Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Accounting Periods & Methods & Depreciation
Income Tax Fundamentals 2008
Gerald E. Whittenburg &
Martha Altus-Buller
Student’s Copy
Accounting Periods
Problem when taxpayer’s tax year differs
from calendar year – quite rare
Partnerships don’t pay tax as an entity
 Tax year must be the same tax year as 50% of
 If majority of partners’ tax years are different,
must use tax year of principal partners
Principal partner is partner with at least 5% share
in profits or capital
If principal partners have different tax years,
partners required to use least aggregate
deferral method (see pp. 7-2 – 7-3)
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Tax Year for Personal Service Corporation
A Personal Service Corporation (PSC) is a
corporation with shareholder-employees whom
provide a personal service
For example, architects or dentists
Generally must adopt calendar year
Can adopt a fiscal year if
Can prove business purpose
Fiscal year results in a deferral period of less than 3
months and
Shareholders’ salaries for deferral period are proportionate to
salaries received during rest of the period
Corporation limits its deduction [see next slide]
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Short Period Taxable Income
If taxpayer has a short year [other than first/last
year of operation], tax calculated based on
following example:
Example: In 2007, Fed-Mex changes from a
calendar year to tax year ending 9/30. For the short
period 1/1/07 – 9/30/07, Fed-Mex’s TI = $20,000.
Calculate tax for the short period
 Annualize TI
20,000 x 12/9 = 26,667
 Tax on annualized TI
26,667 x 15% = 4,000
 Allocate tax to short period 4,000 x 9/12 = $3,000
Individual taxpayers rarely change tax years
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Accounting Methods
There are three acceptable accounting methods
for reporting taxable income [TI]
must use same method
for tax & books
Must use one method consistently
Make an election on your first return by filing using a
particular method
Must obtain permission from IRS to change accounting
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Accounting Methods [continued]
Accrual method
Recognize income when earned and can be
reasonably estimated
Recognize deduction when incurred and can
be reasonably estimated
Hybrid method
An example of a hybrid taxpayer is one that
utilizes cash method for receipts and
disbursements, but accrual for cost of
products sold
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Depreciation [Form 4562]
Depreciation is a process of allocating
and deducting the cost of assets over
their useful lives
Does not mean devaluation of asset
Land is not depreciated
Maintenance vs. depreciation
Maintenance expenses are incurred to
keep asset in good operating order
Depreciation refers to deducting part of
the original cost of the asset
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Personal Property Recovery Periods
With MACRS, each asset is depreciated
according to an IRS-specified recovery period
3 year
5 year
7 year
ADR* midpoint of 4 years or less
Computer, cars and light
trucks, R&D equipment, certain energy
property & certain equipment
Mostly business furniture and equipment
and property with no ADR life
*See book for Asset Depreciation Range [ADR] classifications
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Personal Property
Depreciation is determined using IRS tables
Table 2 on p. 7-9
Salvage value not used in MACRS
Tables based on half-year convention
1/2 year depreciation taken in year of acquisition
 1/2 year depreciation taken in final year
May elect to use tables based on straight-line
Table 3 on p. 7-10
Must use either MACRS or straight-line for all
property in a given class placed in service during
that year
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Mid-Quarter Convention
Mid-quarter convention is required if taxpayer
purchases 40% or more of total assets (except
real estate) in the last quarter of tax year
Must apply this convention to every asset purchased in
the year
Excludes real property and §179 property
Must use special mid-quarter tables
 Found at major tax service such as Commerce
Clearing House [CCH] or Research Institute of America
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Real Estate
Real assets depreciated based on a recovery
period depending on type of property
 Real assets are depreciated using the
straight-line method with a mid-month
convention (Table 4 on p. 7-12)
 Used for real estate acquired after 1986
Treats all acquisitions/dispositions as occurring
mid-month [mid-month convention]
27.5 years: Residential rental
39 years: Nonresidential
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Election to Expense - §179
§179 allows immediate expensing of qualifying property
For 2007, the annual amount allowed is $125,000
Qualifying property is tangible personal property used in a
But not real estate or off-the-shelf computer software
§179 election to expense is limited by 2 things
If cost of qualifying property placed in service in a year >
$500,000, then reduce §179 expense $ for $
For example, if assets purchased in current year =
$600,000, then $100,000 reduction in §179 capability so
limited to $125,000 – 100,000 = $25,000 election to expense
and the remaining 575,000 of basis is depreciated over
assets’ useful lives.
Cannot take §179 expense in excess of taxable
income - may carry forward any unused amount
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Election to Expense - §179
When using with regular MACRS, take §179 first,
then reduce basis to calculate MACRS
For example
In 2007, NanoPaint Inc. placed a seven-year piece of
property into service costing $142,000 when taxable
income = $1.25 million. Total asset purchases =
$217,000. What is total depreciation including election
to expense?
First – claim $125,000 deduction under §179, reduce
basis to $17,000, then multiply by 14.29% MACRS rate
 [125,000] + [17,000 x 14.29%] = $127,429 total
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