ESLEO Animal Farm Unit 2 Test Answers

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ESLEO Animal Farm Unit 2 Test
Overall Expectations:
* read and demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts for different purposes;
* use a variety of reading strategies throughout the reading process to extract meaning from texts;
* locate and extract relevant information from written and graphic texts for a variety of purposes.
* write in a variety of forms for different purposes and audiences;
* organize ideas coherently in writing;
* use correctly the conventions of written English appropriate for this level, including grammar, usage,
spelling, and punctuation;
Part 1: Short Answer Questions - Knowledege / Inquiry / Communication
Answer four (4) of the following questions in sentence form. Make sure you write
proper sentences.
1. What is communism? How is it demonstrated in Animal Farm? (3)
Communism is government ownership of social services. It is demonstrated in
Animal Farm when the animals own all of the farm and share its resources.
2. Who is Joseph Stalin and who represents him in Animal Farm? (3)
Joseph Stalin was the leader of Russia after its revolution. Napoléon
represents him in the book because he is the evil leader of the farm.
3. Who is Old Major? Who does he represent? (3)
Old Major is the pig who gives the motivating speech at the beginning of the
novella. He represents Karl Marx.
4. Boxer says, “I will work harder,” and “Napoléon is always right.” Who is
Boxer and why are these statements important? (3)
Boxer is the hardworking horse on Animal Farm. He follows Napoleon blindly
and acts like a peasant farmer in Russia.
5. What is The Windmill? What does it represent? (3)
The Windmill is something that the animals create. It gives the farm power.
The Windmill represents oppression because the animals are slaves when
they build it.
6. What is the Rebellion? What happens in it and why is it important? (3)
The rebellion is when the animals take over the farm from Jones. It is
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important because it shows the strength of the animals (people).
Part 2: Long Answer Questions – Application / Communication
Answer both the two (2) questions below in paragraph form. (1 paragraph each).
Make sure you write in proper paragraph form and give examples to support
your answers.
1. What is propaganda and how is propaganda used in Animal Farm? (5)
Propaganda is a tool that governments use to manipulate their people. It can
be in written form or in picture form. In Animal Farm Squealer uses it when he
tells the animals if they do not do what Napoleon says that Jones will come
back. It is also shown when they change the 7 commandments repeatedly so
that the animals will follow.
2. How do the 7 Commandments change? Why is this important? (5)
The 7 Commandments change so that there is less equality than before.
Animals at the beginning were all equal and they were to never act as humans
(drink liquor or sleep in a bed), but as the novella goes on and the pigs get
more control they change the commandments so that the animals will listen to
them. They eventually change to ‘All Animals Are Equal But Some Animals Are
More Equal Than Others.’ This means that the pigs are now fully in charge and
the animals must listen to them.