Why Metro? - Phoenix Union High School District

Metro Tech High School
An Academic Magnet School
1900 W. Thomas Road
Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Metro Tech History:
1945: West High School
Mission: High School Graduation
1979: Phoenix Vocational Academic Center
Mission: Vocational Training
1985: Metro Tech Vocational Institute of Phoenix
Mission: Vocational Training
1999: Metro Tech High School
Mission: College and Career Readiness
Who is Metro Tech?
● 1450 Full-Time, All Day Students
● 1070 CTE Dual Students (20 CTE Programs)
● 89% of our Students Qualify for Free/Reduced
● 75% of our Second Language Learners
Who is Metro Tech?
● Attendance Rate: 95.2%
● Annual Dropout Rate: .6%
● Four year Grad Rate: 88.2%
● Students with no Serious Discipline: 99.3%
Who is Metro Tech?
AIMS 2012 Spring, 10th Grade
AIMS 10th grade
Metro Tech
Today, our mission is to prepare our students for
success in college, career, and life.
Metro Tech is an early adopter of the
Move On When Ready Initiative
Move On When Ready
What is it?
• Arizona SB 1451 introduced and signed into law during
the 2011 legislative session.
• Twelve participating schools in Arizona
• Four participating states under NCEE support
• Offers qualified students multiple pathways at end of
sophomore year (GCD)
• Designed to increase college-readiness for all
The Arizona Move On When Ready Strategy in Practice
Grade 12
Grade 11
Upper Division
2 yr Open
Arizona Community
Full-Time Career
and Technical
Education Study
Leading to
Grand Canyon High School Diploma
Students can qualify for this performance-based diploma
as early as the end of grade 10
Grade 10
Grade 9
Students continue
in Lower Division
and retake the
Board Exams in
grade 11 and 12 if
not initially passed
Lower Division Board Examination Systems
(different providers available; complete instructional systems)
Designed for all students
Options already available to students
College and Career Ready
Board Examination Systems are complete instructional systems designed for all students that comprise a core
academic program; systems include syllabi, instructional materials, exams aligned to the curriculum, and teacher
professional development.
This year we have our first cohort of
students eligible for the
Grand Canyon Diploma
Next year we hope to provide this
opportunity to all incoming freshman
How is Metro Tech becoming a truly
college preparatory school?
1. Students are expected to achieve high academic
standards in a college preparatory curriculum
At Metro Tech
• all students are measured by the ACT test collegereadiness assessment at Freshman, Sophomore and
Junior years
• all students are provided the ACT QC curriculum in
all core subjects
How is Metro Tech becoming a
college preparatory school?
2. The school staff is collectively committed to
students’ college goals
At Metro Tech
• our staff believes in their responsibility to prepare
every student for college, not just those in honors or
AP classes
• all students plot their 4 + 4 plan (ECAP) that
becomes a part of their academic portfolio
How is Metro Tech becoming a
college preparatory school?
3. College is a visual reality
At Metro Tech
• all freshmen spend a day on the ASU campus where
they can build or support their vision of the college
• all students see staff wear college t-shirts once a
month and they hear college fight songs as sprint bells
How is Metro Tech becoming a
college preparatory school?
4. Informal and formal communication networks
promote and support college expectations
At Metro Tech
• our Writing Center tutoring center is staffed by ASU
education majors
• our parents are invited to participate in the
American Dream Academy and our College Parents
How is Metro Tech becoming a
college preparatory school?
How are we doing?
We started aligning our curriculum to the ACT
standards and aiming for ACT results rather than AIMS
results two years ago. Since then we have increased
the percentage of students who are “college-ready”
for math by 12% and for English by 15% as measured
by the ACT test:
from 2009 -2011
% of students meeting benchmark in math (10% to 22%)
% of students meeting benchmark in English (15% to 30%)
We recognize that the high school experience is
more than just an academic one. We emphasize
the social and emotional skills as well.
• We have added Advisory Classes this year
• We continue to add new sports programs
Metro Tech is a Community where
√ Students feel challenged
√ Students feel safe
√ Students feel valued
√ Students feel on-track for success in college,
career and life
How to reach us:
Principal: Kate McDonald (senior grade level)
Assistant Principal: Evie Pletenik (freshman grade level)
Assistant Principal: Dennis Gregory (sophomore grade level)
Assistant Principal: Martha Sheffield (junior grade level)
Dean of Students: Nikki Powell