PUBLIC POLICY IMPLICATIONS OF CRIMINOLOGICAL THEORIES ADJ 215 Criminology Picture: INTRODUCTION Social Wundt Comte Darwin Structure Theory/Definition/Interpretation of Crime According to Theory/Summary/Examples and Results of Public Policy Implications Social Process Theory/Definition/Interpretation of Crime According to Theory/Summary/Examples and Results of Public Policy Implications Social Conflict Theory/Definition/Interpretation of Crime According to Theory/Summary/Examples and Results of Public Policy Implications Rational Choice Theory/Definition/Interpretation of Crime According to Theory/Summary/Examples and Results of Public Policy Implications Trait Theory/Definition/Interpretation of Crime According to Theory/Summary/Examples and Results of Public Policy Implications Developmental Theory/Definition/Interpretation of Crime According to Theory/Summary/Examples and Results of Public Policy Implications SOCIAL STRUCTURE THEORY DEFINITION OF THE THEORY/CRIME CAUSATION AS INTERPRETED ACCORDING THEORY Social Disorganization Theory- Emphases on social conditions Strain Theory- Emphases on conflict between goals and means Cultural Deviance Theory- Combines the other two theories According to the Social structure theory is a theory, people’s places in the Socioeconomic structure influence their chances of becoming a criminal (Siegel, 2006). Henry McKay & Clifford Shaw Chicago Area Project Picture: SOCIAL STRUCTURE CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES /EXAMPLES AND RESULTS Food Stamps Free Medicaid Low or no rent projects Cash Benefits Head start Programs According to The Social Structure Theory, if given the opportunity to share in the rewards of traditional Society, the lower class members of society can have an alternate to criminal actions. As per the research, crime rates reduce if lower class members receive some sort of government aid, such as an ADC check, free medical, food stamps, and subsidized Housing. (Siegel, 2006). SOCIAL STRUCTURE THEORY SUMMARY OF CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES Sweeping Away Violent Crimes For an effort to develop social stability in disorganized communities, development of crime ridden inter-cities is theorized to be a preventive measure of minimizing crime. The Weed & Seed program is intended for regulating and stopping violent crime and drug abuse in all high crime locations. The objective of this program is to change crime areas with community human services after getting rid of the criminals. (Siegel, 2006). Drug Abusers Photos- SOCIAL PROCESS THEORY DEFINITION/CRIME CAUSATION AS INTERPRETED ACCORDING TO THEORY Hippocrates Social Learning- Criminal behaviors, such as conventional behaviors are learned. Social Control Theory- A persons behavior mirrors their feeling for the society. Labeling Theory- Implies that when a person may act accordingly to his label. As per the social process theory, an individuals Interaction with different organizations and institutions in Society have bearing on their corruption. (Siegel, 2006). Labeled(Ex-Con) Deviant adult Learned Behaviors SOCIAL PROCESS THEORY CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES/EXAMPLES AND RESULTS The implication is to ensure the criminal that he can avoid becoming Labeled (as he might possibly be if he went through a criminal trial that resulted in Conviction) and since he is not being labeled, this may conclude his Criminal behavior. (Siegel, 2006). Counseling Restitution -avoiding trial Vocational program Counseling, educational services, packages that provide work training, offerings for the offender as well as their own households, etc. are a few examples of policy implications. Restitution may be offered in lieu of jail period. These are all examples of stigma-reducing programs. (Siegel, 2006). Photos: SOCIAL PROCESS THEORY SUMMARY OF CRIME PREVENTION METHODS As per L.J Siegel, the social policies have ben greatly influenced by social process theories. Both treatment orientations and community action policies are being controlled by the theories. (Siegel, 2006) SOCIAL CONFLICT DEFINITION/CRIME CAUSATION AS INTERPRETED ACCORDING TO THEORY SOCIAL CONFLICT- Individuals and groups (social classes) within society have differing amounts of material-non material resources(the wealthy vs. the poor)and that the more powerful groups use their power in order to exploit groups with less power.( 6 figure income vs. Minimum wage Rich woman with social status vs. Poor woman with no social status Income from employment vs. Public Assistance GED VS. College degree Photos: SOCIAL CONFLICT THEORY SUMMARY OF CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES Photo: SOCIAL CONFLICT THEORY SUMMARY OF CRIME PREVENTION METHODS Photo: THE TRAIT THEORY DEFINITION OF THEORY/CRIME CAUSATION ACCORDING TO THEORY Psychodynamic Theory –This theory states that a person’s criminal behavior is a result from unconscious motivations during his early childhood.. Behavioral The theory states that an individual’s learned experiences affects the development of their actions.. Cognitive Theory- According to theory, those who are prone to crime may possibly have cognitive deficits. (Siegel, 2006) TRAIT THEORY CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES/EXAMPLES AND RESULTS Psychoanalysis According to the public policy, a society can be protected from the untreatable if the biological affect is controlled. Therapeutic intervention, like psychoanalysis and group therapy, are considered to be preventative methods. (Siegel, 2006). Group counseling Photo- TRAIT THEORY SUMMARY OF CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES The way someone perceives society, and the way he/she functions upon his/her unusual feelings and concepts, all these play a role in person’s behavior. These are considered as the aspects of biochemical factors, psychological traits, neuropsychological factors, and genetic traits. (Siegel, 2006). RATIONAL CHOICE DEFINITION OF THEORY/CRIME CAUSATION AS INTERPRETED ACCORDING TO THEORY According to the rational choice public policy, if crime is logical and people choose to commit crime, then it can be followed by the notion that crime can be prohibited or even exterminated by convincing possible offenders, and conveying that crime is really a bad option, and will not deliver any benefits but painful problems, and deprivation instead. (Siegel, 2006). Right Choices Wrong Choices RATIONAL CHOICE CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES /EXAMPLES AND RESULTS The rational choice public policy states that “If crime is rational and people choose to commit crime, then it follows that crime can be controlled or eradicated by convincing potential offenders that crime is a poor choice that will not bring rewards ,but pain hardship, and deprivation instead” (Siegel, 2006). PHOTOS:HTTP:/WWW.SEARCH.LIVE.COM RATIONAL CHOICE THEORY SUMMARY OF CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES According to rational choice theory, crime and punishment should be relational. DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY DEFINITION OF THEORY/CRIME CAUSATION AS INTERPRETED ACCORDING TO THEORY This particular Developmental concept states that a person’s criminal actions are stemmed from their growth of personality starting right from the time of their birth. Latent Trait View: The theory says that Genetic abnormalities, impulsive personalities, and also the damaged personalities can be the reasons behind an individual’s criminal behavior. Human Nature Theory-This theory suggests that an individuals”genetic Make-up,intelligence and body build may outweigh the importance of Social variables as predictors of criminal activity”(O’Connor,20002008). DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES/EXAMPLES AND RESULTS An example of a crime prevention strategy for the theory is that the particular person requires altering or adding structure to their life, like becoming a member of the military, getting married, going away to varsity, and so on. Researches have found that when individuals get married, it changes their perception of life. Due to new added structure they will not have time or a need to engage in the criminal practices they were formerly engaged in.(Survey of CJ). DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY SUMMARY OF CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGIES The theory talks about an evaluation of the way criminal law is applied just like a method of social control; and it also demonstrates the way power relations create inequities in the U.S. (Siegel, 2006). CONCLUSION BLUMER.T.(OCTOBER 17, 2007).WELFARE ROLLS STILL PLUNGING AFTER ALL THESE YEARS AND STILL UNDERREPORTED.RETRIEVED AUGUST 10, 2008 FROM HTTP://WWW.BLOG.CLEVELAND.COM CRIME THEORY.RETRIEVED--FROM HTTP:/WWW.LEJS.COM/SURVEY_OF_CJ/CH03.HTM ENWIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/SOCIAL_CONFLICT_THEORY HTTP://WWW.IMAGES.SEARCH.YAHOO.COM HTTP:/WWW.SEARCH.LIVE.COM O’CONNOR.T.(2006).CRIMINOLOGY THEORIES.RETRIEVED FROM HTTP://WWW.APSU.EDU/O'CONNOR/CRIMINOLOGY.HTM#UNITS SIEGEL L.J.(2006).CRIMINOLOGY(9TH ED).BELMONT,CA:THOMSON