PRICE COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION, INC. March 19, 2015 Price County UW-Extension Office Mission Statement: A Celebration of Price County’s Best – Something for Everyone Members Present: Peter Dahlie, John Walasek, Deb Popejoy, John Vlach, Joyce Lind, Michelle Drobnik, Krista Polansky, Treasurer and Jan Hardginski, Secretary. Rodney Peterson and Cathy Noftz, excused. Guests: Gail Huycke and Linda Milbradt. Sue Polacek and Miriam Lyons arrived late. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Chairman Lind. Public Comments: None Minutes: Correction: Lind will call Tomahawk Leader for fairbook price quote. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Walasek to approve the minutes of February 24, 2015 as corrected. Motion passed. Set date for 2016 Fair: Linda Milbradt from K&M Amusements offered the dates of August 24-28, 2016 for a flat fee of $20,000.00. Discussion was held. Motion by Polacek, seconded by Walasek to contract with K&M Amusements for the dates of August 24-28, 2016 for 20,000.00. Motion passed. Milbradt asked if we would be interested in having pony rides in 2015. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Walasek to have pony rides and charge the outdoor vendor fee of 250.00. We would need to advertise pony rides as separate from FREE carnival rides. Motion passed. Milbradt will get a contract to Peter Sturgis. Milbradt left the meeting. Closed session: Motion by Vlach, seconded by Polacek and roll call vote to go into closed session pursuant to exemptions in Section 19.85 (I) (c ) Wisconsin Statutes for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the government body had jurisdiction or exercise responsibility at 6:30 p.m. Roll call vote: Dahlie – yes; Walasek – yes; Popejoy – yes; Vlach – yes; Lind – yes; Drobnik – yes; Polacek – yes; Miriam – yes. Motion passed. A. Discuss Secretary/Treasurer compensation B. Motion by Dahlie, seconded by Drobnik and roll call vote to return to open session. Roll call vote: Dahlie – yes; Walasek – yes; Popejoy – yes; Vlach – yes; Lind – yes; Drobnik – yes; Polacek – yes; Miriam – yes. Motion passed. Action on Closed Session: Motion by Vlach, seconded by Dahlie to advertise treasurer position at $1000.00 per year. Motion passed. Lind and Hardginski will work on putting an ad together. Per Diem for Moenssen for 3 months: Question of where are the speakers that were purchased. Lind will find out. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Dahlie to pay Moenssen for 3 months. Motion passed. Dairy Breakfast: The Price County Dairy Promotion Committee have asked for use of the fairgrounds on June 6 for the Dairy Breakfast. This will include the red commercial building, the youth exhibit building and the 4-H Dining Hall. It was reminded that the Dairy Promotion Committee needs to ask the 4-H Adult Leaders for use of the Dining Hall. Drobnik asked if we could ask them to use the Expo Building instead of the Youth Exhibit Building to eliminate moving things. Lind will pass this on to the Dairy Promotion Committee. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Lyons that we allow the use of the fairgrounds for the Dairy Breakfast for a cost of $400 which will include the cost of the septic pumping. Motion passed. Permission to purchase more tables with income from Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Fundraisers: Popejoy asked the Board for permission to purchase tables to add to our supply – maybe a couple from each fundraiser Vlach stated that he may be able to get some donated from the Moose Lodge. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Drobnik to postpone until the next meeting. Motion passed. Select Delegates for Spring District Meeting: Motion by Vlach, seconded by Lyons that we send Polacek and Hardginski to spring district meeting and another 2 people if desired. Motion passed. Entertainment Committee: Walasek explained what was in process for entertainment. Phoenix has been contacted and agreed to $2500. Waiting for a call back from Maggie May. We will need to rent a stage for approximately $1500. Could sell beer. Walasek will also contact Mollie B. Motion by Drobnik, seconded by Lyons to book Phoenix for Saturday Night. Motion defeated. Motion by Walasek, seconded by Polacek to book Phoenix for Friday Night contingent on Saturday night act. Motion passed. Karaoke is being considered for Thursday at Center Stage. It would be handled like it as in 2014 – we paid the prize money and the radio station did the advertising. Super Picker Clay from the Crystal Café will be on Sunday afternoon. Also being considered is the Phillips H.S.Dance Group, Pedal Tractor Pull, Fleming Fold, Chainsaw Carver, Kicking Rocks, Rondini, Gary Edinger square dancing, Duane Carau dance instructor, Scott Hueckman What’s it Worth?, and Demo Derby. Walasek would like to bring back the Big Buck contest with a camera contest. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Walasek to try it again. Motion passed. Vlach will come up with the money to pay the guard. Lind is also planning on having Educational speakers like last year. Demo Derby: Only one show on Sunday. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Popejoy to hire the same company as last year – Destructive Behavior Motorsports. Motion passed. Walasek or Peterson will contact them. Buildings and Grounds Committee: Has not met yet. Keys – Sue has them ready to go. Repairing Theatre Floor – Keith was going to look at the theatre floor and the open class building this year. Winter take out: April 18 – Lind, Hardginski, Dahlie and Walasek will be there. Committee will have a short meeting after the board meeting. Exhibits, Livestock & Exhibitions Committee: Bid from Tomahawk Leader is $685 for 750 copies dependent on amount of corrections. Public Relations and Fundraising: Popejoy shared the status of the Mother’s Day craft show to the board. Website: information was sent to Lind and Polansky. Hardginski will try to work on it. Policy: Enter/Exit forms were discussed. Will discuss further next month. The resolution was shared with the board and is attached. Motion by Walasek, seconded by Drobnik to send to County Board for approval. Motion passed. Vlach to pass this along to the County Board. Reviewed Master Calendar timeline. It was reminded that there are items listed as being the responsibility of the secretary but will now become the responsibility of the treasure since these will remain two separate positions. This is also attached. Commercial & Vendors: Letters went out. The Gyro guy made a deposit last year. Finance: Motion by Vlach, seconded by Dahlie to approve vouchers for payment. Motion passed. Motion by Vlach, seconded by Popejoy to approve the Finance Report. Motion passed. Website was discussed once again. Price County domain was renewed for 2015. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 6 p.m. Motion by Popejoy, seconded by Drobnik to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. Motion passed. Jan Hardginski Secretary RESOLUTION______________ PRICE COUNTY FAIR ASSOCATION INC. WHEREAS the Price County Board Resolution 5745 needs to be revised and updated periodically, to conform with by laws as presently codified regarding state statues applying to financial reporting. Whereas to comply with Price County policy and procedures. NOW THEREFORE the Price County Board of Supervisors after considering the information brought forth do resolve the following: The Price County Board of Supervisors hereby resolves that it is in the best interest of its residents to support “THE PRICE COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION INC.”, whose purpose shall be to develop and maintain the Price County Fair, as per short term lease agreement and maintain and control all financial aspect of the Price County Fair. COMPOSITION AND ADMINISTRATION A. The Price County Fair Association Inc. shall be empowered to manage the Price County Fair and have control over all of its resources and business. The Association shall, report annually to the Price County Board of Supervisors. B. One Director of the Price County Fair Association Inc. shall be appointed from the Price County Board of Supervisors for a period to be concurrent with the Supervisor’s term of office. C. The Price County Fair Association Inc. shall arrange a lease with Price County for the use of the fairgrounds. D. The Price County Fair Association Inc. shall obtain and maintain all insurance necessary for the operation of both fair and non-fair operations. As well as provide appropriate certificate of insurance and file with the county clerk. Therefore this resolution will rescind and replace resolution 5745. Dated: County Board Chairperson County Clerk PRICE COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION YEARLY TIMELINE JANUARY o Review end of year financial reports (Finance) o Book entertainment for the fair ( Entertainment) o Mail premium book advertising letter (Public Relations) o Attend State Convention (Board) o By January 15th Federal Withholding Deposit (Accountant) o Quarterly Tax Report/Filing 941, Sales tax, Unemployment, (Q4) (Accountant) o Prepare & mail W2, W9, 109 Misc. & WT& by 31st (Accountant) o Annual Report to County (Secretary/Chair) o Order entry tags (Secretary) o Software update (Secretary/Winfair) o County Aid payment (Finance) o Review all contracts for all vendors, winter storage rates, nonprofit contracts (Policy) o Update 5 year building plan (Building/Grounds) o Proofread and approve premium book changes (Exhibits) o Contact Demolition Derby for proposals (Entertainment) o Contact EMT/Fire Department with needs for fair (Entertainment) FEBRUARY o Update sponsorship (Public Relations/ Fundraising) o Prepare preliminary entertainment schedule (Entertainment) o Contact publisher for premium book quote (Exhibits) o Send out letters to vendors (Vendor) o Choose and hire judges, set schedule (Exhibits) o Order awards (Secretary) o By February 15th Federal withholding Deposit (Accountant) o Deposit State aid payment (Secretary) o Tax info to accountant (Secretary) MARCH o Discuss ground crew needs and summer projects ( Building/Grounds) o Premium book to printer(Exhibits) o Follow up on judges acceptances (Exhibits) o Review information on Fair Insurance due June (Finance) o By March 15th Federal Withholding Deposit (Accountant) o Send out winter storage pick up reminders (Building/Grounds) o Begin Advertising Fair (Public Relations/Fundraising) o Begin contacting sponsors (Public Relations/Fundraising) o Inform schools and non-profits of school fair entries (Exhibits) APRIL o o o o o o Attend spring district meeting (Board) Conduct storage release /conduct sign up for next fall (Building/Grounds) Distribute premium book (Board) Contact previous grounds workers or advertise for new ones (Buildings/Grounds) By April 15th Federal Withholding deposit (Accountant) Quarterly tax reporting/filing 941, sales tax, unemployment (Accountant) o Follow up sponsorship letter (Public Relations/Fundraising) MAY o o o o o o o o o o o Open grounds/ complete walk over Building/ Grounds) Have water tested at grounds (Building/Grounds) Prepare timeline for projects and begin projects on grounds (Building/Grounds) Order wristbands(Secretary) Update blue ribbon software (Secretary) By May 15th Federal withholding deposit (Accountant) Send out vendor contracts ( Vendors) Send out letter for septic bids (Building/ Grounds) Check Sound system – Grandstand and office (Entertainment) Contact green house for flower arrangements at fair (Building/Grounds) Clean exhibit buildings/ set up buildings (Maintenance) JUNE o Discuss and choose Outstanding fair person (Board) o Conduct poll arum testing (Exhibits) o Order porta-potties, wash stations, dumpsters (Building/Grounds) o Contact beer tent organization (Vendors) o Review camping layout (Building/Grounds) o By June 15th Federal tax withholding deposit (Accountant) o Reserve rooms for judges and entertainers (Secretary) o Advertise for Demo Derby ( Entertainment) o Renew raffle license (Secretary) o Renew Picnic license (Secretary) o Sign Contract for septic (Board) o Discuss radio promotions( Public Relations) o Review wages for fair workers (Board) o Begin advertising for workers (Board/ Secretary) o Put letters on outdoor advertising signs and have ready for maintenance to place in appropriate locations (Building/Grounds) JULY o Send out judges packets (name tags, premium book, hotel accommodations if applicable, map) (Exhibits) o Send sponsorship thank you letter with passes (Public Relations) o Begin and finalize judging assistant & superintendent schedule (Exhibits) o Contact judging assistants and building superintendents (Exhibits) o Layout Northwoods and Expo building for vendor spaces & send final contract letter(Vendor) o Finalize Chapel, Theater schedule (Entertainment) o Finalize Northwoods schedule (Entertainment/Vendor) o Contact veterinary for the fair (Exhibits) o Order Demo and/or Kiddie Tractor pull trophies (Entertainment) o Set potluck date/find instructor/review training manual (Exhibits) o Send invitations for potluck (Secretary) o Process fair entries (Secretary) o Send out confirmation letter to entertainers w/ specific times & hotel accommodations (if provided) & passes (Entertainment) o Print fair passes and name tags (Secretary) o Quarterly tax reporting/filing 941, sales tax, unemployment (Accountant) o By July 15th Federal tax withholding deposit (Accountant) o Get insurance rider (as needed) for heavy equipment operator at demo (Finance) o Walk through of the buildings (Building/ Grounds) o Make Thank you sign for “Friends of the Fair” & any other donation signs (Public Relations) o Schedule for office/grandstand/set up events (Board) o Forward Capitol Projects List to County Administrator & Executive Finance (Building/Grounds) o Contact Price County aging unit about senior meal o Schedule workers/send out employee packets (Exhibits) o Purchase 14 cases of water (Board) o Send out commercial/food/vendor packets with passes (Secretary) o Hire workers (?) o Order money (2 weeks prior to Fair) (Finance) o Send out passes to sponsors, media, Greenhouse donor heavy equipment operator with board approval (Secretary) AUGUST o Assign fair duties to the board (Board) o Hold potluck (forms, name tags, training manuals, food, drinks, paper & plastic wares) (Board) o Backflow preventers (Building/ Grounds) o Layout vendor placement on grounds and in buildings ( Vendors) o Layout entertainment stages ( Entertainment) o Mark camping sights (Building/Grounds) o Call Diggers Hotline 811 to mark for fair (need 1 week notice) (Secretary) o Accept delivery of potties, walkie talkies, dumpsters (Building/Grounds) o Charge walkie talkies (Building/Grounds) o Post worker schedules – be sure all paperwork is received (Finance/Building Grounds) o Set out and collect suggestion boxes (Secretary) o Distribute entry tags (Secretary) o Check supplies of 55 gallon bags for drums, small bags for wastebaskets, cleaning supplies, etc. (Building/Grounds) o Assemble judges boxes (Exhibits) o Post annual meeting notice & directors applications notice @ fair office (Chair/Secretary) o Be sure ALL 1099 information is received from entertainers (Entertainment) o Empty shower boxes (Finance) o Do ribbon inventory (Exhibits) o Evaluation of Fair (suggestion boxes) (Secretary/ Board) SEPTEMBER o Inventory equipment and determine replacement needs (Board) o Initial discussion on winter storage –send out mailing or call for appointments (Building/Grounds) o Close grounds (end of month) (Building/Grounds & Maintenance) o Special awards to newspaper (Secretary) o Place an ad about annual meeting & directors application in community newspapers and hand outs ( Chair/Secretary) o Enter judging results (Secretary) o By Sept. 15th Federal withholding deposit ( Accountant) o Prepare DATCP (Secretary) OCTOBER o Review By laws for changes at annual meeting (Chair/ Public) o Annual meeting/Election of Board (Chair/ Secretary/Public/Board) o Election of Officers (Board) o Hold winter storage (Building/Grounds) o By October 15th Federal Withholding deposit (Accountant) o Quarterly tax report/filing 941, sales tax, unemployment (Accountant) o Select four (4) delegates for the state convention (Board) o Print checks (Secretary) o Mail or distribute premium checks (distribute 4-H Achievement in November) (Secretary) NOVEMBER/DECEMBER o Review short term lease with county (Chair/Policy) o Annual board workshop – redo committee lists (Board) o Establish budget for following year (Finance) o By Nov/Dec 15th Federal tax withholding deposit (Accountant) o Update names on bank accounts (Finance) o Annual DATCP Report (Secretary) o Annual finance review (Finance) o All board members receive copy of Whistleblower, Record Retention/Destruction and Conflict of Interest Policy, Director Exit/Entrance (Secretary) o Accept new budget (Board) o Review Accountant services REVISED: 3/19/2015