Click on Sorting People

Name: ____________________________
Period: __________
TIP: Do not skip
questions, it will be
really difficult to go back
and try to find the
answers again.
What is Race: click on the 10 quick facts about Race and answer
the questions below.
1- What did ancient societies divide people by?
2. Explain what is meant by no “race has no genetic basis”
3. Is slavery a modern-time problem? Explain in detail
4. What did our economy built on? Why was it so successful?
4. How did the US justify the denial of human rights?
5. Race help justify what?
5. What did the law/policy contribute to?
6. How are we different from most other animal species?
6. Why is it that humans haven’t evolved into separate subspecies?
7. Explain Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
8. Where does MOST variation within humans exist?
9. The statement says that race is NOT biological but what is real?
10. Is it okay to claim to be “colorblind”? Why or why not?
10. What needs to happen in order to combat racism?
Click on Sorting People
Sorting People: click on the game and “Begin Sorting”
How did the US Census classify people’s races prior to 1960?
How did this change in the 1970s after the Civil rights movement?
Is it accurate to predict race based on appearance alone?
Can “race” tell you where somebody is from? Or what they are good at?
Sorting People: click on “Explore Traits”
Click on “Skin Color” and click the “light”, “medium-light”, ”medium” and “dark”
categories and see what happens.
Did anything surprise you about skin color?
Click on “Fingerprints” and click the “loop”, “whorl”, ”arch” and “tented arch”
categories and see what happens.
Did anything surprise you about fingerprints?
Click on “fingerprint samples”
Which is the most rare form of fingerprints?
Which type of fingerprints do you have?
Click on “Blood Type” and click the “type O”, “type A”, ”type B” and “type AB”
categories and see what happens.
Did anything surprise you about blood type?
Click on “read more about blood types”
What percent of the US population has type O blood?
What type of blood is the most rare in the US?
Who can type O donate blood to?
Who can type O blood receive from?
Who can type A donate blood to?
Who can type A blood receive from?
Click on “Go Deeper” under Sorting People
Summary of Main Points
Why doesn’t it make sense to talk about group race characteristics?
Is classification scientific?
Has racial classification changed over time?
Why don’t we just get rid of racial categories?
Why is there a need for racial classification?
In terms of educational equality, why is it important to continue tracking race?
Did school segregation end in the 60s?
What is the wealth gap between Whites and African Americans? (from film)
What group has the largest rate of diabetes?
What number of Latinos live below the poverty line?
What has happened to South Asian and Aram Americans since September 11, 2001?
Click on Race Timeline
Click on “Explore Timeline”
Click on “Before 1787”
How did the Greeks differentiate between people?
Where did the word “slave” come from?
What are some reasons why humans have been slaved in the past?
How is American slavery different from previous slavery?
What does “social identities fluid” mean? What is it referring to?
After 1676, what 2 words got introduced to the colonial laws?
What word did Johan Blumemnach introduce to the language of Race?
Which president first suggests that Blacks were inferior to whites?
Click on “1790-1854”
Explain the purpose of the infamous ” 3/5ths compromise”
The 1790 Naturalization Act (citizenship) gave citizenship to which group of
What year did African-Americans gain citizenship? How many years after whites?
(yes, do the math)
What year did Native American gain citizenship? How many years after whites?
(yes, do the math)
What year did Asians gain citizenship? How many years after whites? (yes, do the
List 3 advantages of being a citizen.
What happened to tribal Native American identity on 1810?
What happened to American Indian Land through all of the 1800s (19th century)?
Why were Native Americans forced to relocate in 1830?
What do slavery turn to in order to prove that blacks are inferior to whites?
Scientist Samuel Morton is trying to prove that brain capacity (intelligence) could be
measure through what?
How long after Jefferson suggests that blacks are inferior to whites does it take for it
to become scientific fact?
Explain what the Manifest Destiny is (look up on another source if you need to)
How did the Manifest destiny help to escalate the white supremacy ideas?
How can the ban of non-whites from testifying help drive racism? (speculate)
What did Frederick Douglas do?
When slaves are freed from Washington, D.C. whom is reparation paid to?
How did Darwin’s theory of evolution help people explain the hierarchical
differences between people?
What amendment guarantees equal rights?
It says that the amendments strength has been tested over time, let’s look at some
cases where the 14th amendment has been tested. For each case find the date, the
description of the case, and who won. [yes, you may google and even use Wikipidea
Brown vs. the Board of EducationOyama v. California
Loving v. Virginia (New HBO documentary film on this case on this week on HBO, called
“The Loving Story”)
Perry v. Brown
What term was coined at this time?
Where all whites equal before WWII?
What happens after WWII to the white hierarchy?
What is the alien land law?
When did courts stop using “white” as a requirement for citizenship?
What was the Johnson-Reed Act?
What are the 2 legacies that remain today from housing discrimination?
What was the INESCO published statement about race?
What significant event happened in this year?
What significant event happened this year?
Visit the following website and look at the photographs of the Lovings
Pick one photograph and explain it below:
What does the Lau v. Nichols case provide students with?
What is the black-white wealth gap?
What percent of whites live in a neighborhood that has less than 1% black?
Compare the home ownership percent of whites vs. blacks
Click on “Go Deeper” under Race Timeline
Which came first slavery of race?
Click on Human Diversity
Click on take the quiz
How old are modern humans?
Which species group has the most genetic variation?
What causes genetic variation in humans?
Which two present-day populations are most likely to be genetically similar? Why?
What causes differences in skin color to evolve? Explain the 2 common theories.
If you know a person’s skin color, what can you predict about them? Why?
An individual from of the following countries is most likely to carry the sickle cell
trait? What is the evolutionary explanation for this?
Which of the following is most likely to be your ancestor?
Which continent has the greatest human diversity?
If a catastrophe wiped out everyone except people in Asia, how much of the total
genetic variation in our species would be left?
Click on explore diversity
Click on Physical Appearance
Click on our Skin Color
Which continent has the largest variety of skin color?
Skin color tends to correlate with what?
Click on nose Shape
Is nose shape a racial characteristic?
Where in the world can you find the most broad, flat nosed people?
Click on Head size
Which people have the largest heads?
Which have the smallest heads?
At the top, click on Geographic origin
Click on Early Human Migration
Where is the origin of modern humans?
Click on Early Trade & Spread of Disease
What 2 places did the Bubonic Plague originate from?
Click on The World Slave Trade
Where did most slaves come from?
How many Africans were forcibly transported?
Click on Recent Global Migration
Where are the 2 most common places of departure?
Where are the 3 most common places of arrival?
Click on Me, My Race and I- You will need earphones for the videos
Click on Split Identity
In 1998, what percent of those selected for body searches were black or Latino? Of
those, what percent had contraband?
Who has the most likelihood of being strip-searched?
Click on To see or not to see
In 1995, the average white family has how much more wealth than the average nonwhite family?
What percent of one’s lifetime wealth is passed on from previous generations?
Click on The Elephant in the Room
Should race be ignored or talked about?
Click on How to Be an American
Who could be granted citizenship?
Click on Where Race Lives
Click on Uncle Sam Lends a Hand
1935- Who was excluded from accumulating Social Security (retirement fund)?
1935- A union is an agency that protects worker’s rights and benefits, what group of
individuals were excluded from union protection? What was the name of the Act?
1930s-1940s- Which communities revived the highest ratings?
What percent of loans went to non-white families?
1948- When the Supreme court ruled that “racial” language must be excluded from
housing documents, did the discrimination end there?
1949- When urban housing was destroyed, who was displaced (moved)?
1960s- After Kennedy signed the Fail Housing Act, did the discrimination end there?
Click on A Tale of Two Families- Read both Byron and Max’s stories
Click on The Downward Spiral
1. ______________________________________
Why do residents move out when minorities move in?
2. ________________________________________
What causes house prices to fall/decrease?
Much of the housing gets converted to _____________________.
3. _________________________________________
What are two things hat wealthier communities have?
Where does the money for public services come from?
4. ____________________________________
What are some public services that suffer from this decline on property value?
What happens t the businesses as the community declines in value?
5. _______________________________________________
When a community hits rock bottom, they become more susceptible (likely) to
Why would community leaders welcome a toxic facility onto their neighborhood?