Penning Traps and Strong Correlations John Bollinger NIST-Boulder Ion Storage group Wayne Itano, David Wineland, Joseph Tan, Pei Huang, Brana Jelenkovic, Travis Mitchell, Brad King, Jason Kriesel, Marie Jensen, Taro Hasegawa, Nobuysau Shiga, Michael Biercuk, Hermann Uys, Joe Britton, Brian Sawyer Outline: ● Review of single particle motion ● T=0 and 𝑧 2 − 𝑟 2 /2 → constant density spheroidal equilibria characterized by N and rotation frequency 𝜔𝑟 ● Some experimental examples (NIST, Imperial College) ● Connection with strongly coupled OCP’s ● Types of correlations: Shell structure 3-d periodic crystals 2-d crystal arrays Experimental examples Please ask questions!! Ref: Dubin and O’Neil, Rev. Mod. Physics 71, 87 (1999) Outline: ● Review of single particle motion ● T=0 and 𝑧 2 − 𝑟 2 /2 → constant density spheroidal equilibria characterized by N and rotation frequency 𝜔𝑟 ● Some experimental examples (NIST, Imperial College) ● Connection with strongly coupled OCP’s ● Types of correlations: Shell structure 3-d periodic crystals 2-d crystal arrays Experimental examples Single particle motion in a Penning trap For r , z trap dimensions , B=4.5 T 2 1 r 2 2 trap (r , z ) m z z 2 2 z Vtrap M RT characteristic trap dimension z (t ) zo sin( z t z ) 12 cm r (t ) rc sin ( c m )t c rm sin(mt m ) 2 c qB c z c , m m 2 2 2 2 cyclotron frequency 4 cm single particle magnetron frequency Single particle motion in a Penning trap z (t ) zo sin( z t z ) r (t ) rc sin ( c m )t c B=4.5 T rm sin( mt m ) 2 c qB c z c , m m 2 2 2 2 9Be+ Ωc/(2π) ~ 7.6 MHz ωz/(2π) ~ 800 kHz ωm/(2π) ~ 40 kHz stability “diagram” c z 2 Single particle motion in a Penning trap B=4.5 T 9Be+ Ωc/(2π) ~ 7.6 MHz ωz/(2π) ~ 800 kHz ωm/(2π) ~ 40 kHz Vtrap= 1 kV Tutorial problem: background gas collisions produce BeH+ and BeOH+ ions - What critical trap voltage will dump BeOH+ - What critical trap voltage will dump BeH+ - How much energy must be imparted to the BeH+ cyclotron motion to drive it out of the trap? 4 cm Outline: ● Review of single particle motion ● T=0 and 𝑧 2 − 𝑟 2 /2 → constant density spheroidal equilibria characterized by N and rotation frequency 𝜔𝑟 ● Some experimental examples (NIST, Imperial College) ● Connection with strongly coupled OCP’s ● Types of correlations: Shell structure 3-d periodic crystals 2-d crystal arrays Experimental examples Non-neutral plasmas in traps evolve into bounded thermal equilibrium states thermal equilibrium, Hamiltonian and total canonical angular momentum conserved f (r , v ) exp[ (h r p ) / k BT ] ⇒ 2 qB 2 where h mv / 2 q (r ) and p mv r r 2 } f (r , v ) n(r , z ) exp[ m(v r rˆ) 2 /( 2k BT )] plasma rotates rigidly at frequency r density distribution 1 n(r , z ) exp k BT c = eB/m = cyclotron frequency r2 q p (r , z ) qT (r , z ) mr ( c r ) 2 plasma potential trap potential Lorentz force potential Lorentz-force potential gives radial confinement !! centrifugal potential T→0 limit 1 n(r , z ) exp k BT r2 q p (r , z ) qT (r , z ) mr ( c r ) 2 r2 For r , z plasma interior, T 0 q p (r , z ) qT (r , z ) mr ( c r ) 0 2 r2 q p (r , z ) qT (r , z ) mr ( c r ) 2 o 2 o n0 (r , z ) p (r , z ) 2 2mr ( c r ) q q → constant density plasma; density determined by rotation frequency Quadratic trap potential (and T→0) r2 q p (r , z ) qT (r , z ) mr ( c r ) 2 m z2 2 r 2 r2 z mr ( c r ) 2 2 2 m p2 6 q 2 n0 ar b z , 2r c r om 2 2 2 p plasma shape is a spheroid z aspect ratio zo/ro determined by r B 2zo r associated Legendre function r 2ro T=0 plasma state characterized by: ωz , Ωc , and ωr , N Bounded equilibrium requires: ωm< ωr < Ωc -ω Density no Plasma aspect ratio determined by r nB m c / 2 c m Rotation frequency r Plasma radius→ Simple equilibrium theory describes the plasma shapes Bollinger et al., PRA 48, 525 (1993) Rotation frequency→ Simple equilibrium theory describes spheroidal plasma shapes From Bharadia, Vogel, Segal, and Thompson, Applied Physics B (to be published) 𝑚𝜃 = 1 rotating wall z2/2r (c - r) experimental measurements of plasma aspect ratio vs trap parameters Measurements by X.-P. Huang, NIST = z0/r0 Outline: ● Review of single particle motion ● T=0 and 𝑧 2 − 𝑟 2 /2 → constant density spheroidal equilibria characterized by N and rotation frequency 𝜔𝑟 ● Some experimental examples (NIST, Imperial College) ● Connection with strongly coupled OCP’s ● Types of correlations: Shell structure 3-d periodic crystals 2-d crystal arrays Experimental examples Ions in a Penning trap are an example of a one-component plasma ●one component plasma (OCP) – consists of a single species of charged particles immersed in a neutralizing background charge ● ions in a trap are an example of an OCP (Malmberg and O’Neil PRL 39, (77)) 1 n(r , z ) exp k BT r2 q p (r , z ) qT (r , z ) mr ( c r ) 2 looks like neutralizing background bkgnd 1 r2 T (r , z ) mr ( c r ) q 2 o 2 m ( r ) bkgnd o r c q 2 ● thermodynamic state of an OCP determined by: q2 4 , aWS 3n 1 aWS kB T 3 > 1 ⇒ strongly coupled OCP potential energy between neighboring ions ion thermal energy Why are strongly coupled OCP’s interesting? ● Strongly coupled OCP’s are models of dense astrophysical matter – example: outer crust of a neutron star >2 liquid behavior ~173 liquid-solid phase transition to bcc lattice Brush, Salin, Teller (1966) ~125 Hansen (1973) ~155 Slatterly, Doolen, DeWitt(1980) ~168 Ichimaru; DeWitt; Dubin (87-93) ~172-174 ● For an infinite OCP, ● Coulomb energies/ion of bulk bcc, fcc, and hcp lattices differ by < 10-4 body centered cubic face centered cubic hexagonal close packed ● with trapped ions and laser cooling, no~ 109 cm-3 T < 5 mK ⇒ > 500 Plasmas vs strongly coupled plasmas White Dwarf Interiors Neutron Star Crusts Increasing Correlation Laser-cooled ion crystals Correlations with small plasmas – effect of the boundary⇒ shell structure Rahman and Schiffer, Structure of a One-Component Plasma in an External Field: A Molecular-Dynamics Study of Particle Arrangement in a Heavy-Ion Storage Ring, PRL 57, 1133 (1986) Dubin and O’Neil, Computer Simulation of Ion Clouds in a Penning Trap, PRL 60, 511 (1988) Observations of shell structure ● 1987 – Coulomb clusters in Paul traps MPI Garching (Walther) NIST (Wineland) ● 1988 – shell structures in Penning traps NIST group PRL 60, 2022 (1988) ● 1992 – 1-D periodic crystals in linear Paul traps MPI Garching Nature 357, 310 (92) ● 1998 – 1-D periodic crystals with plasma diameter > 30 aWS Aarhus group PRL 81, 2878 (98) See Drewsen presentation/Jan. 16 How large must a plasma be to exhibit a bcc lattice? 1989 - Dubin, planar model PRA 40, 1140 (89) result: plasma dimensions 60 interparticle spacings required for bulk behavior N > 105 in a spherical plasma bcc lattice 2001 – Totsji, simulations, spherical plasmas, N120 k PRL 88, 125002 (2002) result: N>15 k in a spherical plasma bcc lattice NIST Penning trap – designed to look for “large” bcc crystals B=4.5 T Doppler laser cooling +3/2 +1/2 P3/2 (neglecting hyperfine structure) 12 cm 9Be+ -1/2 -3/2 no l313 nm) +1/2 S1/2 -1/2 Tmin(9Be+) ~ 0.5 mK 4 cm Tmeasured < 1 mK Bragg scattering set-up Bragg diffraction CCD camera frotation = 240 kHz n = 7.2 x 108 /cm3 deflector side-view camera 9Be+ J.N. Tan, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 4198 (1995) W.M. Itano, et al., Science 279, 686 (1998) B0 -V0 compensation electrodes (660o) z axial cooling beam x y Bragg scattering Bragg diffraction CCD camera deflector side-view camera 9Be+ B0 -V0 compensation electrodes (660o) z axial cooling beam x y Bragg scattering from spherical plasmas with N~ 270 k ions Evidence for bcc crystals scattering angle Rotating wall control of the plasma rotation frequency - See Wednesday 10:15 AM talk Bragg diffraction CCD camera strobing Huang, et al. (UCSD), PRL 78, 875 (97) Huang, et al. (NIST), PRL 80, 73 (98) deflector rotating quadrupole field (topview) side-view camera w 9Be+ B compensation electrodes (660o) 0 z axial cooling beam -V0 x y B0 Phase-locked control of the plasma rotation frequency Huang, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 73 (98) time averaged Bragg scattering camera strobed by the rotating wall ● determine if crystal pattern due to 1 or multiple crystals ● enables real space imaging of ion crystals Real space imaging gateable camera Mitchell. et al., Science 282, 1290 (98) strobe signal relay lens f/2 objective 1.2 mm 1.2 mm deflector side-view camera 9Be+ B -V0 compensation electrodes (660o) 0 axial cooling beam z x y Top-view images in a spherical plasma of ~180,000 ions gateable camera strobe signal relay lens f/2 objective deflector 9Be+ B 0 axial cooling beam -V0 0.5 mm compensation bcc (100) plane bcc (111) plane electrodes predicted spacing: 12.5 mm predicted spacing: o (660 ) measured: 12.814.4 ± 0.3mm mm measured: 14.6 ± 0.3 mm z x y Summary of correlation observations in approx. spherical plasmas ● 𝑵 ≳ 𝟐 × 105 observe bcc crystal structure ● 𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎𝟓 > N> 2× 𝟏𝟎𝟒 observe other crystal structures (fcc, hcp?, ..) in addition to bcc ● 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎𝟒 > 𝑵 shell structure dominates Density no Real-space images with planar plasmas nB m c / 2 c m Rotation frequency r with planar plasmas all the ions can reside within the depth of focus Planar structural phases can be ‘tuned’ by changing r 65.70 kHz 66.50 kHz top-views side-views 1 lattice plane, hexagonal order 2 planes, cubic order a c b Top- (a,b) and side-view (c) images of crystallized 9Be+ ions contained in a Penning trap. The energetically favored phase structure can be selected by changing the density or shape of the ion plasma. Examples of the (a) staggered rhombic and (b) hexagonal close packed phases are shown. Mitchell, et al., Science 282, 1290 (98) Theoretical curve from Dan Dubin, UCSD z / a0 (plane axial position) 2 z z z2 3 z1 x y 1 0 -1 rhombic hexagonal -2 1 2 3 2 4 a0 (areal charge density) increasing rotation frequency 5 Summary of Penning traps and strong correlations ● Single particle orbits characterized by 3 motional frequencies: 2 2 Vtrap M c qB c z c , m , z m 2 2 RT 2 ● T=0 and 𝝋𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒑 ∝ 𝒛𝟐 −𝒓𝟐 /𝟐 ⟹ constant density spheroidal equilibria 2zo characterized by N and rotation frequency 𝝎𝒓 ● Ions in a trap ⇔ one-component plasma ● Large spheroidal plasmas (N > 105) ⇒ stable bcc crystals metastable 3-d periodic crystals observed with ~ 103 ions Drewsen – PRL 96 (2006) Not yet observed – liquid-solid phase transition at Γ~172 ● 2-d triangular-lattice crystals obtained at low ωr (weak radial confinement) Present effort: quantum simulation/control experiments Biercuk et al., Nature 458, 996 (2009) Biercuk, et al., Quantum Info. and Comp. 9, 920-949 (2009) r r 2ro Single particle motion in a Penning trap B=4.5 T 9Be+ Ωc/(2π) ~ 7.6 MHz ωz/(2π) ~ 800 kHz ωm/(2π) ~ 40 kHz Vtrap= 1 kV Tutorial problem: background gas collisions produce BeH+ and BeOH+ ions - What critical trap voltage will dump BeOH+ - What critical trap voltage will dump BeH+ - How much energy must be imparted to the BeH+ cyclotron motion to drive it out of the trap? 4 cm