True or False - 8th Grade Science

Energy Test
1. What is always lost during an energy transfer?
a. conversion
b. heat
c. car keys
d. chemicals
2. The variable that the experimenter controls is the _____ variable.
a. independent b. dependent
c. migrating
3. When electricity is used to create motion, light ,or heat, this type of energy is
being used
a. chemical
b. electrical c. nuclear
d. solar
4. What metric system unit do you use to measure length?
a. meters b. grams
c. liters
d. Celsius
5. In general, a concentrated source of energy is called _____.
a. rockets
b. solar power
c. nuclear d. fuel
6. Which factor in an ecosystem is abiotic?
a. trees
b. sunlight c. jaguars
d. fungus
7. Another name for photovoltaic cells is
a. solar panels
b. sunlight boxes c. batteries d. turbines
8. Producers get their energy from _____.
a. animals
b. trees
c. the sun
d. water
9. Which of the following is NOT a renewable energy resource?
a. trees
b. river
c. natural gas
d. solar
10. A photoautotroph is a __________ that uses light as its energy source to feed
a. producer b. consumer
c. trophic level
d. herbivore
The primary consumer in the ecosystem above is the
a. plant
b. shrew
c. hawk
d. rabbit
12. What always flows between consumers in an ecosystem
a. energy
b. food
c. sunlight
d. protein
13. What trophic level does a food chain always start with?
a. decomposers
b. food
c. producers
d. consumers
14. What is each type or branch of science named for?
a. what is being studied
b. a Latin word
c. a scientists last name
d. chemicals
15. This is an example of a carbon sink
a. tree
b. factory c. humans d. animals
16. Plants release oxygen into the air as a result of photosynthesis. Which of
these do plants need for photosynthesis?
a. carbon b. oxygen
c. nitrogen
d. hydrogen
17. If something has the ability to do work it has
a. carbon
b. motion c. energy
d. excitement
18. Chemical energy is energy something has that can be released from its
a. mouth b. molecular bonds
c. carbon footprint
d. storage unit
19. Animals and plants get their food in different ways. Animals usually ingest
their food, while plants must produce their own food. The process through
which plants produce their food is called
a. pollination b. respiration c. germination
d. photosynthesis
20. The variable that is the outcome of an experiment is the __________ variable.
a. independent
b. dependent
c. manipulated
d. fascinating
21. What variable do you put on the x-axis of a graph?
a. independent b. dependent
c. horizontal
d. vertical
22. Which of the following could BEST be used to demonstrate energy being
transformed from electricity to heat?
a. toaster
b. gas oven
c. magnifying glass d. triple beam balance
23. When an object has a force applied to it AND that force causes the object to
move, then ____________ has been done on the object.
a. pressure
b. work
c. lifting
d. strength
24. How do you know where to find oil under the earth?
a. psychic powers
b. dogs sniff it out
c. drills dig it out after digging
several holes
d. seismic machines send out sound waves
25. Controls should _____________ during an experiment.
a. not change b. sometimes change
c. always change b. be varied
26. A car driving down the road at 45mph has this type of energy
a. potential
b. kinetic c. speed
d. chemical
27. The name of the nuclear power plant that exploded in Europe during the
1980’s and released radiation affecting millions of people was
a. Chernobyl b. Nuketown c. Exxon Valdez
d. Babylon
28. A student wishes to test the hypothesis that adding antifreeze to water lowers
the freezing point of water. What would be the dependent (responding) variable?
a. Type of thermometer used to measure the freezing point
b. Temperature at which the water/antifreeze mixture freezes
c. Amount of water put into a container
d. Amount of antifreeze added to the container
30. In the food web shown, which of the following consumers eats only
a. fox
b. owl
c. mouse
d. hawk
31. What is the best definition of an ecosystem
a. place where an animal gets food, water, and shelter
b. certain continents of the earth
c. the interaction between organisms and their environment
d. a lake
32. Even though energy cannot be destroyed, it is possible to lose the
ability to _______ energy.
a. use
b. consume c. manufacture d. demolish
33. Which biome is most suitable for raising crops such as corn, wheat,
and oats?
a. grassland b. taiga
c. tundra
d. tropical rainforest
34. A tapeworm lives in human intestines, absorbing the nutrients that
would normally be absorbed by the person. This eventually causes the
person health problems. The relationship between the tapeworm and the
human is
a. Herbivore/omnivore
b. Parasite/host
c. Consumer/producer
d. Predator/prey
35. The law of conservation of energy says that energy cannot be
______________ or destroyed, only transferred
a. created b. changed c. ingested d. transformed
36. The prefix photo means
a. light b. food
c. energy d. camera
37. Decreasing the amount of energy you use is known as _______________
a. diminishing b. moving c. conserving d. creating
38. A ______ ________ is a curved mirror that concentrates sunlight on a
generator which can then create electricity.
a. solar panel b. battery charger c. solar reflector d. magnifying glass
39. A burning candle is in the process of transforming
a. chemical energy into light and heat
b. chemical energy into mechanical energy
c. heat energy into chemical energy
d. chemical energy into nuclear energy
40. Concentrated biomass, living things that have died and been
pressurized by the earth, is
a. rock b. the earth’s core c. fossil fuel d. decomposers
41. What was the name of the oil tanker that hit a reef and spilled over 11
million gallons of oil into the ocean off the coast of Alaska?
a. Titanic
b. Alaskan cruise line c. BP Deepwater d. Exxon Valdez
True or False (A is true and B is false)
42. During every energy transfer energy is lost into the atmosphere as
43. Natural gas and coal are examples of renewable natural resources.
44. Driving at a certain speed on the highway can increase the miles per
gallon (mpg) that you can get in your car.
45. Organisms that can breed and have infertile offspring are members of
the same species.
46. A reservoir is what the lake is called that forms when a hydroelectric
dam is built on a river.
Short Answer
47. Oil was being pumped out of the bottom of the _______ ____ ________
when an explosion of an oil rig caused oil to be leaked into the ocean and
three different methods of containing the oil were tried.
48. List 3 renewable natural (found in nature) resources.
49. List 2 non renewable natural (found in nature) resources.
50. What is one advantage of using fossil fuels, such as coal mined in
mountains of West Virginia, as an energy source?
51. What is one disadvantage of using fossil fuels as an energy source?
52. Give an example of an energy transfer. Be sure to include what kind of
energy you start with and what kind of energy you end up with after the
transfer occurs.
Extra Credit (can earn up to 4 points – 1 point for each question)
1. How many steps are there in a conclusion at the end of a lab report?
2. What is geothermal energy?
3. What was the bowling ball video demonstrating about energy?
4. What kind of energy did the apple have when someone was holding it
in their hand?
5. What is one benefit of using nuclear power to create energy?
6. What form (solid, liquid, gas) are carbon and nitrogen present as in the
7. Why do we use nuclear power to produce energy if there are such big
safety risks associated with nuclear power plants?