ACFASP Advisory Council on First Aid, Aquatics, Safety and Preparedness Formed in late 1998 by the American Red Cross as an independent panel of nationally recognized health and safety experts; provides advice in areas related to the development and dissemination of audienceappropriate information and training in first aid, aquatics, safety and preparedness. ACFS Annual Chapter Yearly financial report filed by Financial Statement chapters; critical to maintaining public trust and ensuring accountability. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act A 1990 law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities. ADGP Annual Disaster Giving Program Red Cross ADGP members are corporations or foundations that pledge to give anywhere from $200,000 to more than $1 million per year to the Disaster Relief Fund. They may also donate new, bulk goods or valuable services that are needed on disasters and directly reduce costs. AED Automated External A computerized medical device that Defibrillator can check a person’s heart rhythm, recognize a rhythm that requires a shock, and advise the rescuer (through lights, voice prompts and text messages) when a shock is needed. AP Authorized Provider A company, organization, agency or individual that has signed an Authorized Provider Agreement with a chapter to provide American Red Cross instructional programs APAT APAT Advanced Public Affairs Team Communications specialists who mobilize before, during, or immediately after a disaster strikes and work with media to provide people living outside the affected area with key messages about preparedness and response and with overall information about our relief efforts in this particular disaster ARC 3000 American Red Cross 3000 Series Compilation of administrative regulations and operating procedures under which the Red Cross carries out its Disaster Services program ATLAS Alliance for Technology Linking All Services An integrated suite of software applications for chapters that includes learning management, disaster client assistance, and human capital management BAT Basic Aid Training A 6-hour course that introduces youths aged 8-10 to the emergency action steps (Check-Call-Care) and to basic first aid procedures. BBP Blood Drive Coordinator BDC Bloodborne Pathogen An infectious disease, especially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV), caused by exposure to blood and other body fluids. BHQ Biomedical Headquarters The American Red Cross' national management team for Biomedical Services BOG Board of Governors The governing body of the American Red Cross BPS Best Practices System BRM Business Reply Mail A postal process that encourages customers to reply to solicitations because the sender pays the postage for return mailings. The American Red Cross holds a BRM permit and renews it annually. BSD Blood Services Directive An official procedural directive from Biomedical Headquarters; it is a regulated document CAC Client Assistance Card A card that functions like a debit card and allows chapters and disaster relief operations to quickly provide clients with financial assistance CAM Cost Analysis Model A tool to help develop pricing for American Red Cross health and safety programs CAN Coordinated A partnership of leading nonprofit Assistance Network disaster relief organizations that participate in community-led preparedness and response coalitions and focus on ways to apply resources to most effectively serve those in need. CAS Client Assistance System A software program designed to manage information about the needs of disaster clients and the assistance provided to them CBFCU Clara Barton Federal Credit Union Financial services institution that offers a complete range of savings, deposit and lending services for Red Cross employees and volunteers who become members CBO Chapter Board Orientation A nine-module training course designed to prepare new chapter board members to understand and fulfill their roles, responsibilities and A program for sharing information among field units and recognizing successful units, staff and volunteers duties CCE Community Chapter Executive CCI Chapter Chair Institute CDAP Chapter Donor Fundraising program to increase the Acquisition Program number of new donors and reinstated donors to the Red Cross for ongoing solicitation by chapter CDC Centers for Disease U.S. public health agency devoted to Control and helping prevent and control infectious Prevention and chronic diseases, injuries, workplace hazards, disabilities, and environmental health threats CDE Community Disaster The process of increasing public Education awareness and educating members of the community in order to help people prevent, prepare for, and cope with disasters CDRA Chapter Disaster Readiness Assessment CDRP Consolidated Direct Program directed at retaining active Response Program donors and increasing donor value, while stabilizing and growing our donor database. CEI Chapter Executive Institute Week-long training to support and accelerate the development of newly hired chapter executives. CFC Combined Federal Campaign Annual workplace fund-raising drive conducted among federal employees, postal workers and military personnel to raise money for charities, including the American Red Cross CHERS Chapter Enrollment Reporting System Software application used by chapters and AFES stations to support and manage information pertaining to preparedness and response training courses CIB Chapter Information A document sent to chapters on an Bulletin as-needed basis that details the American Red Cross response to, or anticipation of, major events such as a disaster relief operation or international crisis CIIPA Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Agreement Training to help new chapter chairs understand their role and responsibilities and the strategic issues facing the organization, both locally and nationally. Evaluation to determine whether sufficient human resources and material resources exist to respond to a disaster. An agreement prohibiting disclosure of any confidential American Red Cross information to any person not authorized to receive it or use of such information to the disadvantage of the American Red Cross CLC Creating Leadership Leadership development course that Connections new chapter executives and board chairs attend together when either is new to their chapter leadership positions COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1985 federal law that requires employers, such as the American Red Cross, to offer “qualified beneficiaries” the option of continuing group health and/or dental coverage under certain circumstances COOP Continuity of Operations Plan Strategy for resuming critical operations efficiently and effectively if they are interrupted by emergencies CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Lifesaving technique combining rescue breathing and chest compression that keeps oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs; useful in emergencies in which someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped CPS Chapter Performance Standards Standards by which the performance of chartered field units are evaluated, falling into two general classifications: Core Requirements and Critical Performance Standards. The former are basic standards that establish the fundamental expectations of performance and governance; the latter are higher-level standards that identify chapters delivering superior results and demonstrating improvement over prior periods. CSDU Certified Service Delivery Unit A type of non-chartered unit responsible for service delivery and usually financial development activities within a defined jurisdiction, but managed by and responsible to the certifying chapter’s board of directors DAT Disaster Action Team A team of trained Red Cross paid and/or volunteer staff sent to the scene of a disaster to provide immediate disaster relief to those affected by disaster and to emergency workers responding to the incident DFRAP Disaster Fundraising A strategy for year-round disaster Action Plan fundraising and for building the infrastructure to effectively manage a fundraising campaign for a largescale non-recurrent disaster DFVP Division Fundraising Vice President DHS Disaster Health Services Provides emergency and preventive health services to disaster victims and to Red Cross Disaster Services staff assigned to provide disaster relief services DMHS Disaster Mental Health Services Provides mental health support to those affected by disasters (whether they have disaster-caused damage, reside in the disaster-affected area, are relatives of those affected, or have disaster-related emotional difficulties created by mass media exposure) as well as to Red Cross Disaster Services staff assigned to a disaster relief operation, and to their families DOC Disaster Operations The 24-hour operations center Center located at national headquarters that serves as the primary point of contact for all Disaster Services activities DRM Donor Relationship Management The process of developing and promoting partnerships between the American Red Cross and individual or organizational donors or prospective donors DRMS Disaster Resource Management System Software application to recruit, assign and track DSHR members and Response volunteers DRO Disaster Relief Operation A temporary administrative organization created by the Red Cross to focus resources on, and accomplish service delivery for, a specific disaster DRP Disaster Response Plan A document containing the compilation of hazard and risk analyses, operating procedures, directives, checklists, resource inventories, agreements, and other materials necessary for a Red Cross unit to execute an effective disaster response DSHR Disaster Services Human Resources Nationwide system of employees and volunteers that enables the American Red Cross to provide prompt and efficient disaster relief services to the American people DVP Division Vice President DWI Disaster Welfare Inquiry The function within a disaster relief operation responsible for receiving and responding to inquiries about the health and welfare of individuals and families within a disaster area, collecting and reporting information about such persons, and providing services leading to the reunification of family members in an affected area DWIB Disaster Welfare Inquiry Bulletin A communication from national headquarters that provides field units with all known information about a disaster (e.g., extent of damage) so that units can provide this information to people wishing to place inquiries about loved ones ECC Emergency The assessment and treatment of Cardiovascular Care victims of respiratory and/or cardiac emergencies and stroke, including basic and advanced life support interventions EDDR Electronic Donor Distribution Report Monthly report that details financial contributions and inquiries received at national headquarters; enables chapters to quickly import valuable donation records (in both HTML and spreadsheet formats) into their database to re-solicit donors as quickly as possible EHL Exploring Humanitarian Law Educational program designed to expose teenagers (ages 13-18) to issues of humanitarian law and principles of respect for life and human dignity ERV Emergency Response Vehicle Vehicle used on a disaster relief operation to provide mobile or fixed feeding and, as necessary, to be used as a casework, command or communications center or to transfer supplies ESA Environmental Site Assessment Process by which a Red Cross unit identifies potentially hazardous conditions prior to acquiring property FACT First Aid for Children A course for children ages 5-8 Today (grades K-3) that teaches health promotion and injury prevention activities, including hygiene and health habits, first aid, and personal safety FDA Food and Drug Administration FEMA Federal Emergency Government agency charged with Management helping prepare the public for Agency hazards and managing federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident FIT Fundamentals of Instructor Training Federal agency responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products (including blood and blood products), medical devices, our nation’s food supply, and cosmetics Training course to introduce instructor candidates to the history, structure, activities and policies of the American Red Cross and prepare them to teach Red Cross specialty courses to diverse populations FMPP Financial Manual of Policy and Procedures Manual designed to assist chapters in ensuring that Red Cross assets are properly safeguarded and financial results are reported accurately FOCIS Field Operations Red Cross internal Website that Consolidated contains service delivery, human Information Systems resources, financial, demographic, market segment and jurisdictional data on all units in the Chapter Service Delivery Network FRNOCRA Funds Raised for National - Online Chapter Reporting Application FTE Full Time Employee FURP Field Unit Reporting Website on which field units post their Portal annual budgets and other financial information GSD General Services Division The division within national headquarters responsible for procurement, warehousing, maintenance, and distribution of goods and services to Red Cross units HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus Either of two closely related viruses responsible for AIDS that can be transmitted through infected blood HRP Hurricane Recovery A dedicated effort by the Red Cross Program to support families and communities devastated by hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma Fundraising reporting system that enables chapters to post donation information to the Field Unit Reporting Portal HRPPM Human Resources Policy and Procedure Manual Compilation of personnel policies and procedures that apply to employees and volunteers in nationally paid units HSS Health and Safety Services Line of services consisting of community education and training in first aid, CPR, aquatics and water safety, HIV/AIDS prevention, and mission-related caregiving for the elderly and other priority groups HSSAT Health and Safety Services Administrator Training Course designed to provide participants with the basic knowledge needed to effectively manage a Health and Safety Services Program in a chapter ICP2 Indicators of Chapter Performance and Potential Performance measurement system that provides chapters with information on their current performance and maximum potential in several areas: service quality, fundraising efficiency, volunteer satisfaction, etc. ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross An impartial, neutral and independent organization dedicated to protecting the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and providing them with assistance IDWI International Disaster Welfare Inquiry A request for information about relatives who are citizens of other countries and who are believed to live in areas affected by a disaster overseas and with whom no contact is possible IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies A coalition of individual Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies that coordinate relief efforts throughout the world occurring outside the theater of war and other forms of armed conflict IHL International Humanitarian Law The branch of international law that encompasses humanitarian principles and international treaties that seek to save lives and alleviate the suffering of both combatants and noncombatants during armed conflict JP Jefferson Park National headquarters facility located in Falls Church, Virginia. LMS Learning Management System Web-based application that schedules, manages and tracks online and classroom-based training and also launches online course content MAP Merit Award Process Compensation program at national headquarters to reward top contributors so as to encourage the retention of high-performing employees MAPP Manual of Administrative Policies and Procedures Compilation of the national policies and procedures related to activities in Health and Safety Services training and education and related products MASRU Military Aid Society Referral Unit The Armed Forces Emergency Services technical resource unit, located at national headquarters, that processes military aid society referrals MDA Magen David Adom The Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross; admitted to membership in the International Red Cross Movement in June 2006 after a Diplomatic Conference adopted a new neutral symbol, the "Red Crystal," enabling the MDA to use the Red Shield of David inside the crystal when operating outside of Israel NAN National Account Network A network of chapters that have agreed to provide services to national or regional customers; allows customers to enter into a single agreement with the Red Cross to receive courses or services over a broad geographical area. NAT Nurse Assistant Training Training to enable nurse assistants to provide quality care for residents in long-term care facilities NHQ National Headquarters The principal office of the American Red Cross and of its corporate management; located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. NNC National Nursing Committee Supports and promotes the involvement of nurses, primarily volunteer nurses, throughout the American Red Cross NPM National Preparedness Month Month (usually September) devoted to increasing public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies and encouraging individuals to take action NRP National Response Plan All-hazards plan that establishes mechanisms for federal government involvement in, and coordination of, incident management operations; the American Red Cross helped draft the plan and plays a significant role in it NSC National Safety Council Organization that promotes safety, health and environmental policies, practices and procedures that prevent and mitigate human suffering and economic losses arising from preventable causes NTL National Testing Laboratory A Red Cross lab that performs blood testing services for all Blood Services regions NVOAD National Voluntary A coalition of national voluntary Organizations Active organizations, including the American in Disaster Red Cross, with a common interest in providing disaster relief. OGC Office of the General Counsel Chief legal office of the American Red Cross; ensures that the Red Cross complies with all applicable laws and that all legal matters involving the corporation are resolved in a manner that best protects our interests ONCOV Office of the National Chair of Volunteers Office at national headquarters that helps ensure effective volunteer deployment, identify productive and creative volunteer roles, recruit suitable volunteers, and track and evaluate the contributions of volunteers to the Red Cross ORB Online Resource Book A Web-based collection of disasterspecific data and resources that provides Red Cross field units with up-to-the-minute information to answer inquiries from the public and the media OSHA Occupational Safety U.S. government agency that aims to and Health Administration ensure worker safety and health in the United States by working with employers and employees to create better working environments PDP Performance Development Process National headquarters program to evaluate employees and help align individual goals with the overall strategic objectives of the organization PRSA Public Relations Society of America Organization dedicated to advancing the standards of the public relations profession and providing members with professional development opportunities PSA Public Service Advertising Advertising produced for public benefit and aired on a free, spaceavailable basis on behalf of a nonprofit organization; the primary form of Red Cross advertising QRT Quick Response Team A team deployed to a threatened or affected area to make an on-site assessment of the scope of a disaster, its impact, and the need for resources and to recommend any actions necessary to initiate, support, or expand Red Cross service delivery RCE Regional Chapter Executive RDC Remote Deposit Capture System to manage the process of receipting, depositing, accounting and reconciling deposits for Red Cross and support the move to centralized transaction processing. REAP Real Estate Approval Process Procedures and policies governing the acquisition, renovation, sale, demolition, or lease of property by Red Cross units RED Retain Episodic Donors A project to engage, cultivate and solicit donors who gave to the 2004 tsunami and 2005 hurricane relief efforts to convert them to regular Red Cross donors ROC Regional Operations Temporary federal operations facility Center established by a regional office of FEMA to coordinate federal disaster response and recovery activities in that region until the disaster field office becomes operational SAF Service to the Armed Forces A line of Red Cross services for members of the U.S. military and their families, especially emergency communications during times of family crisis. SAS Shared Administrative Services Project to create an integrated system of technology, processes and controls for many of the organization's administrative functions; establishes a single system that allows for uniformity of financial and administrative data SCA Sudden Cardiac Arrest Condition arising when electrical impulses in the heart suddenly become chaotic, causing the heart's pumping action to stop abruptly; requires immediate restoration of normal heart rhythm, which can be accomplished through use of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) SCC State Coordinating Chapter A chapter designated to provide overall leadership and administration of disaster relief planning within a state SD21 Service Delivery for the Twenty-First Century Initiative approved in 1991 that established a framework for chapter service delivery consisting of services that chapters MUST, SHOULD, and MAY deliver to retain their charter SFI Strategic A plan to help the Red Cross improve Fundraising Initiative its financial viability by raising money more efficiently and improving the donor experience SIP Select Investment Program SOAP Strategic Initiative to review and assess the Opportunity merits of organization-wide projects, Assessment Project programs, and partnerships suggested by Red Cross employees or volunteers SOU Statement of Understanding SOX Sarbanes-Oxley Act U.S. law designed to strengthen of 2002 federal oversight of public companies and bringing more transparency to corporate dealings, particularly financial and management matters SRP September 11 Recovery Program Initiative to provide long-term services, including financial assistance and referral to social work agencies for case management needs, to individuals and families directly affected by the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 SSC Shared Services Center Facility in Charlotte, North Carolina, that serves as a centralized processing center for the key accounting and purchasing functions of the American Red Cross Professionally managed investment program that enables Red Cross units to invest endowment and discretionary assets Formal agreement between the American Red Cross and another organization to participate in a longterm cooperative relationship SSDA State Service Delivery Area A geographical area that is not within the jurisdiction of a chapter; formerly called a “gap area” SSI School Safety Initiative American Red Cross movement to support schools in developing the skills and confidence to prevent, prepare for and respond to natural disasters, accidents, and humancaused emergencies like shootings and terrorism; serves as the “prototype” for the Together We Prepare-Schools program SST Sport Safety Training Sports injury prevention, first aid and CPR training course tailored for coaches, athletic trainers and others who support and supervise organized athletics TLD Training and Leadership Development Department at national headquarters charged with developing and delivering state-of-the-art leadership training for volunteers and employees and providing a clearly-defined "learning path" for aspiring employee and volunteer leaders TRP Tsunami Recovery Program Five-year recovery program established six months after tsunami struck South Asia in December 2004 TWP Together We Prepare Initiative that encourages five actions -- make a plan, build a kit, get trained, volunteer, and give blood -- that every organization, individual and family should take to better prepare themselves for an emergency or disaster VAI Volunteer Administration Institute Professional development conference that focuses on building volunteer capacity and developing volunteer resources management strategies to meet business and strategic goals VAVS Veterans Affairs Volunteer Services Program through which Red Cross volunteers help provide military veterans in VA medical facilities with physical rehabilitation, nursing, social work, and other services VOAD Voluntary State or regional coalition of voluntary Organizations Active organizations with a common interest in Disaster in providing disaster relief WSI Water Safety Instructor Course that trains instructor candidates to teach water safety, including strategies for planning and conducting effective and safe swim lessons Date/Time Last Modified 10/16/2012 6:31:15 AM