Canterbury Tales General Prologue: Character Assignment Purpose: In order for the class to get a better idea of who all the characters are, and to get a “picture” in our heads, each student will be assigned to report on one or two characters from the General Prologue to the class. Components: For your assigned character, you must present the following, based on the description in the General Prologue. 1. Occupation and explanation if needed 2. Physical description 3. Intelligence/education 4. Emotions/personality 5. Background history 6. Definitions of any unknown vocabulary used to describe the character 7. Explanations of any allusions 8. A visual that you bring from a magazine, newspaper, internet, etc.,that depicts what you think the character might look like. It could be “medieval,” or a modern-day equivalent. Your report needs to be typed and posted to the conference, but you will also present it orally. I would suggest about a page for each character. Plan to talk a few minutes about your character, supplementing what is written for us to read. Your effort on this will count as a quiz grade. Due Date: Thursday, 1/10 Assignments: Alex B: Knight McKibbin: Parson Justine: Squire Chandler: Plowman Jamie: Yeoman Kenny: Nun Sam: Miller Ben: Monk, Manciple Alex: Friar, Pardoner Andrew R: Merchant, Cook Madison: Cleric Jonathan: Sergeant-at-Law Christine: Franklin Spencer: Wife of Bath Marco: Doctor, Skipper Mr. Szott: Summoner (example) Abby: Host Jacque: Reeve