Call for Application to be a European Talent Point The 2014 General Assembly of ECHA agreed that ECHA will support, regulate and guide the formation of a European Talent Support Network. Aims and details of the European Talent Support Network can be found in the document downloadable from: European Talent Centres form the hubs of this Network. The first 14 European Talent Centres (see their list here: were accredited in July 2015, they started the work of the European Talent Support Network on the 29th September 2015. European Talent Points will be the nodes of the European Talent Support Network. The notion of hubs (Talent Centres) and nodes (Talent Points) of the forming European Talent Support Network does not mean a hierarchical structure. European Talent Centres should be considered as coordinating centers. European Talent Points are encouraged to develop contacts with any other European Talent Points or Centres. European Talent Points will be registered by a European Talent Centre. Applications for European Talent Point registration should be sent to the European Talent Centre of the same country or to a that of country as specified below. In the registration process the European Talent Centre will check the data submitted by the European Talent Point. Registered European Talent Points may participate in the cooperation of the European Talent Support Network, and will be listed in the European Talent Map. The European Talent Centres invite European talent support organisations to submit their application to become a European Talent Point. Examples for possible European Talent Point organisations are: • organisations/institutions focusing mainly on talent support: research, identification, development of highly able young (and/or older) people (e. g: schools, university departments, talent centres, excellence centres, art- or sport-organisations focusing to talent development, NGOs, etc.); • talent-related policy maker organisations on national or international level (ministries, local authorities); • business corporations with talent management programmes (talent identification, corporate responsibility programmes, creative climate); • organisations of young (and/or older) people participating in talent support programmes; • organisations of parents of highly able children; • or an umbrella organisation (network) of the organisational types above. A European Talent Point: • has a strategy/action plan connected to talent (e.g. identification, various forms of support including complex programmes, enrichment, competitions, etc., research, education, training, curriculum development, career planning, etc.) and a practice of this plan for minimum one year; • is willing to share information on its talent support practices and other talent-related matters with other European Talent Points and European Talent Centres (by e.g. sharing programmes, the strategy/action plan, needs of target groups, data supporting its 1 minimum one year of practice, best practices/research results on the web, organising/attending joint conferences, organising/attending joint Talent Days, etc.); • is willing to cooperate with other European Talent Points including participation in joint programmes, promote related programmes of other European Talent Points, being open to be visited by representatives, experts, and/or talented young (and/or older) people of other European Talent Points. To apply please fill in the Application Form provided below and send it to the European Talent Centre email address specified below by 31 January 2016 the latest. This Call of Applications can be published, and applications can be submitted in the mother tongue, too, but non English speaking European Talent Point candidates must be able to communicate in at least one more European language besides their mother tongue and the receiving European Talent Centre should ensure that a summary of the application is submitted in English, or is translated to English. European Talent Points will be re-evaluated in each third year as to whether they still fulfil the selection criteria. Email addresses where European Talent Point applications or further questions on the application process should be sent. Austria: Institute TIBI: or ÖZBF: Belgium (also receiving applications from France and Luxembourg): Czech Republic (also receiving applications from Poland): Germany: Hungary (also receiving applications from Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine) Ireland (also receiving applications from the UK): Italy (also receiving applications from Cyprus, Greece, Portugal and Spain): Lithuania (also receiving applications from Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine): The Netherlands (also receiving applications from the Scandinavian countries): Slovakia: Slovenia (also receiving applications from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia): Switzerland: Turkey (also receiving applications from, countries of the Caucasian region, as well as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan): 2 European Talent Point Application Form 1. Name of organisation: Please write the name of your European Talent Point here in English and in the native language) 1. English name: 2. Name in the native language: 2. Contact person's data (For non English speaking European Talent Point candidates, please provide data of a contact person, who is able to communicate in a different language than your mother tongue and specify languages) Name: Email: Phone: Postal address: Country City Postal code Street address Able to communicate in the following languages besides the mother tongue: 3. European Talent Point data Email (if different from that above): Phone (if different from that above): Postal address (if different from that above): Country City Postal code Street address Web-site: http:// English summary of the Web-site (mandatory): http:// Facebook: Twitter: Existence of best practice descriptions, publications and other information available (max. 100 words) 4. Previous cooperation experience with any other European Talent Centres than the Centre where the application is submitted (tick as many as applies) ☐ ☐ Austria: Austrian Research and Support Centre for the Gifted and Talented (; Austria: Institute TIBI (; 3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Belgium: Exentra Centre (; Czech Republic Talent Centre of National Institute for Further Education (; Estonia Gifted and Talented Development Centre (; Germany: International Centre for the Study of Giftedness (ICBF) of the Universities of Muenster Osnabrueck and Nijmegen (; Hungary: European Talent Centre Budapest ( and; Ireland: CTY Ireland (; Italy: Italian Association for Gifted and Talented Students (; Lithuania: National Student Academy (; The Netherlands: Talent Centre for the Netherlands ( and; Slovakia: LEAF (; Slovenia: Centre for Research and Promotion of Giftedness at Faculty of Education University of Ljubljana (; Switzerland: University of Education and Teacher Training, Northwestern Switzerland (; Turkey: EPTS Centre - Centre for Research and Practice on Gifted Education at Anadolu University. 5. Type of organisation (tick as many as applies) ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ organisations/institutions focusing mainly on talent support: research, identification, development of highly able young (and/or older) people (e. g: schools, university departments, talent centres, excellence centres, art, or sport-organisations focusing to talent development, NGOs, etc.); talent-related policy makers on national or international level (ministries, local authorities); business corporations with talent management programmes (talent identification, corporate responsibility programmes, creative climate); organisations of young (and/or older) people participating in talent support programmes; organisations of parents of highly able children; an umbrella organisation (network) of the organisational types above; any other type of organisations, namely: ........................................... 6. Mission Statement of the Talent Point. Please describe your strategy/action plan (including your goals and intentions) connected to talent development e.g. identification, various forms of support including complex programmes, enrichment, competitions, etc., research, education, training, curriculum development, carrier planning, etc. (max 250 words) 4 7. Expertise, activity and success in helping talented young (and/or older) people. Describe and document the extent of talent support-related activities compared to the total activities of your organisation. Please describe your past and present activities in this field, their results and effects, and document when your activities started and how many people were generally involved in them. (max 750 words) 8. Please describe your past experiences, and future plans for cooperation. Planned cooperation activities are preferably listed with goals, indicators of success and possible sources for funding. Possible cooperation activities are listed in the bullet points below (max 500 words) • Sharing information on its talent support practices and other talent-related matters with other European Talent Points and European Talent Centres (by e.g. sharing programmes, the strategy/action plan, needs of target groups, data supporting its minimum one year of practice, best practices/research results on the web, organising/attending joint conferences, organising/attending joint Talent Days, etc.). • Cooperating with other European Talent Points including participation in joint programmes, promote related programmes of other European Talent Points, being open to be visited by representatives, experts, and/or talented young (and/or older) people of other European Talent Points. 9. As a European Talent Point what can you offer to the forming of a European Talent Support Network? (max 250 words) 10. Summary of the European Talent Point information in English (max 500 words, as a summary of answers 6 to 9, if the application was not submitted in English; note: this section may be provided by the receiving European Talent Centre, if mutually agreed) Important notes: Please ensure that your responses to the questions remain within the word-limitations given. Shorter responses than the specified word-limitations are possible and are most welcome. The European Talent Centre will check the accuracy of your application. During this process the European Talent Centre may ask the applicants for some more specification. Applications will remain confidential. 5