cdc2 self check practice

For each paragraph below, number each section in order. Then label each section as a part of CDC2.
Finally, fold the paper to check your answers to each paragraph. No peeking ahead of time! However,
you are welcome to check one paragraph before moving on to the next. Just fold the bottom half of the
paper only over.
 Eurylochus and the other men think Odysseus is something more than a man and characterize him as a god
who seems invincible. They cannot believe how Odysseus is somehow still able to fight against hunger and
sickness while they are all weak, tired of sailing and are longing to be in their homeland.
Mid-journey, Odysseus is shown as being glorified when Eurylochus cries out to Odysseus saying, “Are you
flesh and blood, Odysseus, to endure more than a man can? / Do you never tire? / …Iron is what you’re
made of” (Homer 162-164).
The first way Odysseus proves he is an epic hero is how he is glorified.
Odysseus only talks about his fame and his glory from the Trojan War, thus further bragging on his abilities.
He is celebrated and somewhat honored for these traits which show his glory and power he holds over
Odysseus proves he earns his heroic title as others admire and glorify him.
Odysseus glorifies himself when he talks to the Phaeacians and tells them, “I am Laertes’ son, Odysseus /
…Formidable for guile in peace and war: this fame has gone abroad to the sky’s rim” (Homer 7-10).
This choice is smart because he now knows what the suitors have done and how to eliminate the problem.
Ethics play a large role in a hero’s life and how he is seen; Odysseus’ display of ethics shows how he is the
epic hero one would describe him to be.
Odysseus also shows his ethics by disguising himself as an old beggar to see how the suitors try to wed his
wife take over the kingdom.
Odysseus makes his first right decision by keeping his identity a secret to the Cyclops by telling him, “My
name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy” (Homer 273-274).
The third way Odysseus proves he is an epic hero is how he is ethical.
He outsmarts the Cyclops, which is ethical because if he had given the Cyclops his real name, the other
Cyclopes would have responded to Polyphemus’ call after he is stabbed.
Answer side.
No peeking ahead of time!
Eurylochus and the other men think Odysseus is something more than a man and
Commentary characterize him as a god who seems invincible. They cannot believe how Odysseus is
somehow still able to fight against hunger and sickness while they are all weak, tired of
sailing and are longing to be in their homeland.
Mid-journey, Odysseus is shown as being glorified when Eurylochus cries out to Odysseus
saying, “Are you flesh and blood, Odysseus, to endure more than a man can? / Do you never
tire? / …Iron is what you’re made of” (Homer 162-164).
The first way Odysseus proves he is an epic hero is how he is glorified.
Odysseus only talks about his fame and his glory from the Trojan War, thus further bragging
Commentary on his abilities. He is celebrated and somewhat honored for these traits which show his glory
and power he holds over others.
Odysseus proves he earns his heroic title as others admire and glorify him.
Odysseus glorifies himself when he talks to the Phaeacians and tells them, “I am Laertes’
son, Odysseus / …Formidable for guile in peace and war: this fame has gone abroad to the
sky’s rim” (Homer 7-10).
This choice is smart because he now knows what the suitors have done and how to eliminate
Commentary the problem.
Ethics play a large role in a hero’s life and how he is seen; Odysseus’ display of ethics shows
how he is the epic hero one would describe him to be.
4 Data
Odysseus also shows his ethics by disguising himself as an old beggar to see how the suitors
try to wed his wife take over the kingdom.
2 Data
Odysseus makes his first right decision by keeping his identity a secret to the Cyclops by
telling him, “My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy”
(Homer 273-274).
The third way Odysseus proves he is an epic hero is how he is ethical.
He outsmarts the Cyclops, which is ethical because if he had given the Cyclops his real
Commentary name, the other Cyclopes would have responded to Polyphemus’ call after he is stabbed.