Email or Letter Campaign Announcement from CEO (ECCs Note: When campaign goal-setting comes from the top, it makes a big difference in overall performance. It’s important for your workplace leader to let employees know that the campaign is a high priority in your organization, that senior executives will participate directly and that the company will be supporting employees’ efforts, either with matching donations or employee incentives.) Subject line: Help us build a thriving local community Dear (Employee Name), This year, [Company] is again joining forces with United Way of the Bluegrass to help make our community a better, safer and healthier place to live and work. For our campaign to succeed, we need your help. Join United Way of the Bluegrass and [Company] as we achieve a Big Bold Goal: 10,000 more families will be self-sufficient by 2020. We will be kicking off our annual United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign on [Date]. I want you to know that I – and everyone on the senior staff – thank you for your commitment to our community. We want to make this year’s campaign our most successful ever. In fact, this year, [Company] will match all employee donations dollar-for dollar up to $XXX, and we plan to show our support for this worthy cause with a corporate donation of $XXX. When you give where you live through United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign your dollars go directly back into our community. United Way of the Bluegrass provides support to families and partners with local organizations to address the most pressing needs in our community. Working together, we can help struggling families throughout the Bluegrass region. We live in one of the most prosperous regions in the country, and yet, in spite of our area’s overall high quality of life, some people in our region are struggling. They do not have access to good schools, affordable health and dental care or jobs that will allow them to provide for their families. It’s for that reason that United Way of the Bluegrass focuses on four pillars of success: Basic needs School readiness Student success Financial stability Your gift to these efforts will put you in good company. You will join a number of donors who are participating in the movement to Live United. Shortly, [ECC name] will be contacting you about the kick off for this year’s campaign. Thank you in advance for your commitment and for your contribution. I look forward to seeing you at the Kick-Off event. If you have questions about the upcoming campaign, please contact [ECC name, phone number, and email address]. Sincerely, (CEO Name) 1 Week Before Kick off (with event) (ECC’s Note: In this email, your goal is to build interest and excitement for the event itself. With that in mind, be sure to stress events like contests, auctions or book sales, food and entertainment. Remember, your first priority is to motivate employees to attend the event, where you can then effectively communicate the details and importance of the campaign.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (1 week before Kick Off Event) Subject: United Way of the Bluegrass Campaign Kick Off on [Date] You’re invited to join our Campaign Kick Off Celebration! Join your colleagues at [Time] on [Date] as we celebrate [Company’s] United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign. There’s plenty of fun in store: [Insert your event details here – use the copy below as a guide] • “Closest to the Pin” putting contest • Awesome entertainment – snacks and soft drinks will be served • PLUS a surprise guest! United Way of the Bluegrass is a leader and motivator of change for long-term solutions for Central Kentucky communities. They have a Big Bold Goal that 10,000 more families in the Bluegrass will be self-sufficient by 2020. This is a community goal and one that we can accomplish together. United Way has committed to four key drivers for community and economic success: Basic Needs School Readiness Student Success Financial Stability Plus, we have a special gift for you: (some sort of incentive) for every employee who completes a pledge during the kick off event! Together we can make an impact in our community. I hope you will join us in our mission to Live United. See you at the Kick Off! Best, [ECC name/contact info] - OR 1 Week Before Kick Off (no event) (ECC’s Note: In this short communication, it’s important to communicate the basic information that employees should know in order to participate – including the benefits and convenience of doing so.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (1 week before Campaign Period Begins) Subject: United Way of the Bluegrass Campaign Kick Off United Way of the Bluegrass’ mission is simple, but powerful. United Way of the Bluegrass wants everyone in Central Kentucky to have the opportunity to live their best lives. United Way of the Bluegrass is a leader and motivator of change for long-term solutions for Central Kentucky communities. They have a Big Bold Goal that 10,000 more families in the Bluegrass will be self-sufficient by 2020. This is a community goal and one that we can accomplish together. United Way has committed to four key drivers for community and economic success: Basic Needs School Readiness Student Success Financial Stability By participating in United Way of the Bluegrass’ Workplace Campaign you can fund organizations working to achieve these goals in the nine counties that United Way of the Bluegrass serves: Anderson county, Bourbon county, Clark county, Fayette county, Jessamine county, Madison county, Montgomery county, Scott county, and Woodford county. Our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign kicks off on [Date]. Why participate in our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign? When you give where you live you create positive change locally. Donating to the campaign is an easy way to help people in need. Your payroll contribution will be deducted automatically in equal installments from your paycheck throughout the year. That means a $250 annual contribution, for example, would result in a payroll contribution of less than $21 a month. You can choose how (and where) your contribution will be used by directing it to a specific community, a particular impact area (education, financial stability or health) or a particular nonprofit organization. Or you may simply make a general contribution to support United Way of the Bluegrass’ work across our region. [Company] will match employee donations dollar-for dollar up to $XXX, and we will show our support for this worthy cause with a corporate donation of $XXX. We look forward to your participation in this year’s campaign. You can find campaign materials at [Location]. Please be sure to have all pledge forms turned into me by [Date]. Thank you again for your support. Best, [ECC name/contact info] 1 Day Before Kick Off (with event) (ECC’s Note: By now, employee’s schedules will have become busier, so be sure to remind them that their time commitment will be small, entertaining and well-spent.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (1 day before Kick Off Event) Subject: United Way of the Bluegrass Campaign Kick Off is Tomorrow! Join us tomorrow at [Time] in [Location] for our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign Kick Off Celebration! Join United Way of the Bluegrass and [Company] as we achieve a Big Bold Goal: 10,000 more families will be self-sufficient by 2020. We will have lots of fun activities: [Insert your event details here – use the copy below as a guide] • “Closest to the Pin” putting contest • Used CD/DVD sale (bring and buy!) • Awesome entertainment – snacks and soft drinks will be served • PLUS a surprise guest! We know you’re busy, but please stop by for even a few minutes. We need everyone to participate to make this year’s campaign even more successful than last year’s campaign. We are encouraging 100 percent employee participation. Even just a small donation can create a tremendous impact in our community. We look forward to seeing you at the Kick Off tomorrow. Best, [ECC name/contact info] - OR 1 Day Before Kick Off (no event) (ECC’s Note: The goal is to build excitement and momentum for the campaign. If your organization has participated in United Way campaigns in the past, this would be a good place to challenge employees to increase giving.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (1 day before Kick Off Event) Subject: The United Way of the Bluegrass Campaign Starts Tomorrow! Are you ready to make a difference in our community? Our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign starts tomorrow! Join United Way of the Bluegrass and [Company] as we achieve a Big Bold Goal: 10,000 more families will be self-sufficient by 2020. Our Campaign Donation Goal: $________ Our Employee Participation Goal: 100% Deadline: [DATE] I hope everyone who participated in last year’s campaign will consider giving just 10 percent more this year. If you did not participate last year, please consider making a pledge in this year’s campaign. Every dollar will help. Research shows that despite the relative prosperity of our region, income disparities persist, which means many individuals and families are lacking in access to high quality schools, adequate and affordable health and dental care or jobs that will allow them to build for the future. You can help. There are many ways you can create change with your donation: 1) You can donate to support a specific community: Anderson county, Bourbon county, Clark county, Fayette county, Jessamine county, Madison county, Montgomery county, Scott county, and Woodford county. 2) You can donate to a United Way of the Bluegrass impact area: education, income or health. 3) You can donate directly to United Way of the Bluegrass to allow them to determine where your donation will do the most good. 4) You can donate to one of United Way of the Bluegrass’ partner agencies. To participate in this year’s campaign, you can pick up your campaign materials and pledge card at [Location]. If you have any questions about your pledge or about United Way of the Bluegrass’ work, please contact me for more information. You can also go to to learn more about the important work United Way of the Bluegrass does throughout our community. Thank you for your participation in this year’s campaign. [ECC name/contact info] 1 Day After Kick Off (with event) (ECC’s Note: Keep in mind that you’re writing to those employees who were not able to attend, as well as those who were. So while thanking attendees and building momentum for the campaign, you should also offer non-attendees 2 or 3 topline reasons to pledge, while offering to provide them additional details at their request.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (1 day after Kick Off Event) Subject: We’re off to a great start. Pledge count from yesterday’s Kick Off: $_____ pledged by ____employees! If you had a chance to join us yesterday at our United Way of the Bluegrass Campaign Kick Off, thank you for your participation. I hope you had a chance to both enjoy yourself and learn more about United Way of the Bluegrass and the programs it supports in the areas of education, income and health. If you made your pledge, thank you! If you haven’t made your pledge yet, we hope you will join us! Join United Way of the Bluegrass and [Company] as we achieve a Big Bold Goal: 10,000 more families will be self-sufficient by 2020. Remember: To have your contribution included in our United Way campaign, pledge forms must be turned in to [Location] by close of business on [Date]. [Company] is offering a matching donation of $__ for every dollar you give. Every employee who increases his or her pay period deduction by $5 over last year will be entered into a drawing to win [Prize]. Thanks again for your support. If you weren’t able to attend, but want to participate in our workplace campaign, please let me know. I can tell you all about United Way of the Bluegrass and its great work in our community. Best, [ECC name/contact info] Half-way between kick off and pledge period closing (ECC’s Note: Our challenge, here at the halfway point, is to maintain the momentum of the kick off and begin building urgency as the deadline draws closer. If there is a local cause or interest that is of special interest to employees, this would be a good time to remind them that it can only be achieved with their individual help.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (halfway between kick off and period closing) Subject: United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign Update It’s halftime! Here are the stats for our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign: Dollars Pledged: $____ Employees Participating: ______ Remaining to Reach Goal: $_____ Deadline: ___________ [Company] has had a great first half of the United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign. We still have a long way to go to reach our goal, and we need everyone’s participation. Have you made your pledge yet? Remember, when you give where you live your contribution goes to work right here in our community to support a network of services for individuals and families with nowhere else to turn. Your pledge can help provide them with the tools they need to stay healthy, in school and in productive jobs. A little bit goes a long way. For the price of a designer handbag – spread out over a whole year’s paychecks – you can provide after-school care for one child for six weeks. Every dollar makes a big difference. Please participate by picking up your pledge form at [Location] and submitting it right away. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you, [ECC name/contact info] Second to Last Day of Pledge Period (ECC’s Note: In any fundraiser, some donors will wait until the last possible moment to make their pledge. The purpose of this message is to let those folks know that THIS is the last possible moment and that we still need their help. Even if your campaign has already reached its goal, we should remind donors that their pledge still makes a difference. See the alternate paragraph below.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (Day Before Last Day of Pledge Period) Subject: Time Is Running Out! Our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign ends on [Day]! Here are our results so far… Dollars Pledged: $____ % of Employees Participating: ______ Remaining to Reach Goal: $_____ Deadline: ___________ We’re so close to reaching our goal. If you’ve been waiting to make your pledge when it counts the most … that time is right now. There’s still one day to get your pledge forms in, so please, take a moment RIGHT NOW to pick up your form and turn it in before the buzzer sounds. We’re counting on you to take us over the top! (OR if you have met your donation goal) Time is running out! Even though we’ve reached our dollar goal, we want everyone to participate and share in our success. Every dollar donated makes a huge difference for a person in need, so if you’ve been waiting for the right time to make your pledge … that time is now. Help us to get to 100 percent employee participation. There’s still one day to get pledge forms in, so please, take a moment right now to pick up your form and turn it in today. Thank you, [ECC name/contact info] Last Day of Pledge Period (ECC’s Note: This is no time to let up the urgency! The final few hours of a pledge drive can be among its most productive.) To: (All Staff) From (ECC) Date: (Day Before Last Day of Pledge Period) Subject: Last Day! Tick…Tick…Tick… Hear that clock? If [Company] is going to meet our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign goal, we’ll need all pledge forms to be submitted to [Location] by [Time]. If you haven’t turned in your pledge form yet … that means you! We’re so close to [reaching our goal/breaking our company record], and we need every pledge to take us over the top. Together, we can make it happen! Help us to make this the most successful campaign yet. Help us to change lives. With your help children will have access to better schools and health and dental care. You can help adults to access training for jobs that will allow them to support their families. I’d like to give a big thank you to everyone who has supported our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign. Best, [ECC name/contact info] Thank You from CEO (ECC’s Note: Rallying the team one more time, a final note from your organization’s leader maximizes the message of accomplishment and thanks, as well as keeping the staff motivated for continuing United Way giving and volunteer opportunities throughout the year.) To: (All Staff) From (CEO) Date: (One Day to One Week after Pledge Period Ends) Subject: Thank You for Your Support Your contribution to [Company’s] United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign will make a real difference in the lives of many people. This year, (___%) of our employees gave through our United Way of the Bluegrass Workplace Campaign, for a workplace total of ($___). I want you to know how personally impressed and proud I am of every one of you who pledged. I particularly want to thank the volunteers whose efforts ensured the campaign’s success. A final thought – the campaign has come to an end, but the needs of our community have not. In the months ahead, we will offer employees other opportunities to make a local impact through United Way of the Bluegrass, including: • • • • United Way Days Of Caring Special fundraisers / special events Donating professional services Volunteering opportunities If you’d like to explore volunteer opportunities on your own and ways to get more involved, I invite to go to for more information about volunteer opportunities. Once again, thank you for your support. Together we are making the Bluegrass area a better community for everyone. Sincerely, [CEO Name]