Somatosensory Systems Chapter 7 Blumenfeld Robert Altman PGY 3 Neurology, McGill University Oct 2009 Overview Overview key afferent pathways Focusing on central course in spinal cord and brain Introduction to the thalamus Neurology of bladder & bowel function Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscal (DCML) Spinothalamic and other anterolateral pathways VERY brief Clinical examples Take-home messages Jeopardy-Style Trivia, Round 2! General Principals Somatotopy respected in spinal cord, brainstem relay nucleii and cortex Aids with localizability of lesions Touch is shared in both pathways Discriminative Crude DRG; pseudo-unipolar neuron Sensory Neuron Types NAME A- (I) DIAMETER (µm) 13-20 RECEPTORS SENSORY MODALITY Yes Muscle spindle, golgi tendon organ Proprioception Proprioception, superficial touch, deep touch, vibration, touch MYELINATED A-β (II) 6-12 Yes Muscle spindle, Meissner’s corpuscule, Merkel’s receptor, Pacinian corpuscule, Ruffini ending, Hair receptor A-δ (III) 1-5 Yes Bare nerve ending Pain, temperature (cool) 0.2-1.5 No Bare nerve ending Pain, temperature (warm), itch C (IV) DCML DCML Most axons do not perform their 1st synapse until at n. gracilis or cuneatus in lower medulla (i.e. 1st order) Somatotopy mnemonic Lemniscus = tract Gracile = thin Cuneate = wedge T6 Internal Arcuate fibers Medial Lemniscus 2nd order neurons run to VPL Vertical Lateral / inclined position in upper brainstem VPL Posterior limb of IC to reach areas 3, 1, 2 of primary SS cortex Primarily layer IV > III > VI 6 layers of the neocortex Layer Name Function Molecular Layer / Plexiform Layer Dendrites and axons from other layers Small Pyramidal Layer / External Granular Layer Cortical-cortical connections III Medium Pyramidal layer / External Pyramidal Layer Cortical-cortical connections IV Granular Layer / Internal Granular Layer Input from thalamus I II V VI Large Pyramidal Layer / Internal Pyramidal Layer Outputs to subcortical structures besides thalamus e.g. from giant cells of Betz in motor cortex Polymorphic Layer / Multiform Layer Cortical-Thalamic connections (Outputs to Thalamus) Layers I through VI vary in thickness in different cortical regions. Layer IV is most pronounced in the sensory projection cortex and layer V is most pronounced in the primary motor cortex (pre-central gyrus). Sensory Homonculus Anterolateral Systems Anterolateral Systems First synapse is immediate in the spinal cord Dorsal horn of lamina I (marginal zone) Lamina V Lissauer’s tract allows some axon collaterals to ascend or descend 2-4 segments before entering in central gray Second order neurons than traverse anterior commisure (over 2-3 spinal segments) clinical correlation to spinal lesions Somatotopy (see next slide) Once reaches brainstem, remains lateral (b/w olives and ICP) Anterolateral Systems Anterolateral system Spinothalamic (I, V) Spinoreticular (II, VII, VI, VIII) Discriminative aspects of pain, location, intensity Synapse on VPL (different area than DCML), relay to specific SSC target (Brodmann 3,1,2) Emotional and arousal aspects of pain Ultimately RF projects to IL thalamic nuclei (centromedian), which then project diffusely to the entire cerebral cortex (behavioural arousal) Spinomesencephalic To PAG, SC Pain modulation Central Pathways Involved in Pain Modulation Spinal cord circuits Gate theory (A-β) TENS “Long range” modulatory inputs PAG (MB) receives diffuse inputs from hypothalamus, amygdala, cortex Relays to nucleus raphe-magnus in RVM (rostral ventral medulla) Subsequently relays (via 5HT neurons) to dorsal horn, acting as pain modulator Also relays to locus ceruleus (rostral pons) via substance P, which in turn relay NE projections to dorsal horn, acting as pain modulator The Cerebral Signature for Pain Perception and Its Modulation, Neuron 55, August 2, 2007 J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88:58-62. Opiods Receptors found on peripheral nerves and diffusely in pain modulating system. Enkephalins* dynorphin* β-endorphins** Thalamus Brief overview Thalamus Master relay center Sensory Motor Cerebellar Basal ganglia Limbic Behaviour, arousal, sleep-wake cycle Dense reciprocal feedback connections between cortex and thalamus. Corticothalamic projections outnumber thalamocortical! Thalamus Diencephalon Divided by internal medullary lamina Medial Lateral Anterior Intralaminar nuclei Midline thalamic nuclei Thalamic reticular nucleus 3 chief functions 1. Relay 2. 3. Specific Nonspecific (widely projecting) Intralaminar Reticular Relay Nuclei Lie mainly in lateral thalamus All primary sensory modalities have relays in the lateral thalamus en route to their specific cortical target, with one exception* Reciprocal innervation w/ cortex Examples: Relay Nucleus Lateral Group In Out Function VPL Medial lemniscus, spinothalamic Somatosensory cortex Somatosensory spinal input * VPM Trigeminal lemniscus, trigeminothalamic tract, taste Somatosensory cortex, taste Somatosensory CN input and taste * LGN Retina Primary visual cortex Vision MGN Inferior colliculus Primary auditory cortex Audition VL Internal GP, deep cerebellar nucleii, SN (ParsR) Motor, premotor and supplementary motor Relays BG and cerebellar inputs to cortex * VA SN (ParsR), internal GP, deep cerebellar nucleii WIDESPREAD to frontal lobe -> prefrontal, premotor, motor, supplementary motor Relays BG and cerebellar inputs to cortex *** Tectum (extrageniculate visual pathway), other sensory input P-T-O association Behaviour orientation toward relevant visual and other stimuli ** w/ anterior nuclei ** w/ pulvinar ** Maintain alert, conscious state *** Pulvinar Lateral dorsal Lateral posterior Ventral medial Midbrain reticular formation Widespread to cortex * * Relay Nucleus In Out Function Medial group Mediodorsal / dorsomedial Amygdala, olfactory cortex, limbic cortex, BG Frontal cortex Limbic pathways, major relay to frontal cortex Mammillary bodies, hippocampal formation Cingulate gyrus Limbic pathways Amygdala, hippocampus, limbic cortex Limbic pathways ** Anterior group Anterior nucleus * Midline Thalamic group Paraventricular, parataenial, intermediodorsal, rhomboid, medial ventral Hypothalamus, basal forebrain, amygdala, hippocampus ** Within the internal medullary lamina Intralaminar Nuclei Rostral intralaminar nuclei; central medial nucleus, paracentral nucleus, central lateral nucleus Caudal intralaminar nuclei; Centromedian nucleus, parafascicular nucleus Reticular Nucleus Reticular nucleus Intralaminar Nuclei In Out Function Rostral intralaminar nuclei; Deep cerebellar nuclei, GP, brainstem, ARAS, sensory pathways Cerebral cortex, striatum Maintain alert consciousness; motor relay for basal ganglia and cerebellum Caudal intralaminar nuclei; GP, ARAS, sensory pathways Striatum, cereral cortex Motor relay for BG Cerebral cortex, thalamic relay and intralaminar nuclei, ARAS Thalamic relay and intralaminar nuclei central medial nucleus, paracentral nucleus, central lateral nucleus Centromedian nucleus, parafascicular nucleus *** Reticular Nucleus Reticular nucleus *** Regulates state of other thalamic nuclei Clinical Concept – dysfunction in sensory pathways Negative = anasthesia, loss of sensation Positive = added sensation Localizability of symptom description “numb” Victor and Adams Central Disturbance & Other Parietal lobe or primary SSC Thalamic LHermitte’s sign Radicular Dejerine-Roussy Cervial cord Contralateral numb tingling or pain Symptoms (dermatomal) reproduced by maneuvers that stretch or compress the NR Spurling’s maneuver Focal or diffuse pripheral n disease Pain, numbness, tingling, etc… Spinal Cord Lesions Myelopathies Etiology multifactorial Compressive Non-Compressive VINDICATE, VITAMIN CD etc…. Most common causes = compressive due to trauma, metasteses, degenerative changes Clinically evident by sensory level, motor dysfunction, reflex abnormalities, b/b incontinence, fever? Image above sensory level (2-4 levels) And even if you suspect LS pathology, try and get whole spine imaged Spinal Shock Acute flaccid paralysis Absent DTR Hypotension Sphincter / tone flaccidity Rule of thumb = 80% of patients treated for CC after they are nonambulatory remain so. However, 80% treated before losing mobility, remain so for the remainder of their lives. Clinical Examples Contra or ipsi, sensory loss, motor loss, other… Primary somatosensory cortex Primary vs “cortical” sensory loss VPL or VPM or Thalamic somatosensory radiations Lateral Pons or lateral medulla Medial medulla SC NR / Peripheral n. Spinal Cord Syndromes Transverse Cord Lesion Brazis, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed Spinal Cord Syndromes Brown-Séquard Syndrome The Brown-Sequard syndrome is characteristically produced by extramedullary lesions Brazis, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed Spinal Cord Syndromes Central Cord* Typically due to Chiari type I and type II or Dandy-Walker malformations, or as a late sequel to traumatic paraplegia or tetraplegia, spinal trauma, spinal cord tumors, arachnoiditis Brazis, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed Syringomyelia The classic presentation is a central cord syndrome consisting of a dissociated sensory loss and areflexic weakness in the upper limbs. Loss of pain and temperature sensation with sparing of touch and vibration in a distribution that is "suspended" over the nape of the neck, shoulders, and upper arms (cape distribution) or in the hands. Begins asymmetrically with unilateral sensory loss in the hands that leads to injuries and burns that are not appreciated by the patient. Syringomyelia Muscle wasting in the lower neck, shoulders, arms, and hands with asymmetric or absent reflexes in the arms reflects expansion of the cavity into the gray matter of the cord. As the cavity enlarges and further compresses the long tracts Spasticity and weakness of the legs Bladder and bowel dysfunction Horner's syndrome Facial numbness and sensory loss from damage to the descending tract of the trigeminal nerve (C2 level or above). In cases with Chiari malformations, cough-induced headache and neck, arm, or facial pain are reported. Extension of the syrinx into the medulla, syringobulbia, causes palatal or vocal cord paralysis, dysarthria, horizontal or vertical nystagmus, episodic dizziness, and tongue weakness. Spinal Cord Syndromes Central Cord & Sacral Sparing Intramedullary and Extramedullary Syndromes Intramedullary vs Extramedullary processes Intra or external to cordcompresses the spinal cord or its vascular supply. The differentiating features are only relative and serve as clinical guides. With extramedullary lesions, radicular pain is often prominent, and there is early sacral sensory loss (lateral spinothalamic tract) and spastic weakness in the legs (corticospinal tract) due to the superficial location of leg fibers in the corticospinal tract. Intramedullary lesions tend to produce poorly localized burning pain rather than radicular pain and spare sensation in the perineal and sacral areas ("sacral sparing"), reflecting the laminated configuration of the spinothalamic tract with sacral fibers outermost; corticospinal tract signs appear later. Spinal Cord Syndromes Posterior & Postero-Lateral Cord •SCD (cobalamin B12 deficiency) •vacuolar myelopathy associated with AIDS • HTLV-1 associated myelopathy (tropical spastic paraparesis) • extrinsic cord compression (e.g., cervical spondylosis) •copper deficiency myelopathy Brazis, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed Spinal Cord Syndromes Anterior Cord Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome •Back of neck pain of sudden onset •Rapidly progressive flaccid and areflexic paraplegia •Loss of pain and temperature to a sensory level •Preservation of JPS and vibration sensation •Urinary incontinence Brazis, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed The other “anterior cord” diseases •Autosomal recessive spinal muscular atrophies (I,II,III) •Adult onset of spinal muscular atrophy •hexosaminidase deficiency • poliomyelitis (postpolio syndrome) •postirradiation syndrome Brazis, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed The other “anterior cord” diseases •Degeneration of AHC (and in the motor nuclei of the brainstem) and in the corticospinal tracts. •Progressive diffuse lower motor neuron signs (progressive muscular atrophy, paresis, and fasciculations) are superimposed on the signs and symptoms of upper motor neuron dysfunction (paresis, spasticity, and extensor plantar responses). •Bulbar or pseudobulbar impairment •explosive dysarthria, dysphagia, emotional incontinence, and tongue spasticity, atrophy, or weakness •Bowel / bladder unaffected •“Intact” mentation Brazis, Localization in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed Anatomy of Bowel and Bladder Function Complex interplay between sensory, motor (voluntary and involuntary) and autonomic pathways at multiple levels of the nervous system Frontal “micturition inhibiting area”, sensorimotor sphincter control area, BG, vermis, pontine micturition center S2-S4 Sensory (bladder, rectum, urethra, genetalia) Ascends via posterior & anteralateral columns Motor (AHC pelvic floor, Onuf’s nucleus =sphincteromotor nucleus urethral and anal sphincters) Parasympathetics detrusor contraction Sympathetics T11-L1 (inermediolateral cell column) detrusor relaxation, bladder neck contraction Need bilateral pathways involved to get clinical syndrome Bladder Function VOIDING DETRUSOR REFLEX 1. Voluntary relaxation of EUS 2. Inhibition if sympathetics to bladder neck 3. Parasympathetic activation for detrusor contraction 4. Self-perpetuates Bladder Function STORAGE URETHRAL REFLEX 1. Voluntary relaxation of EUS 2. Inhibition if sympathetics to bladder neck 3. Parasympathetic activation for detrusor contraction 4. Self-perpetuates 5. When urine stops, urethral sphincters contract triggering detrusor relaxation Summary 1. The cerebral loop 2. concerned with the voluntary control of the sphincters and pelvic floor urethral afferents to pudendal motor neurons maintains the sphincter tone when the detrusor is inactive The detrusor reflex loop 5. motor cortex to pudendal motor neurons The urethral reflex loop 4. initiates and inhibits switching between filling and voiding states Corticospinal pathways 3. involving the brainstem, cerebral cortex, and basal ganglia structures detrusor afferents to pudendal motor neurons sphincter relaxation when the detrusor is active The cord loop brainstem structures to the conus medullaris coordinates detrusor and sphincter contraction and relaxation Lesion Location & Clinical Syndrome Bilateral medial frontal lesion (parasaggital meningioma) Removal of conscious control over sphincter/bladder, when to initiate/halt voiding, with intact reflex arc Below pontine micturition center, above conus Interrupt pathways that are inhibitory to the detrusor and those that coordinate normal sphincter-detrusor activity Flaccid, acontractile evolves over wks to months Reflex contraction of uretheral sphincterretention Detrusor-sphincter dyssnergia; increased and uncoordinated, antagonistic Examples: TM, MS, trauma Peripheral nerves or S2-S4 Flaccid, areflexic resembling acontractile type Overflow + stress incontinence Eg. DB, conus or cauda lesion Due to Loss of parasympathetics Loss of afferents from urethra and bladder Bowel Function Also mediated by medial frontal lobes Players: Internal smooth sphincter + GI motility (parasympathetics) External striated sphincter (Onuf) Pelvic floor muscles (S2-S4 AHC) Etiologies: damage at any level Acute lesions flaccid sphincter and loss of sacral PS constipation Take Home DCML ALS Thalamus; specific relays Somatosensory Cortex Somatotopy! Lesions localizable and recognizable Imaging and paraclinical will help determine etiology of lesion References Blumenfeld Brazis Pain articles: Basic Science of Pain, J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88:58-62. The Cerebral Signature of Pain and its Modulation, Neuron, Aug 2nd, Vol 55, 2007 Cord Syndromes Website elo/Myelbase.htm Merci! San Francisco, August 2009 Trivia Time Split into 2 teams. Scorekeeper needed. Somatosensory Jeopardy Multiple Choice Q’s The Thalamus Somatotopy+ Cord Syndromes 1 Miscellaneous Points 1 Easy Easy 2 Medium Medium 3 Hard Hard Easy Medium Hard Easy Medium Hard Easy Medium Hard MCQ 1 Name the different levels that pain perception is modulated a) b) c) d) e) Peripheral Spinal Supraspinal None of the above All of the above (excluding choice D) MCQ 2 Where does the 2nd order neuron in the DCML system take off from, if I were to touch my toe? a) b) c) d) e) Clarke’s nucleus Intermediolateral cell column Thalamus Rexed lamina II Nucleus gracilis MCQ 3 At which layer in the cerebral neocortex do most afferents terminate in? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II III IV VI V Thalamus 1 What is the broad classification scheme for thalamic projections? Thalamus 2 Where does the pulvinar project to? Bonus In what condition can we see the “pulvinar sign” on MRI? Thalamus 3 Name 5 specific relay nuclei Somatotopy 1 Place on schema: Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Somatotopy 2 Which pathway in the ALS convey’s the emotional and arousal aspects of pain? Somatotopy 3 What “built-in” system is heavily involved in intrinsic pain modulation? Name 4 key players involved in pain control Cord Syndromes 1 24 yo F, followed in psychiatry for schizoaffective d/o 3 mo Hx “walking on clouds”, can’t feel soles Mild weakness in LE’s Impaired JPS, Vib + Romberg sign Where is the lesion? Ddx? Cord Syndromes 2 36 yo F, complaining of not feeling the tips of her fingers, accidentally closed car door on hands several times. Also mentions some bladder urgency, and incontinence. On exam: atrophy of neck muscles / scapular girdle and arms, asymmetrically hyporeflexic UE, spastic catch on R biceps, R Horner’s syndrome Where would you place the lesion ? Sensory exam: What segment to image first? How do you explain the Horner’s? How about the mixed UMN and LMN syndrome? Name 4 conditions this can occur in? Cord Syndromes 3 28 yo M Complaining of L sided weakness, bladder fullness – inability to void. O/E brisk DTR’s on L HB, L sided spacticity Sensory exam shows to PP/T: Pathology is 2-3 segments above or below clinical sensory level? Intra or extramedullary based on findings? Miscellaneous 1 63 yo M HTN/DB/DLPD Awoke yesterday with patchy numbness to R face, hands, feet O/E R HB decreased sensation No weakness appreciated Reflexes 2+ symmetric UE, LE Plantars flexor Where could you propose one lesion to account for these symptoms? Etiology? L VPL Miscellaneous 2 At what level is Onuf’s nucleus? What is it’s function? Bonus: On a completely unrelated question Where is the internal arcuate fibers? Miscellaneous 3 76 F OA/ Cx and Lx DDD/HTN/DB Complains of weakness in hands > legs x 2/12 Clumsy hands Progressive “zinging” down spine when flexes head forward Urinary frequency / some urge incontinence O/E Decreased PP/T on L from T4 distally Decreased ST on R T2 distally Spastic catch R elbow Mild pyramidal weakness RUE FDI, hand intrinsic atrophy+ Extensor plantar on R, diffusely brisk DTR’s on R HB What segment of the CNS would you image? What do you think is the pathophysiology? Spondylotic myelopathy