11 th Grade Portfolio – Core Classes Survey (Part B)
Choose ONE school from the three schools that you used for Core Classes Survey Part A.
Using the internet, find THREE syllabi from courses that are part of the core requirements at that school. The classes must come from 3 different areas of the core general education requirements.
Note: It would be best if you can find three syllabi from ACTUAL courses at the school you have chosen. If you cannot find the syllabus from a course at the school you have chosen, find one from a similar course at a different school.
For example, one of the courses that fulfills a core requirement at John Jay College is Introduction to Anthropology. If you cannot find the actual syllabus for this course on John Jay’s website, you can find a syllabus for a similar course at a different college. If you use google to search “Intro to Anthropology course syllabus CUNY” you will find the syllabus for a similar course at Hunter College.
What school have you chosen?
What are three courses that are part of the core curriculum at this school?
Course #1
What is the title of the course?
Which school is the syllabus you have found from?
Where online can this syllabus be found?
What are the grading criteria? How is each student’s final grade determined?
What Habits of Mind are needed to be successful in the class?
What Habits of Mind do I need to improve in order to be successful in this class? Which ones am I already good at?
How have my classes and projects prepared me for this college class? Cite evidence from at least three projects.
What textbooks, books, and other sources are needed for the class?
Course #2
What is the title of the course?
Which school is the syllabus you have found from?
Where online can this syllabus be found?
What are the grading criteria? How is each student’s final grade determined?
What Habits of Mind are needed to be successful in the class?
What Habits of Mind do I need to improve in order to be successful in this class? Which ones am I already good at?
How have my classes and projects prepared me for this college class? Cite evidence from at least three projects.
What textbooks, books, and other sources are needed for the class?
Course #3
What is the title of the course?
Which school is the syllabus you have found from?
Where online can this syllabus be found?
What are the grading criteria? How is each student’s final grade determined?
What Habits of Mind are needed to be successful in the class?
What Habits of Mind do I need to improve in order to be successful in this class? Which ones am I already good at?
How have my classes and projects prepared me for this college class? Cite evidence from at least three projects.
What textbooks, books, and other sources are needed for the class?
Step 1: Choose the class that you would like to find the syllabus for. Choose from the required courses at the school you have chosen.
Step 2: Try using a google search that includes the name of the college, the name of the course, and the word “syllabus.” For example, “John Jay college Introduction to Anthropology syllabus.”
Step 4: If none of the links from your search produced what you needed, try searching for a syllabus for a similar course at a different college. For example, you might try searching “Introduction to anthropology syllabus college.”
Still no luck? If you continue to have trouble finding the syllabus, you can try searching on the college’s website OR choose a different required course from your chosen college to search.
SUNY Purchase Undergraduate Syllabus Bank https://www.purchase.edu/Departments/academicprograms/CE/syllabi/home.aspx
SUNY New Paltz – Intro to Communication Syllabus http://www.jasonswrench.com/pdf/syllabi/newpaltz/cmm102.pdf
Brookdale Community College – English Composition: The Writing Process Syllabus http://www.brookdalecc.edu/PDFFiles/english_pdf/English%20Syllabuses/Engl_121_syllabus.pdf
CUNY – Hunter College Introduction to Economics Syllabus http://econ.hunter.cuny.edu/oldsite/economics/undergraduate/course_offerings.html
CUNY – John Jay College of Criminal Justice – Intro to Economics http://www.jjay.cuny.edu/departments/economics/Chan.pdf
List of the Courses the fulfill the General Ed Requirements (core class requirements) at John Jay http://johnjay.jjay.cuny.edu/gened/_images/Course_List_for_New_Gen_Ed_ByArea.pdf
CUNY – Brooklyn College Syllabus Bank of Courses in the Natural Sciences Department http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/academics/schools/naturalsciences/undergraduate/computers/syllabi.php
CUNY – Queensborough Community College Intro to Computers and Programming Syllabus http://www.qcc.cuny.edu/pv_obj_cache/pv_obj_id_772B1020623CA070D710CD967CE2B97D74A20900/filename/CS100.pdf
CUNY – Hunter College Department of Geology Syllabus Bank http://www.geo.hunter.cuny.edu/courses/cwpages.html
SUNY Freedonia – Social Sciences: Mass Media and Society Course Syllabus http://www.fredonia.edu/department/communication/102.pdf
SUNY Geneseo – Department of Political Science and International Relations Syllabus Bank. http://www.geneseo.edu/political_science/syllabi
CUNY – Hunter College Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/anthropology/faculty-staff/full-timefaculty/edelman-marc/repository/files/Anthropology%20101%20F2009.pdf