Guided Reading Questions – The Most Dangerous Game 1. What does Rainsford mean when he says that Whitney is a hunter and not a philosopher? Rainsford means that Whitney should simply enjoy what he does and not think about the consequences of hunting. 2. How does Rainsford’s attitude about hunting differ from Whitney’s? Whitney recognizes the feelings of his prey, but Rainsford has no sympathy for the animals he hunts. 3. Point out the actual words that identify Rainsford’s physical position and gestures. (characterization) The words and phrases include sat, reclining, indolently, puffed and sleep without closing my eyes. 4. What does Rainsford’s physical position and gestures reveal about his character? Rainsford is completely relaxed and at ease. He feels safe and confident, even in the quiet and darkness of the tropical night. 5. What “two classes” does Rainsford believe make up the world? Rainsford believes that the world is made up of hunters and the hunted. 6. With what external conflict is Rainsford suddenly confronted? He is battling for his life against the sea. 7. What inferences does Rainsford make based on the evidence of pistol shots? Rainsford infers from the pistol shots that men are present on the island. He also infers the men must have food. 8. As Rainsford swims for shore, what sounds does he hear coming out of the darkness? He hears an animal’s scream and a pistol shot. 9. Which details here lead you to infer that the two men Rainsford meets have a shared military past? Explain. The giant man is dressed in a uniform, clearly indicating that he is or was part of a military unit. Then, as the slender man approaches, the giant makes a military salute. 10. With what objects is Zaroff’s dining room decorated? His dining room is decorated with medieval-looking oaken panels, a huge table, and the mounted heads of many animals that Zaroff had killed. 11. What questions might be running though Rainsford’s mind during this conversation with Zaroff? Can I trust this man? Am I in any real danger? 12. Why does Zaroff recognize Rainsford’s name? Zaroff recognizes Rainsford’s name because he has read Rainsford’s book about hunting snow leopards in Tibet. 13. Why did Zaroff become bored with hunting? Hunting became too easy for Zaroff. Animal instincts are no match for human reason. 14. How was the “tragic moment” Zaroff refers to the sign of an internal conflict? Zaroff was torn between two emotions: his passion for hunting and his growing boredom with it. Guided Reading Questions – The Most Dangerous Game 15. What does Rainsford suddenly understand about Zaroff? Rainsford suddenly understands that Zaroff hunts men. 16. Based on the description, what can you infer about the method Zaroff uses to lure his quarry to the island? Zaroff uses lights to lure ships into the rock; Zaroff calculatingly destroys people and property for his own pleasure. 17. What has Rainsford learned about the way Zaroff sees hunting? Rainsford has learned that Zaroff sees no difference in hunting animals and hunting humans. 18. Who are the pupils in Zaroff’s cellar? The “pupils” are sailors from the Spanish bark San Lucar. 19. How does Rainsford’s direct statement about wishing to leave make his internal conflict an external conflict? His statement shows that he is no longer struggling internally with the issue of whether or not to trust Zaroff. His feelings are now out in the open and will prompt Zaroff’s response, most likely creating an external conflict. 20. What choice does Zaroff give his captives? They can either be hunted by Zaroff or tortured and killed by Ivan. 21. What inference can you make about the hunting trip Zaroff is suggesting? Rainsford is not going on the hunting trip as a companion for Zaroff; he is the prey. 22. What does Rainsford say that reveals that he still faces an internal conflict? (Characterization) Rainsford says, “I must keep my nerve, I must keep my nerve.” Rainsford is struggling to overcome his fear, and he knows that he must remain calm, logical, and in control. 23. What two suggestions does Zaroff give Rainsford before they begin the hunt? Zaroff suggests that Rainsford wear moccasins and avoid Death Swamp. 24. What can we infer about Zaroff from the fact that he arrives at the tree in which Rainsford is hiding? Zaroff is a tremendously skilled hunter and trapper. 25. What toll do Rainsford’s two traps take on Zaroff? The Malay mancatcher bruises Zaroff’s shoulder. The Burmese Tiger pit kills one of Zaroff’s dogs. 26. When Rainsford leaps into the sea, what inference do you think the author wants you to make? Rainsford’s actions suggest that he is willing to die on the rocks and sea instead of being mauled by the dogs. 27. What important detail does Rainsford see before he leaps into the sea? And why is it significant? He sees the Chateau across the cove. It is significant because we realize that he planned to swim across the cove.