he explains to Calypso why
he wants to go home, the wrath of Poseidon, Ino’s gift and Odysseus’ mistrust of it, Athena’s aid and Odysseus’ survival
skills, Odysseus’ prayer to the unnamed river god
Epithets: Who is…
“lustrous goddess, queenly nymph”, “the guide and giant killer”. “long enduring”, god of the earthquake”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
The Princess and the Stranger
Summary: Athena came to Nausicaa, the daughter of the King of the Phaeacians, in a dream which leads her to ask her
father to let her go with her friends to wash clothes by the river. There, the games the women play awaken Odysseus
who greets the brave young princess with great diplomacy. She can tell he is a worthy stranger and greets him with
great hospitality. When he is bathed, Odysseus emerges, thanks to Athena, “taller…his build more massive…his curls like
hyacinth clusters full bloom.” At the end of the book, Nausicaa leads Odysseus toward town and gives him directions to
the palace.
Pay Attention to: How the Phaeacians are protected by the gods, how Athena visits Nausicaa in her dreams, how the
king cannot say no to his daughter, how beautiful, wise and young Nausicaa is, Odysseus’ tact and Nausicaa’s hospitality,
the importance of bathing and anointing with oil, the presence of Athena
Epithets: Who is…
“the white armed princess”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Phaeacia Halls and Gardens
Summary: A mist enshrouded Odysseus and he is escorted to the palace by Athena, disguised as a young girl. After
admiring the beautiful gardens, Odysseus enters the palace. He greets the Queen humbly and is soon made to feel
welcome. Once again, hospitality is emphasized and although Odysseus (who has kept his identity to himself) indicates
his desire to return home, the Phaeacian king, Alcinous, see him as a potential husband for his daughter.
Pay Attention to: How the Book begins with Odysseus praying, the way Odysseus enters the palace, the description of
the palace and its gardens, how Odysseus greets Arete, how the Phaeacians are familiar with visits from the gods, how
Odysseus avoids identifying himself
Epithets: Who is…
“man of craft”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
A Day for Songs and Contests
Summary: Alcinous responds quickly to Odysseus’ desire for passage home and then invites the stranger to a dual
entertainment: songs by bard Demodocus and a kind of Phaecian mini-Olympics. Odysseus is distraught whenever he
hears of Troy. Later, Demodocus entertains us with story of gods misbehaving but eventually he returns to another
story of Troy. This time King Alcinous, who has noticed Odysseus’ reactions, asks his guest to tell his story.
Pay Attention to: Alcinous’ response to Odysseus’ request for help on the way home, the speed with which the black
ship is prepared, the different elements of the gathering, the arrival and respect paid to Demodocus, the effect the song
has on Odysseus, the games, Odysseus’ response to the challenge, the gifts presented to Odysseus by the Lords of
Phaeacia after the dancing.
Epithets: Who is…
“the faithful bard and Muse adored, the famous Harper”, the long suffering hero, Crowned with Flowers”, the
Master Craftsman, the famous crippled smith”, “ the Archer”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
In the One-Eyed Giant’s Cave
Summary: Odysseus identifies himself to his hosts and agrees to tell the tale of his adventures. He describes his pillage
of the Cicones where his men became greedy, and the “honey sweet fruit” of the Lotus Eaters that entrances his men.
He then tells the story of his experience with Polyphemus, the Cyclops who entraps him and his men and whom he
escapes through guile. The exhilaration of his triumph leads him to committing the biggest error of his life-boasting who
he is to his victim- a creature who just happens to be a son of Poseidon.
Pay Attention to: Odysseus’ failure to control his men in the land of Cicones, his rescuing them in the land of the lotus
eaters, and saving them in the land of the Cyclops, the “farm” culture of the Cyclops, Odysseus’ cleverness in calling
himself “Nobody”, the similes used to describe the attack, the cleverness of his escape, the curse of Polyphemus, and
Odyssueus’ leadership qualities
Epithets: Who is…
“teller of tales”
“god of the sea blue mane who rocks the earth”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea
Summary: Odysseus and his crew are treated hospitably by Aeolus, King of Aeolia, who sends off the Ithacans with a gift
of wind in a bag which is to ensure a swift voyage. Just before the Ithacans reach home, Odysseus’ crew, thinking their
captain has been rewarded by Aeolus with riches, open the “gift” while Odysseus sleeps. The escaping wind blows the
ships back to Aeolus where an irritated King refuses to help the Greeks. They then make a disastrous journey to the land
of the Laestrygonians, a race of giants who destroy all of Odysseus’ ships. They then learn that all of the men Odysseus
had led to investigate the land had all been turned into swine by the bewitching Circe. Odysseus goes to attempt to deal
with this situation. On the way to Circe’s palace he is visited by Hermes who tells him what he needs to do to resist the
beautiful witch’s spells. Odysseus succeeds in winning his men’s freedom; however, stays in the bed of Circe for a whole
year. When Odysseus says he must go, she sends him to the Land of the Dead to learn his fate.
Pay Attention to: King Aeolus’ gift to Odysseus, Aeolus’ belief that Odysseus is not favored by the gods, Aeolus’ attitude
toward second chances, Odysseus’ caution when he reaches Aeaea, the role of Hermes, Odysseus as a seducer and
seduced, Circe’s ultimate support and hospitality, the need to visit Hades and hear from Tiresias.
Epithets: Who is…
“the nymph with the lovely braids”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
The Cattle of the Sun
Summary: On Aeaea Odysseus fulfills his promise to Elpenor. A hospitable Circe repeats some of what Tiresias warned
Odysseus about, and also advises him how best to negotiate some upcoming perils. By following her advice, Odysseus is
able to resist the Sirens’ song and avoid most of the perils of the straight between Scylla and Charybdis. Then, though
Odysseus has been told that landing on t Helios’ island Thrinacia could lead to fateful error, his men insist they need
some rest. Once there, they break an oath to Odysseus and while he sleeps, they fail to resist the temptation of feasting
on the Sun God’s sacred cattle. Helios, with assistance of Zeus, has his revenge and only Odysseus survives a
thunderbolt that sinks his ship. His destiny is to be swept to Ogygia.
Pay Attention to: the burial of Elpenor, Circe’s helpfulness, Odysseus’ leadership, the South Wind, the absoluteness of
the gods, Odysseus’ enterance
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: Ithaca at Last (# 13)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: The Loyal Swineherd (#14)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: The Prince Sets Sail for Home (#15)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: Father and Son (#16)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: Stranger at the Gates (#17)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: The Beggar-King of Ithaca (#18)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: Penelope and Her Guest (#19)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Book Title: Portents Gather (#20)
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Odysseus Strings His Bow
Summary: Penelope goes to retrieve Odysseus’ legendary bow. Telemachus is the first to try to string the bow. It
seems he will succeed on his fourth try, but Odysseus signals him not to. A number of suitors, the last being
Eurymachus, then also try and fail, after which Antinous suggests that they should continue this contest another day.
Meanwhile, Odysseus has slipped away and he reveals his identity to the two faithful herdsmen. When it looks like the
contest will be postponed, the beggar indicates he would like to try his hand. He is mocked by Antinous who is chastised
by Penelope. In turn Telemachus sends her to her quarters. After the bow is given to Odysseus by Eumaeus, Odysseus
effortlessly strings the bow and sends an arrow through the axes.
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Slaughter in the Hall
Summary: Odysseus commences his revenge by slaying Antinous, despite the pleading of Eurymachus, who says they
will make everything up to him and places blame for their bad behavior on Antinous. He quickly discovers Odysseus is
not in a negotiating mood. The sheer number of suitors (over 100) ensures that Odysseus and his three cohorts,
Telemachus, Eumaeus, and Philoetius, will be kept busy. Their situation is not improved when the palace they had
stored weapons in is unlocked by the traitorous Melanthius. For a moment Odysseus is unsure of himself, but he is
mocked by Athena (disguised) and responds vigorously.
Epithets: “the master of the longhorn cattle”
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
The Great Rooted Bed
Summary: Penelope cannot believe Odysseus had returned. Odysseus, worried that the suitors’ relatives will seek
vengeance, tells Telemachus that there should be a festive air in the court so that the Ithacans think Penelope has finally
agreed to a marriage. Odysseus finally convinces Penelope that he is Odysseus when she implies the bed, whose
construction he alone knew, could be moved. Odysseus, a master carpenter, had made it from a still rooted olive tree.
There reunion is blessed by Athena who arranges to hold off dawn so their first night together again may be prolonged.
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)
Summary: The suitors descend to Hades. The suitors, who tell their story hoping for solace, instead are scorned by
Agamemnon. When he reaches the farm, Odysseus decides to test his father. Their ultimate reunion, like all of the
others, is emotional. Meanwhile, a god named Rumor spread the news about the suitors’ deaths and the families of the
suitors hold a meeting about how to kill Odysseus. However, Athena casts a spell so that everyone forgets about the
deaths and she breaks up the fight ensuing so that everything is peaceful now. THE END!
Dialectic Journal Entry:
Source Material
(Provide a direct quotation and a parenthetical citation)
Respond, Analyze, and Evaluate
(Why do you find this passage interesting or important?)